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  • A kora újkori magyarországi imádság- és meditációirodalom kutatásának legújabb eredményei és tendenciái

    In my paper I provide a review of recent Hungarian research on early modern devotional literature. While the studying of sermons from the period between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries has already been started in the Communist era, texts of prayers and meditations were not sufficiently examined, even though Zsuzsanna Erdélyi has published various crucial works on archaic Hungarian prayers since 1974. However, in the last few decades several Hungarian research projects, conferences, monographs, volumes of studies and text editions have been published, the historiographical reading of which is one of the main objectives of the present essay. I also wish to survey some foreign publications on these prayers and meditations which might encourage further Hungarian research.

  • A szabadságharc ritualizált emlékezete Debrecenben: Szimbolikus térfoglalás a perifériától a belvárosig (1849−1902)

    My study focuses on the local memory of the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848–1849 in the city of Debrecen. I examine how the annual ceremonies on the days of remembrance, and the meaning of monuments changed in the second half of the nineteenth century in Debrecen: on the Day of the Revolution (15th of March), on the anniversary of the lost Battle of Debrecen in 1849 (2nd of August), and on the memorial day of the political martyrs of Hungary (6th of October). Public commemorations on these days were prohibited during the first few years after the repression of the War of Independence. I argue that ritual remembrance of the Hungarian Revolution from the 1850s to 1902, and erecting memorials after the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 was a symbolic placetaking process in the urban space of Debrecen, and in other cities of Hungary. One can trace this progress from the repression of remembrance to the community fiesta of the local society on the map of Debrecen: from the Western and Eastern periphery of the city (burial places of the heroes of the war) to the city centre (Memorial Garden, High Street, Town Hall).

  • Árvaság és mártírium: A gyámoltalan özvegy mint a református egyház metaforája a 17–18. században

    I argue that widowhood (often called “orphanage” in early modern texts) was an important metaphor of the contemporary Hungarian Calvinist Church. Several prayers, prayer books, congregational songs, jeremiads and sermons represented the martyrdom of the Church (and of the Hungarian nation as well) as a “helpless widow”, and lamented in her name. This cultural and rhetoric pattern was created and prescribed for the communities by several early modern texts, and were based on scriptural quotations from the Old Testament. (For instance: “How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people! how is she become as a widow! she that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary!” Lamentations 1, 1) I examine this metaphor not only in late seventeenth century texts, but also in the eighteenth century, when authors could not write openly about the Calvinist Church because of the new and increased censorship of the Habsburgs and the Catholic settlers in Transylvania. The representational patterns of Calvinist women in the eighteenth century is explored in this study thorough the example of countess Kata Bethlen.

  • Szerkesztői előszó

    Tudományos műhelyünk, a Magyar Emlékezethelyek Kutatócsoport 2020 tavaszán jelentette meg a Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó Loci Memoriae Hungaricae sorozatának IX. köteteként A debreceniség mintázatai: Városi identitás és a lokális emlékezet rétegei a kora újkortól napjainkig című tanulmánygyűjteményt (főszerkesztő: Fazakas Gergely Tamás, szerkesztők: Bódi Katalin és Lapis József). Korábbi terveink szerint e munka szakmai eredményeit vitattuk volna meg – további előadásokkal kiegészítve – egy 2020 őszi kerekasztal-beszélgetés alkalmával. A járványhelyzet azonban nem tette lehetővé a személyes találkozást. Ezért most, a Studia Litteraria tematikus lapszámában teszünk közzé egyrészt a korábbi kötetünkről szóló, arra reflektáló és annak eredményeit továbbgondoló négy írást, másrészt tizenhárom olyan tanulmányt, amelyek számos újabb szempontot vonultatnak fel.

  • Szerkesztői előszó

    Although the construction of martyrdom has come to the forefront in recent international research on Protestantism, there are only a few Hungarian scholars who have already examined the early modern representations of different religious and national identities from this aspect. The articles collected in this volume aim at shifting the centre of Western research on early modern martyrdom towards the Carpathian Basin. We analyse the interconnections, patterns and differences of textual and visual representations of Protestant martyrdom, and explore how the various Western martyr traditions were interpreted and acculturated in early modern Hungary. This volume is based on a conference held in 2011 at the University of Debrecen, and organised by the Research Group for Reformation and Early Modern Cultural History, in cooperation with other scholars of several Hungarian universities. We participate in a collaborative research project, supported by OTKA and TÁMOP funds, in order to extend our understanding of early modern martyrdom.

  • Árva Bethlen Kata önreprezentációi: (Érvek az önéletírás filológiai szempontú, kontextualizáló olvasása mellett)

    The Transylvanian Countess, Kata Bethlen’s (1700-1759) autobiography was published in her lifetime, whereas the majority of autobiographies in the 17-18th centuries, especially if it was written by a woman, were circulated as manuscripts, and only very few of these were made public in their age, not just in Hungary but in Europe as well. Although Bethlen’s book was only published in small numbers but together with her also published prayer book they were enough to make her well-known among women with similar social standing from the second half of 18th century. Several scholars in the 20th century and the wider reading public appreciated autobiographies for their self-investigative and novel-like characteristics. This paper written from a philological perspective argues that by examining the context of early modern autobiographies the interpretation of these can be more accurate. On the one hand, I explore the meaning of Bethlen’s text being on the borderline of manuscripts and published register. On the other hand, I emphasise that in the early modern era we cannot talk about “writers” in the modern sense of the word, especially in the cases of female authors, because secretaries, scribes and court clergymen helped them prepare, circulate, and publish their texts. (This was also true of Kata Bethlen’s work, her text was emended, edited, proof-read, and published by her former court priest and one of the most important Calvinist scholars in 18th century Transylvania: Peter Bod.) Research calls this “collaborative co-authorship”. Finally, the paper offers an interpretative possibility, which introduces Bethlen’s autobiography as a coherent selfrepresentation of widowhood. According to this the forsaken woman’s individual helplessness and suffering can be allegorically understood as the trials of the whole persecuted community, namely the 18th century Transylvanian reformed church.

  • Újrajátszani, ami nem történt meg: A performatív múltfikciók nemzetközi és magyar példái

    Th˜is paper examines acts and artefacts that can be interpreted as performative statements. I focus on international and Hungarian, artistic and partly amateur re-enactments, as well as on fiction and works of history writing that can be considered pseudo-historical, counterfactual or, in Sylvia Sasse and Inke Arns’s term, “as-if ”-reenactments in their entirety or to some extent. ˜These performative accounts of the past, both in the artistic and in non-artistic fields, have not been systematically investigated in reenactment studies.

  • Az imádság mint feldolgozás: Politikai krízisek és természeti csapások értelmezése a kora újkortól a 20. századig

    While we can consider the difficulties of using the cultural trauma theories for texts produced before the nineteenth century, and several hurried interpretation resulted misapplication of these approaches to early modern history and litearature, in this essay I intend to introduce a new British research project, and try to frame by cultural trauma theory and its critics. British state prayers, fasts and thankgivings (1540s–1940s) is managed by a research group of the University of Durham, United Kingdom. Participants investigate the tradition of national state prayers, fast or humiliation days, thanksgiving days and national days of prayer.
    Special church services were organised and prayers were read in all parish of England as well as Scotland, Ireland and Wales. In particular dates or periods (epidemics, war, famine, rebellion, good/bad harvests, royal births etc.) the King/Queen, the government, and the archbishop of Canterbury, or other church leaders officially ordered special acts of national worship. Prayers and sermons presented the nation as a sinful community, and urged them to practice repentance, because it was thought that calamities will come to an end only, if people convert themselves to God. The research group in Durham is investigating when and how these occasions ordered (by proclamation, privy council order, or by royal request).
    From the aspect of cultural trauma theory I compare several official religious interpretations of particular events, and try to highlight the pressure of the authority (monarchy, government) on their political and/or religious counterparts on the one hand, and the battles for special events of national memory on the other hand. Cultural trauma theory offers some formulations for explaining the ’working through’ of political crises and natural calamities from sixteenth to twentieth century, and show us how to consider consequences of devastating loss and pain of a community, whether national and/or religious.
    Interpretation of these crises as prompt and continuous reaction to a traditional, Biblical language, may help the community to explain the cathastrophic events, and to develop a necessary condition for working through. This means that there is no latency, which might causes and signs cultural trauma.
    Using trauma theories and its critics, I try to find possibilities to transform this international research for a future Hungarian investigation.

  • Szerkesztői előszó

    A debreceni MODEM Modern és Kortárs Művészeti Központ 2023-ban megrendezett Re:Re – Művészi újrajátszás / Az újrajátszás művészete című nemzetközi kiállítása a kétezres évek során jelentkező művészeti újrajátszások, vagyis az ún. artistic re-enactmentek működés- és létmódját, antropológiai, szociokulturális, (művészet) történeti és elméleti kontextusait kívánta feltárni. A tárlat finisszázsaként, 2023. szeptember 15–16. között a MODEM és a Debreceni Egyetem Magyar Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Intézetében működő Magyar Emlékezethelyek Kutatócsoport együttműködésében interdiszciplináris konferenciát szerveztünk. A konferencia a re-enactment / reenactment fogalom lehetséges megközelítésein túl a traumák, tabuk, technikák, a mediatizálódás és a muzealizáció kérdésével foglalkozott, valamint a performativitás és az irodalom szerepét vizsgálta, különös tekintettel Kelet-Európa történéseire. A kétnapos tanácskozás résztvevői öt szekcióban tizenöt előadást tartottak, a program kurátori tárlatvezetéssel és kerekasztal-beszélgetéssel egészült ki. A Studia Litteraria mostani tematikus száma az előadások többségének tanulmányokká formált változatait adja közre, illetve néhány további, a konferencián prezentációként el nem hangzott írás járul hozzá a képekben is rendkívül gazdag, közel másfélszáz illusztrációt tartalmazó, a folyóirat történetében e szempontból is egyedi gyűjtemény értékéhez.

  • Szerkesztői előszó

    Tematikus lapszámunk a 2023. június 15–16-án tartott debreceni tudományos konferencia anyagán alapul. Petőfi életműve és kultusza (Szövegek, városok, történetek, 1823–2023) címmel rendezett bicentenáriumi tanácskozásunkat a Déri Múzeum–Debreceni Irodalom Háza, a Debreceni Egyetem Magyar Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Intézetének Magyar Emlékezethelyek Kutatócsoportja, valamint a Debreceni Református Kollégium Nagykönyvtára és Múzeuma készítette elő és rendezte meg, jelen lapszám szerkesztői, illetve Lakner Lajos irányításával – a fentieken túl a Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, a Debreceni Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kara, a Tiszántúli Református Egyházkerület, valamint Debrecen Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata támogatásával.