
A foglalkoztatáspolitikai eszközök szabályozásának változása napjainkban

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Rab, H. . (2006). A foglalkoztatáspolitikai eszközök szabályozásának változása napjainkban. Debreceni Jogi Műhely, 3(2). https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/DJM/article/view/6501

The aim of the present essay is to give an overview of the means of the employment policy through the analysis and construction of the relevant statutory intruments and legal rules.

During the treatment of the means of the employment policy this essay tooks the classification accepted by the scientific literature as a basis therefore it deals with these instruments divided into two big groups.

Among the active types of the means of the employment policy the direct and also the indirect kinds of benefits of the jobless and unemployed are treated here.

Among the passive types of means those instruments are presented which are to succeed the unemployment benefit and the unemployment allowance such as jobsearch benefit and jobsearch allowance.

The definition of ‘employment policy’ is widely construed that is why this definition comprises the classical instruments of Labour Law and in a separate subsection the subsidy of the atypical legal relations of employment are also presented.