
„Mint Hubai”: A Csokonai-imitáció típusai Hubay Miklós költészetében

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Tóth, O. (2024). „Mint Hubai”: A Csokonai-imitáció típusai Hubay Miklós költészetében. Studia Litteraria, 64(1–2), 143–160. https://doi.org/10.37415/studia/2025/64/15242

An example of the comparison between the poetry of Miklós Hubay and that of Csokonai can be found in a canonical text in the history of Hungarian criticism. In his criticism, Ferenc Kölcsey condemns the author for his excessive respect for Csokonai. In 1817, Miklós Hubay was known as the author of a single volume of lyrics, and he never published again. His poetry was mostly associated with a negative critical evaluation, but contemporaryreception was not unanimous in its assessment of whether Csokonai was Hubay’s only model author. This paper will show how contemporary criticism and literary historiography have assessed the volume, and then examine the Csokonai parallels in Hubay’s poetry.