
A csalás értelmezési lehetőségei az osztrák büntetőjogban

April 1, 2009
How To Cite
Kiválasztott formátum: APA
Madai, S. (2009). A csalás értelmezési lehetőségei az osztrák büntetőjogban. Debreceni Jogi Műhely, 6(2). https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/DJM/article/view/6328

It is a well known fact that the legal system of Hungary has a close relation to the legal system in Austria. This should be interesting to examine on which grounds and points the two systems differ from each other. To achieve this challenge, provisions of fraud – as an ancient legal institution – could be a perfect starting point. The essay would like to stress the most important significances of fraud in Austria from both scientific and practical viewpoints.