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Search Results

  • The International Comparison of the Educational Systems of Iran, Myanmar and Ethiopia

    Education systems usually fall into two main types: the Continental and Atlantic systems of education. Countries
    belonging to the third world often follow after the characteristics of the continental system, however, the
    specificities of the country may overwrite some characteristics of the original concept. This article aims to
    introduce some specific aspects of the educational systems of Iran, Ethiopia and Myanmar through the
    comparison of these systems. According to the data analysis, centralisation is relevant, but decentralisation
    tends to be strengthened in each country. Concerning their structure, similarities in the division of levels were
    identified, along with differences in duration and focus. Unsurprisingly, the curriculums are different in each
    country; however, the basic subjects are almost the same. Finally, the grading systems use similar categories,
    although the underlying points providing the basis for the grades significantly differ. Comparing them can
    contribute to their evaluation and further development.

  • Higher Education Choice in China: Social Class, Gender, Parental Involvement and Educational Inequality

    Bibliography of the review book: Sheng, X. (2014). Higher Education Choice in China: Social Class, Gender, Parental Involvement and Educational Inequality. Routledge. 173 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-84309-6.