
Ne írd le magad! Az íróiskolák hasznáról

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Kiválasztott formátum: APA
Bedecs, L. (2022). Ne írd le magad! Az íróiskolák hasznáról. Studia Litteraria, 61(3–4), 217–224. https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/studia/article/view/12142

In my article I review the history of writing schools in Hungary over the last 20–25 years, analyse the reasons for their birth and existence, and sort them into different groups according to their target group and purpose. }e paper proceeds with analysing quotes by popular contemporary writers that recall the beginnings of their career, when they attended writing schools, creative writing courses, or literary camps. I conclude by outlining what writing schools offer to beginner writers (both younger and older ones), what editing as a paid service means, and what the prospects are for collaborative work.