
A szociális jogok alkotmányjogi megközelítése a hazai és nemzetközi környezetben

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Rab, H. . (2008). A szociális jogok alkotmányjogi megközelítése a hazai és nemzetközi környezetben. Debreceni Jogi Műhely, 5(4), 12-22. https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/DJM/article/view/6275

The aim of the study is to demonstrate how many different legal approaches are there to the judgment of social rights. This varied approach lets us view the subject in several different perspectives, shading the evolving first impression.

During my disquisition I analyzed how effective are the tools protecting social rights, that can help us to understand and accept the legal practice of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. Doing this by not only approaching the question through legal theory, but also aiming to synthesize it with economic reasoning through a legal filter.

This complex approach creates the opportunity for a new platform of analysis when examining individually each social right.