

Ergebnis der Suche

  • Az igazságügyi szakértői tevékenység az állami szerepvállalás tükrében

    This is an essay about the connection between the judicial experts and the public sector. The expert opinion has a special role in the system of the envindeces in the criminal procedure. The expert opinion as a kind of evidence has a short history in the criminal procedure, because this evidence is the product of the new age. The second difference from the other evidences that the judicial expert needs a special quality, and because of this cause the law rules controls who has premitted to become expert and make expert opinion. The Criminal Procedure Act controls when should and when must delegate a judicial expert the criminal procedure. Consequently the state has a main role in connection with the activity of the experts by the law rules.

    In the first part I show the short history of the appearance of the expert opinion in the criminal procedure.

    In the second part I show the main law rules in connection with the judicial experts, and I write about the expert chambers, the list of experts, and the professional institutes and corporations.

    The third part is about the fees and taxes in connection with the judicial experts. In this part I show the problems about who have to pay the fees in the end of the criminal procedure. The acitvity of the judicial expert is always expensive, so the expeneses can grow quickly. If the accused is acquited the expense will stay in encumbrance of the state, and if the accused is convicted, the accused will have to pay the expenses. So this expenses are enourmous encumbrances for everyone. This problem has waited solution yet. Reduction of  costs or hunting out  justice ?  Sometimes very hard to decide, which one is the better. The judicial experts also work in the private sector. The competition of the judicial experts is big in the private sector, and this phenomenon is influences the private prices.

    The end of the essay is a summary which contains my main conclusions.

  • Az online személyiségi jogsértések a bírói gyakorlatban

    This essay examines the judicial practice of infringements of personality rights in the online media. The purpose is to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection of legal regulation.

    The new media law that came into force in 2011 does not include specific measure for online media products, so it is up to the judicial practice to find a solution to tackle the problems brought forth by the differences of online and print press.

    Being a legal area where the legal development activity of the judicial practice plays a significant role due to the broad framework of regulation, the joint interpretation of legislation and the practice is necessary to evaluate. Thus the evaluation of the effectiveness of the protection of personality rights is only possible with the joint examination of legal environment and judicial practice.

    The starting point is the observation of the characteristics of online media and the comparison with print media through elements that can be relevant in a lawsuit.

    The investigation of the judicial practice focuses on the infringement of personality law and the process of press correction, considering that these are the most frequently occurring legal actions in lawsuits.

  • Hol a határ? - Gondolatok az aktív bírói szerepfelfogás egyes kérdéseiről

    A polgári perrendtartásról szóló 2016. évi CXXX. a permenedzser bíró képét vezette be a magyar perjogban. E felfogás szerint a bírónak aktívan részt kell vennie az eljárás során, amely nem csupán a jogalkotó szándéka, hanem nemzetközi elvárás is egyben. A bíróság közrehatási tevékenysége elnevezésű alapelv arra hatalmazza fel és kötelezi a bírót, hogy a felek eljárástámogatási kötelezettségének teljesítéséhez járuljon hozzá a per koncentrálása érdekében. Ez azt is jelenti, hogy anyagi pervezetést kell alkalmaznia, amennyiben a felek perfelvételi nyilatkozatai hiányosak, homályosak, nem kellően részletezettek vagy éppen ellentmondóak. Ugyanakkor ez az aktív közrehatás semmiképp sem jelenthet jogi tanácsadást, ugyanis a bíró nem veheti sem a felek, sem a jogi képviselők feladatait. A bírói aktivitás célja a felek igényérvényesítési lehetőségének és a jogvédelem megfelelő szintű biztosítása. Az aktív bíró képe eredetileg az 1895-ben törvényi szintre ültetett osztrák szociális perjogmodellből származik. Azonban a magyar perjogtól sem idegen e felfogás, hiszen az 1911. évi I. törvénycikk (Plósz-féle Pp.) is szintén a bírói aktivitáson alapult. A tanulmány célja, hogy meghatározza az aktív bírói szerepfelfogás lényegét és rendeltetését. Ezentúl megvizsgálom, hogy milyen helyzetekben és milyen eljárási szakaszokban indokolt a bírói közrehatás. Továbbá elsősorban egyes jogértelmező testületek állásfoglalásainak elemzésével a bíró aktivitás korlátjait is meghatározni szándékozom.

  • A fedezeti elv és a becsérték az adóvégrehajtás rendszerében

    In my essay I’m trying to answer some questions in the topic of the appraisal of real property. During my work – in National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary – I daily meet the problem that the process of appraisal is very complex activity because of many internal and external factors. It needs great attention because the appraised value influences the execution of movable and immovable property and determines the purchase price in compulsory auctions. With this in mind it effects on refundation of tax debt. It is important to note at the same time that the target of the execution is not the recovery of the debt at any cost; at least essential guaranteed procedures which protect the rights of the debtors. In the following lines I focus the operative legislation of the tax execution proceeding and I describe the concerning judicial precedent with particular attention te case law of the Supreme Court. The importance of the subject presented by some decisions of the Constitutional Court. In my opinion without exaggeration the theme is so interesting the recently changed legislation cannot be connected to it because in theory anyone can get into a life situation that execution proceeding so it is worth knowing some rules about it.

  • Társasági üzletrész értékelése házastársi vagyonmegosztási perekben Szakértői bizonyítás – Szakértői kompetencia

    New types of assets has appeared in property lawsuits in the past 25 years, such as company shares (one of the most important kind of valuable rights). This fact made forensic experts - who deal with evaluation of these assets - to obtain additional comprehensive knowledge.  The Kuria quoted that "the expert opinion is an underlying proof for the court judgment, an objective and precise means of proof, which usually affects directly the decisions of the court," and I think the date of the completion of the trial can be affected significantly.

    The author of the study and writing of the addition was designed to court pointed out weaknesses in the analyzed case by case decisions perceived peer involvement draws the attention of the interested public on the company's assessment of literature on the importance of knowledge. To that aim the light of the experience gained from the analysis of the case law, above all, the study seeks to publish the company's fundamental valuation basic concepts summarize the literature on the same value in generally accepted and applied definitions and outline the applicable assessment methods. It is certain that the regulation of property relations in the new Code requires the renewal of judicial regulation of professional activity as well.