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  • Interrelations of Sustainable Food Consumption

    The past seventy years have been perhaps the fastest development phase in human history. The concept of sustainable development is the sense of responsibility towards future generations, the so-called emphasizes intergenerational solidarity by recognizing the right of future generations to meet their needs. The biggest challenge facing humanity is finding solutions to reduce the damage it causes. The key to this is changing consumption habits. We believe that a food consumption structure that has a low environmental impact, but at the same time an insufficient nutrient density, cannot be considered sustainable, as this leads to malnutrition and deficiency diseases. A sustainable food system (SFS) is a food system that ensures food security and healthy nutrition for all, in a way that does not jeopardize the economic, social and environmental foundations for future generations. Based on what has been described so far, it is clear that the environment and health are two key dimensions of a sustainable diet or sustainable food consumption. The article presents the implementation possibilities of sustainable food consumption through examples.

    JEL Codes:
    E2, Q5 

  • Value Dimensions of Consumers And the Weak Commitment on the Food Market

    This paper aims to present the value dimensions of the protection of the domestic food market by analyzing the consumer value of the European Union geographical indications of origin (which defines certain foods as national ownership). The research covers the relationship between contemporary food policy and sociological values of consumers, including identity, credibility and culture, as well as the complexity of globalization. Although food plays a central role in maintaining human life, consumers generally know very little about where the purchased product comes from, the environmental and social costs involved, as monitoring the environmental impacts of the entire global food system is complex and a complex process. For a customer to understand what steps need to be taken to ensure the sustainability of the system and launch a change needs a huge amount of knowledge. This study applied face consciousness as a sustainability is a cultural dimension to explore the cultural impact on consumers’ decision-making styles. The paper is used empirical research multi-dimensional scaling to find out what some food products become known to domestic customers while other products do not. The results found the gap that the Hungarians are rather risk-averse customers than health conscious which does not fulfil the requirement of the long-term sustainability of the nation.

    JEL Codes: A13 B55, D18