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  • Fürjek és akácok: Fluktuáló otthonosság és idegenség a Kaliforniai fürjben
    Megtekintések száma:

    An important problem of Imre Oravecz’s trilogy is the relationship between man and nature. This brief analyses concentrates only on two motifs and provide a more detailed interpretation of a few short passages of the text, which show striking motivic and structural similarities and seem to be organized in a way that they interpret each other. The problem of the ’quail’, which is also the title of the volume, is one of the most important elements of a rather complex web of references. It signifies (often in a proleptic way) the changes occurring in the relationship between human and nature, domesticity and strangeness, community and individual, or even father and son. In order to gain a clearer picture of the novel’s fractal-like motivic structure, I concentrate on the episodes in which István encounters quails and point out that in each case, the birds are associated with similar feelings and emotions by the language of narration.

  • A gyerekvers médiumai: Kovács András Ferenc: Árdeli szép tánc
    Megtekintések száma:

    The study tries to explore the various medial connections in children’s poetry through Kovács András Ferenc’s poetry volume, Árdeli szép tánc (Beautiful Dance from Ardel). Bundled with the volume was a CD with readings and musicalized poems that call the attention to the acoustic aspects of children’s poetry and thus to the importance of reading out loud or reading together. The second part of the study – by differentiating three basic types of illustrations – examines the possible connections between poem illustrations and the text of the poem.