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  • Apollónios Rhodios: Argonautika 3. 616–824: Bevezetés Tordai Éva műfordításához
    Megtekintések száma:

    The Argonautica by Apollonius Rhodius is the only remaining epic poem from the Hellenistic period and the longest elaboration of the Argonautic myth. After a long time of rejection, in the last few decades the poem has been rediscovered by scientific research, and it has a renaissance in Hungary, as well. Its first Hungarian translation by István Szabó was published in 1877. Ever since we have just a few verses from the Argonautica in our mother tongue. In this article we are presenting a detail from the new, yet unpublished Hungarian translation made by Éva Tordai. The third book of the poem tells the love story of Medea, the Colchian princess and Jason, the leader of the Argonauts – the heroes who wish to acquire the Golden Fleece from the king of Colchis, Aeëtes, Medea’s father. After getting shot by Eros and falling in love with the foreign hero, the heroine suffers from the decision she has to make: if she helps Jason to accomplish the challenges he faces, she betrays her family. The detail below (3, 616–824) describes her thoughts, feelings, inner monologues and the conversation with her sister, Chalkiope.