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  • Csokonai és a többiek: Az irodalomtörténész Borbély Szilárd – szubjektív pályaképvázlat
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    Szilárd Borbély’s career as a literary historian began with a thesis about Csokonai, and ended with a postdoctoral work about the same poet a quarter century later. This paper gives a rough sketch about the path between these two endpoints, in a subjective manner. The first part is the overview of this thematically diverse progress, including the most relevant text editions and books. The second half of the paper offers a shot description of the remarkable characteristics of the Csokonai biography, which was edited posthumously.

  • Nemzeti nagylét, nagy temető és – Batsányi: (Egy nemzeti narratíva formálódása)
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    The narrative based on the images of „national grandeur” and „the great graveyard”, recurring in the writings of Batsányi and his contemporaries, is an imperative of inner unity in the face of „dissension,” a notion that used to stand for faction. Also, it is inseparable from memory becoming self-reflective. The concept of „dissension” can be actually dated back a long time ago; for example Mohács was considered a result of „dissension” within this tradition, even though the word itself mainly meant religious division at that time. However, in the public sphere evolving at around the end of the 18th century, these interpretations do not seem to be detectable anymore, at least there are no marked lines of continuity between publicity and the above mentioned interpretations. On the contrary, the elements of this narrative are not yet even solidified, and coexist with various other narratives. Furthermore, the ideologem based on the notion of dissension is in constant change, and thus calls attention to the potential of this historical moment for creating new cultural meanings. On the one hand, the turn of the 1780s and 1790s as an obscure period lead to the birth of this ideologem, while memory and the remembering subject came into the forefront on the other. As a result, the ideologem being formed was able to appear as a tangible cultural construction. This is how the national narrative we know as a timeless and ageless entity today emerged – also as a lieu de mémoire.

  • Kiindulópontok és kontextusok Fazekas Mihály életművének újraértelmezéséhez
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    The first part of the study gives a summary of the textological approach to the oeuvre of Mihály Fazekas, detailed elsewhere. Kis is followed by the highlighting of four contexts grouped around the concepts of Poetry, Morals, Sciences and Interpretation of self, all of which focus on a text source or group of text sources. The connection between the chapters is built retroactively, later chapters and the points discussed therein refer back to relevant concepts in previous ones. After the description of the possible contexts, the last chapter discusses the different aspects for the evaluation of the whole oeuvre, and gives a number of hypotheses, hoping to inspire further research.

  • A Tövisek és virágok kötetkompozíciója és szöveghálója
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    Ferenc Kazinczy’s epigram volume titled Tövisek és virágok (Thorns and Flowers) was canonised as the opening event of the debates surrounding the language reform. This paper attempts to discover the original context of the volume by analysing the cycle composition and the comments and textuality surrounding the poems. First, it reviews the circumstances of the birth and publication of the volume, it discovers the defining factors in the canonisation. Then it reviews the compositional principles of the poem cycle, then the understanding of the reference system and the textual connections of the epigrams follows. The volume (1811) is rooted in the debates of the previous decades, based upon these Pöbel, as the main opponent can be identified with that Calvinist cultural background that Kazinczy mostly criticised and which is named as Debreczen.