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  • Rising prices on today’s food market

    In the past few months, we have witnessed and been part of incredible economic changes. Inflation is taking on dimensions not seen in a long time, and we can feel the effects of the war raging nearby, both in prices and in the lack of products and disruptions in the supply chain. In addition, in the meantime, we also have to reckon with the rising energy prices, and we couldn't even say goodbye to the coronavirus. These changes are far from over, so the question arises, how do we react during our purchases, what do we change? The role of prices seems to be appreciated more than usual. The main goal of our research is to determine how food purchasing habits have changed as a result of rising prices and how consumers are trying to protect themselves from these higher prices. Therefore, in our research, we wanted to ask those who are actively involved in buying food. We continued the survey both online and offline. We reached 1608 respondents. Based on our results, it can be stated that most households are affected by rising prices. However, the rise in food prices does not always change purchasing and consumption habits. There are people who stick to their old habits and lifestyle despite the fact that they do not have outstanding material assets. Based on our research results, we see that a bargain-hunting, cheaper purchasing behavior is starting to develop, which allows them to maintain the food consumption quality and options they were used to before.

    JEL Codes: M11, M21, M31, M38, Q18

  • The Lifecycle of Consumers in the World of Slogans

    Nowadays children face lots of slogans every single day. A good slogan generates feelings. Of course these feelings, brand names and slogans can be placed in mind of children by marketing experts. The remembering rate of slogans is shockingly high, higher than is the case of their parents. We can state that well-placed slogans play a very important role in influencing children. All of these contribute to the development of brand loyalty, which – if it develops during childhood – can last an entire lifetime. My primary research (sample size is 1 222 children and 610 youth and adult) justifies this statement. My research shows the remembering rate of slogans and brand names in case of different foods with high level of fat-, sugar- and/or salt content in the segment of children, youth and adults.

    JEL codes: M31, M37

  • Connection of Food Waste and Consumer Awareness

    One of the most significant problems of developed countries is the food waste and the efficient consumption of food. The developed countries struggle with the overweight and obesity while the other part of the world fight with the starvation. Nowadays, the number of overweight people exceeds the number of hungry people. The consumer asserts that his decisions are consistent and rational. In my research (size of the sample is 918 people) I have to distinguish between the real and presumed awareness in case of food consumption. Real awareness is rooted in the knowledge and behavior of consumer which manifest in a low level of waste, while the presumed awareness exists only in the consumer belief in himself. According to my results, the food waste is significant in Hungary and the proportion of waste is related to the consumer’s income. I can state that the presumed awareness is stronger than the real awareness.

    JEL Codes: I30, M31, Q18

  • Advertising, Slogan and Superheroes – Persuasion Tools of Children

    In our research, we have examined how often children and teenagers sit down in front of television screens and come into contact with television advertisements and other sales promotion tools used by companies. We mostly placed emphasis on brand-related cartoon characters, logos and slogans used by companies. The remembering rate is shockingly high, higher than is case of their parents. We can say that well-placed cartoon characters, logos and colors play a very important role in influencing children. All of these contribute to the development of brand loyalty, which – if develops during childhood – can last an entire lifetime.