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  • Examining Consumer Preferences of Local Products

    Today, the role of local products and short supply chains seems to be appreciating. The positive effects of buying local products also boost consumer commitment to these products and affect their competitiveness in local economies. The research examines consumer preferences related to local products, in which I explored the factors that fundamentally influence consumers when making their purchasing decisions. The research takes into account not only the arguments for the local product, but also against its purchase, as well as where to find information about local foods and which types are most sought after in local producer markets. The research is based on a nationally representative sample of 500 people, and those selected for the sample were selected by a random sampling procedure. Based on the results, it can be concluded that identifying the place of origin, health, and support of local producers are the most important motivating factors among the respondents. In addition, direct reference persons and local producers - play a prominent role among the sources of information, while other sources are hardly decisive when considering purchasing decisions. In producer markets, some commodity groups are outstandingly popular (vegetables, fruit, eggs), while in others product categories are dominated by traditional retail (animal or packaged products).

    JEL Codes: E21, M21, O13


  • The Competitiveness of Hungarian Micro-Enterprises in the Pasta Market

    By analysing the long-term competitiveness of Hungarian dry pasta making micro and small businesses, I intend to explore its strategic potential. The changes in the competitiveness of the dry pasta sector in Hungary between 1969 and 2019 were analysed with the help of contemporary periodicals from the database of the Hungarian Agricultural Museum and Library. The changes in the competitiveness of the Hungarian dry pasta market over the period 1969-2019 were analyzed according to the six aspects of diamond model: factor conditions, demand conditions, corporate strategy, structure and rivalry, relating and supporting industries, government regulations, change. Looking at future trends in the dry pasta market, the bidirectional impact on the competitiveness of the pasta market will be affected. One effect is to move towards horizontal networking as a result of globalization, making the pasta company that is able to negotiate better in the food supply chain more competitive. The other effect is the trend of local patriotism, which stimulates the development of micro-regions and originates in the initiative of the locals: innovation of flavours, innovation in raw materials, possibilities of Hungarian ethnocentrism. In addition, retail brands are expected to grow further. As retail chains do not pass on any gains from the increase of their export volume to the processors, the manufacturers’ own brand is weakened. The study provides a long-term overview of the changes in the competitiveness of companies operating in the dry pasta market. There has been a tremendous change over the last eighty years with the innovative transformation of the pasta industry. At that time, almost all pasta products were made at home, and today the pasta group is competing for housewives by employing industrial designers.

    JEL Codes: M31, M39