
Transz-Atlantik: Egy Gombrowicz-regény két magyar fordításáról

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Pálfalvi, L. (2024). Transz-Atlantik: Egy Gombrowicz-regény két magyar fordításáról. Studia Litteraria, 63(1–2), 114–122. https://doi.org/10.37415/studia/2024/63/14473

Grácia Kerényi started working on Gombrowicz’s Trans-Atlantyk aer translating Ferdydurke, but the work was completed by Irén Fejér. is Hungarian version is considered poor, so Gábor Körner re-translated the novel anew. e differences between the two translations can be shown by the expression of two key concepts: ojczyzna (Vaterland) and synczyzna (Kinderland). While the first translation presents the equivalents of the French version: pátria, fitria, although the latter does not make sense; the second (Gábor Körner) rather showcases przetlumaczyl jako hazafiúság and lazafiúság. e novel is modelled on Jan Chryzostom Pasek’s Baroque memoir, Gábor Körner found stylistic equivalents in the Hungarian Baroque tradition and in examples of archaic stylisation found in contemporary Hungarian literature.