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  • The Origins of Publicly Used in the Hungarian Patent Law

    It was obvious at the creation of the 37th Act of 1895 on the patent rights of inventions, that the protection of patents is a subjective right based on objective conditions, and in connection to this, the discretionality of both the monarch and any other state organizations. For the purposes of this act, the requirements of petantibility were: novelity; invetnion; susceptible of industrial application. Some of these criteria the article is presented the novelity, especially the case of publicly used. Under the first patent act, any new invetion capebla of being used industrialy can be patented, except medicines, food for men and animals, and chemical products, and if the Goverment opposes, warlike inventions. An invention was new, if it had not been published in print anywhere, or publicly worked, or patented by others in the realm. As a result the study is presented the evolituon of „publicly used” from the first patent act by the end of the second world war.

  • Judicial review of company decisions in the view of jurisprudence

    The study presents in detail and in a systematic way the legal rules of judicial review of decisions of companies in the light of case law.

    The study describes when a review of a decision can be requested, who the parties are, how the time limit for bringing an action is set, what kind of decision the court can issue, groups and describes typical infringement decisions, and then distinguishes the legal institution from the judicial oversight.

  • Self-Driving Cars and Criminal Liability

    After clarifying the concepts of automated and autonomous vehicles, the purpose of the study is to investigate how reasonable the criminal sanction is arising from accidents caused by autonomous vehicles. The next question to be answered is that the definition of the crime according to the Hungarian law may be applied in case of traffic related criminal offences caused by automated and autonomous vehicles. During my research I paid special attention to two essential elements of criminal offence, namely the human act and guilt. Furthermore, I strived for finding solution for the next problem, as well: if the traffic related criminal offence is committed by driving an autonomous vehicle, how to define the subject of criminal liability.

  • Money floating away in Public Health - Case study of a criminal procedure lasting for years

    In the financing of the Public Health System, it has a particular significance on the one hand that those obligated do pay the required taxes and levies (Health contribution) in order, and on the other, to use the already available resources only to the purpose that laws allow.

    The institutes that provide public health care services maintain themselves in part or on the whole on the support of the central budget or the Health Insurance Fund. The criteria listed by Law indicate and limit on what the institutes may spend the amount of funds receivedwhich areas should they strive to develop.

    The question arises that how other chargessuch as expenses related to the quality management system, can fit into this well-defined scope. In my opinion, it would be possible to avoid the giving away of unrealistically large amounts of money to semi-, or fully illegal businesses with greater circumspection, because otherwise too many sources are distracted from Health Care.

  • The legal consequences of the unlawful termination of the employment relationship by the employer in the light of Act I of 2012 on the Labor Code

    Highlighting the consequences of the illegal termination of the employment by the employer, the thesis presents its recent short historical background, development direction, current regulation – mainly the Act I of 2012 on the Labor Code (Mt.) 82. § (1), (2) and (4)
    paragraphs –, especially the practical application of the judicial experience accumulated over more than ten years. The thesis covers the legal basis of the labor law claims presented against the employer's decisions in question, as well as the summativeness of the issues, calling for help the case decisions of the higher courts, i.e. either the judgment boards or the Kúria, made in similar matters, which can be considered as guidelines in the application of the law.

  • Functional Analysis of Damage Charges

    Replacing the legal institution for non-pecuniary damages burdensome by previous theoretical and practical contradictions, Act V of 2013 (Civil Code) introduces damage charges as a separate sanction for violation of personal rights, which has dual functions: on the one hand, it aims for the person being injured in its personal rights receive a monetary allowance that approximates or compensates for the non-material damage suffered. On the other hand, it can also be considered as a punishment under private law for the prevention of similar infringements, as a deterrent.

    According to the intended interpretation, the damage charge can only be applied if it is able to fulfill its function, i.e. if no non-pecuniary damage can be detected for which the damage charge is intended for proportional compensation (primarily), it has no place at all since in the case of infringements leaving the personality untouched, only the punitive function would be exercised, which is completely incompatible with the inherently remedial, corrective nature of private law. According to the unanimous opinion of the legal literature, the compensatory function should have priority and private punishment only take precedence of a secondary nature. On the basis of my work, it is noticeable that judges also consider damage charges as a legal instrument to repair the immaterial injuries suffered and to compensate for the lost pleasures of life, and to not order it upon preventive reasons solely, but in the plurality of cases, preventive function is being evaluated as a factor enhancing the amount of the damage. In my study, I wish to analyze from several aspects, how the dual function of the damage charge is assessed by the courts concerning present cases, by highlighting which nature is protruding concerning the amount or the legal basis. As the research is basically empirical, I will examine through as many judgments as possible, what aspects the courts evaluate in the framework of the compensational (e.g.: physical injuries, mental changes, age, family life of the victim, change in lifestyle, etc.) and of the preventive function (e.g. the gravity of the infringement, its protracted nature, etc.). Finally, I would like to answer the central question of my thesis: what function does practice attribute to the payment of damage charges.

  • Does the Ebktv. provide adequate protection on the labor market for child-raising? Equal employment of pregnant women and parents in Hungary

    In the recent years, there were several government programs in Hungary aiming to boost the number of childbirths, mainly through direct financial support for parents. But undertaking the commitment to raise a child is not just a financial issue for parents, and especially women. The work – life balance is just as important for many, especially for college-educated ones.

    My paper aims to examine the legal framework of the equal treatment focused on the abovementioned situation, about how it can prevent the discrimination of pregnant women and parents in the workforce. I briefly look at the legal development of the area in the European Union, and the most relevant issues and procedural questions in the Hungarian Act CXXV of 2003 on equal treatment and the promotion of equal opportunities. For the main part of the paper, I focus on the case law of the Equal Treatment Authority, on how certain conducts (direct or indirect discrimination, harassment, victimization) surface in relation to childbearing and child raising, how did the Authority decide in these cases, and how do these decisions affect the practice of this field. The Kúria is also a substantial actor in this area, as the highest court in the country, its binding uniformity decisions hold significant weight for the law of equal treatment, therefore I examine some of its important decisions.

    In the end, I summarize my findings. In today’s labor market, pregnant women and parents face discrimination, this is especially true for pregnant women on probationary period. Employers feel burdened if an employee gets pregnant, and in some cases, they still try to lay off women who do not put their career ahead of family. Overall, I conclude that the legal framework is satisfactory, but several underlying social issues will continue to generate obstacles if the employers’ and society’s view about motherhood and roles in the family will not change.

  • Enforcement options in case of abuse of unilateral power in the field of working time

    Apart from the aforementioned provisions of Act CXVI of 2018 amending the Labour Code's rules on working time, nowhere in our current legislation is there a meaningful request for employee consent on the subject of working time, which - even if an employer's ultima ratio is maintained - would be extremely beneficial, in our view, not only from a fundamental rights and social, but also from an economic-efficiency perspective. The fulfilment of the aforementioned obligation to harmonise EU law would also undoubtedly bring benefits in this area. However, it should be noted that European Union legislation does not provide a satisfactory solution to these problems either, as it does not itself contain sufficient legislative provisions to involve the employee side in decisions on working time/working patterns. In our view, the only solution would be a domestic legislative reform that would provide a solution to all the problems identified in our study in line with EU law, but with its own solutions.

  • Fundamental, labor law and human resource management approach of the judical workload and case allocation

    In my study I try to walk around the topic of the judical workload and case allocation, which raises a lot of principle questions. The fundamental approach makes me to examine the Constitution and the human resource management factor too: what kind of correlations can we find between the workload and the fundamental rights. In my oppinion the connection point is the motivation, incentive management.

  • Comparison of condemnation and declarative litigation, special conditions of declarative claims

    For the first, I think that it is necessary to make clear what action is.

    The action the application to the proposal of which the half interested in the debate is entitled and the court passes judgement on it. Bringing an action to the court is the prerequisite of the setting in motion of the civil action procedure.

    The plaintiff asks it for the restoration of his violated subjective right practically in the action of detaining to oblige the defendant. The object of the action of detaining the claim originating from the violated subjective right, the controversial material legal contractual relationship, his content though the plaintiff’s application, that let the court oblige it defendant onto a particular activity, abstaining from it.

    Basic rule: action of detaining expired in case of claims only enforceable. The action of assessment in so much action of detaining, that it positively aims at the court establishing it for the plaintiff’s right and the existence of the defendant’s asking to stay being mentioned.

    It being possible to initiate action of assessments has two conditions conjunctive: the legal defence for the claim of his necessity and the impossibility of the vindication. The content and the consequences of the action of assessment considering too narrower than the action of detaining.

    The plaintiff’s aim in the action of assessment, that the court clears up whether one of the contractual relationships exist with a judgement or not, it does not claim him accomplishing a defendant’s active behaviour beyond this. The deficiency of the execution follows from this, the giving onto an end which can be grown in the part of a judgement saying detaining in the legal charge only.

    Verifiable, that the action of assessment independent legal defence device quality actions. Categorically cannot be declared, if action of detaining possible, assessment one is not eligible. The clarification of the situation and correcting him wait for the legislator however.

  • Consumer insolvency in the European Union

    Almost all modern civil legal systems respect property rights as a privileged and fundamental right, which means the property rights of individuals cannot be restricted or taken away without due process of law. In the case of insolvency proceedings, the person's right to property is violated, as the debtor is deprived of this right, at least partially. In such situations, the property rights of the debtor and the creditor are strained against each other, even to such level that the debtor's livelihood and alimentation is threatened by the satisfaction of the creditor's demands. During insolvency proceedings, we should restore the property rights relationship that was broken on the part of the creditor as a result of the debtor's behavior at the expense of the debtor's assets, ensuring that the debtor's interests are also protected, and that the proceedings take into account the interests of both parties. National lawmakers should, therefore, take several aspects into account to create the material and procedural legislation on the basis of which property of private individuals can also be subject to insolvency proceedings. Lawmakers should act in an environment where, due to the impact of globalization, it is no longer evident that the debtor and the creditor are citizens of the same country. This is the reason it is also important to examine how the European Union regulates insolvency proceedings in the case of consumer over-indebtedness in a manner that crosses national borders and still remains inside the Union.

  • The psichological aspects of the false facts of the case in the sentence

    Psychology plays a main role in the criminal procedure. The psychological methods started being used only in the 19th century. During the legal proceedings the autorities must deal with people. The behavior of the people is very different. The authorities must know the basic rules of the psichology to understand the accused people and witneses. The human memory has a lot of regularity. The knowledge of these regularities make easier the efforts of the authorities to get the truts. The importance of the pschichological knowledge in the legal occupation is unquestional. Overbearing police methods creat too high risk of false confession and are not likely to yield factually reliable information from the accused. A significant number of confessions that result in wrongful convictions are obtained through coercive questioning. This paper examines false confessions and discusses the psychological and social factors that influence the verdict in criminal procedure and how often do false confessions lead to miscarriages of justice. In determining the admissibility of confession evidence, the courts have to considere factors such as mental abuse in addition to physical force and threats.