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  • Russia and Hungary: A dialogue of cultures in the space of literary texts: Book Review: Through "Alien" to "Own": Dialogue of Russian and Hungarian Cultures: Monograph / Edited by M.A. Lappo, V.V. Marosha. NGPU Publishing House, pp. 240. ISBN 978-00226-049-2, Novosibirsk, 2023

    This monograph presents the results of a joint interdisciplinary project of Russian and Hungarian philologists to study the facts of interaction between Russian and Hungarian cultures in the space of literary texts. It examines various manifestations of the interaction of cultures: from the study of cases of direct influence to intertextual forms of assimilation and interpretation of elements of a foreign culture, current trends in translation reception. The volume includes papers by a wide range of authors whose texts made up the material of the study (from F.M. Dostoevsky and S. Veresh to E. Vodolazkin and Y. Berg).

  • Cultural Policy of Russia and Hungary: Modern Discourse and New Actors
    11 p.

    The authors of the article argue that contemporary cultural policy discourse is in the focus
    of attention of scientific communities, social and political organizations and government institutions.
    It represents a sort of symbolic struggle and nominations and has necessitated a
    new approach to cultural policy structuring. The article shows that this necessity is demonstrated
    by the development of cooperation between Russia and Hungary in terms of cultural
    sectors and cultural heritage. Expert communities and non-governmental organizations are
    becoming significant elements in the structure of cultural policy subjects. The association
    “For Hungarian-Russian cooperation named after Leo Tolstoy” has become such a key issue.
    The authors of this article attempt to highlight the most essential contemporary issues in
    the sphere of cultural policy in general and in relation of two separate countries – Russia and
    Hungary – through the scientific project “Hygiene of culture”.

  • The Features of Theatre Activity in Hungary: The Legal and Financial Basis (II)
    12 p.

    Hungarian theatre system is the main object of the following article. The first part of article contains the general questions connected with the existing model of theatrical activity. Then there is the analytical review of the modern Hungarian legislation of area of culture and special attention is paid to the structure and content of Law XCIX / 2008 “On support and rules of employment in organizations of performing arts”. In the following part of the article all models which exist and develop in the country nowadays of direct and indirect financial support of theatrical organizations are considered. Since Hungarian and Russian theatre systems have some similar characteristics, the final part is devoted to possible partial adoption of Hungarian experience with a view to develop the institutions for the additional funding of Russian theatres.

  • «Chekhov’s Stage Set»: «The Cherry Orchard» in the Russian Poetry of the 20th – Early 21st Century
    8 p.

    Chekhov’s text is one of the most significant constituents of the Russian poetry of the 20th – early 21st centuries. The one most frequently alluded to is the play by Chekhov – «The Cherry Orchard». The play written at the break of historical epochs turns out to be in tunes with the times of another turning-point. This fact conditions the allusion to the Chekhov’s text in a poem «The Young Poetry» by V. Kornilov. The main feature of the crucial time period in the poem is the category of freedom, unexpectedly granted during the historical turn and change. The key theme, which determines the historiosophical sense of the text, is a quotation from «The Cherry Orchard», a dialogue between Gaev and Fiers. I. Kabysh perceives the Chekhov’s play both mythopoetically and symbolically in such poems as «How Niveous-White Everything Is in Russia Today! » and «The Snow Started to Fall Without Delays». She introduces a different time into the text, models the reality after the events described in «The Cherry Orchard» and interpreted by the author of the poem in the lower clef (as in «crumbled estate»). The loss of the Garden, its disintegration, the loss of entity, is a gradual, step by step, process – into dachas, then into dust; that is the way the motif of vanishing space and culture appears.

  • Coping with Trauma: Minority Art Practices in the Context of the New Sensuality of Metamodernism
    7 p.

    The information age has provided new opportunities for the institutionalization and functioning of various subcultural movements including those uniting people by offering them an alternative mental state. The proposed material is analyzed as an example of these associations. The article provides a brief analysis of the historical dynamics of the study of minority art practices and of their role and significance at present. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of Art Brut. Today minority art practices find their new meaning also in the context of the new sensuality of metamodernism, which is based on co-creation. We believe that the
    discourse of outsider art fosters a tolerant consciousness, raising issues of stigma, norm, deviation and internal liberation.

  • Artefact Metaphors and Similes in Modern Russian Prose

    The article deals with comparative constructions (metaphors and similes) that include images of artefacts. The analysis involves the works of modern Russian prose writers such as A. Ilichevsky, E. Vodolazkin, O. Slavnikova, M. Shishkin, A. Volos, D. Bykov, D. Rubina, D. Glukhovsky, A. Makushinsky, S. Sokolov, V. Pelevin and others. It is concluded that modern Russian prose is characterized by the intensive use of artefact images as part of comparative constructions. The most common are metaphors and similes including the names of household items, fabrics, as well as machines, mechanisms, and their parts. These figurative means characterize, first of all, a person, parts of the human body, appearance, and people’s actions. Artefact comparative tropes giving a figurative description of various objects of nature are also widespread. Both traditional and new tropes including the names of artefacts in modern prose are discussed, in particular, the use of computer terms and names of new realities that have appeared relatively recently. A feature of modern prose texts is the regular use by writers of concretization and detailed transformation of images of comparison involving definitions of different types. Artefact metaphors and similes often act as key signs of the text and play a conceptualizing role in it.

  • The Cultural Heritage of the Ancient Russian City of Yelets

    This article provides scholarly evidence the small historical city of Yelets as a potential cultural heritage site in the context of its socio-cultural significance for the state, society and the local community. The paper overviews the results of a comprehensive sociological study of the issues of the cultural heritage of this ancient Russian city. The issues of the cultural heritage of Yelets is considered from the perspective of internal and external identification processes which transformed it and make it lose its unique urban identity. For the analysis of cultural heritage, the types of identity of the city are identified: historical and cultural, visual and spatial, socio-psychological and communicative spatial. The main factors of the identification processes of the city are analyzed, such as urban identity, history, culture, social interaction and language.

  • Censor Nikolay Ratynsky’s Role in Russian Journalism of the Second Half of the 19th Century
    12 p.

    Recently, the political climate in Russia has caused the question of censorship to become
    an increasingly relevant issue, the history of which is necessary to explore and understand.
    The prevailing view regarding censorship is that it is a tool used to suppress the freedom of
    speech by stifling the writer’s thoughts. However, there were some eminent censors such as
    the poet Fyodor Tyutchev and the writer Ivan Goncharov. In this regard, it has become commont
    to consider censorship isolated from any moral categories and interpret g it only as a
    professional activity. In this context, the work of the censor Nikolai Ratynsky is of particular
    interest to us. Until now, little has been published on his influence as a censor on the writers
    of his time on the high professional level of his work in this capacity. Most of the corrections
    Ratynsky made were valid and justified by the political situation in the Russian Empire. He
    himself is further proof that, along with Tyutchev and Goncharov, there were honorable and
    qualified men among the censors of the time. All this allows us to claim that it is necessary
    to objectively consider and study the work of censors and ignor preconceptions and stereotypes
    that are usually associated with the word censor.

  • A Story by A. P. Chekhov “The Wolf”: Historical-medical and Archetypal Aspects

    The plot of A. P. Chekhov's story "The Wolf" (in the first edition the story was called "Hydrophobia (A true story)") is associated with the frequent facts of wolves attacking people in the 1880s in the central part of the country (called an epidemic at the time).The time of writing the story between March and December 1886 is a year after the discovery of the rabies vaccine in the laboratory of Louis Pasteur and its successful testing in 1885; and in the year the story was created, the first Pasteur stations in Russia were opened. The paramount aspect of a plot of the work by A. P. Chekhov is connected with the field of psychology. Fear, which takes possession over the character, the landowner Nilov, is a psychological phenomenon in the medical sense and leads to an understanding of the fact why Chekhov needs an emphasis on the wolf in the title of the second edition of the story. The image of a wolf with its archetypal component plays a fundamental role in recreating a clinically accurate picture of fear. The real clash with a real wolf becomes a reflection of the fight with the "mental wolf," with its own fears. The writer is interested not so much in the existential side of the phenomenon of fear, as in the psychological one. And the image of a wolf with its archetypal component plays a fundamental role in recreating a clinically accurate picture of fear.

  • The Features of Theatrical Life in Hungary: The Legal and Financial Basis
    18 p.

    The present study is concerned with the Hungarian theatre system. In the first part general
    questions connected with the existing model of theatrical activity are treated. This is
    followed by an analytical review of modern Hungarian cultural legislation, in which special
    attention is paid to the structure and content of Law XCIX / 2008 “On the support and rules
    of employment in organizations of performing arts”. Then all the existing present-day models
    of direct and indirect financial support of theatrical organizations are considered. Since the
    Hungarian and Russian theatre systems have some similar characteristics, the final part is
    devoted to possible partial adoption of Hungarian experience with a view to developing the
    institutions for the additional funding of Russian theatres.

  • Peculiarities of the Historiosophic Content of M. V. Lomonosov's Odes for The New Year 1762 and 1764

    The paper deals with the formation of artistic historiosophy in the Russian literature of the 18th century. The main attention in the study is focused on the odic works of M.V. Lomonosov. The research demonstrates that in his odes Lomonosov used not only constant historiosophemes and ideologemes obtained from the general storehouse of philosophical, historical and political knowledge of his time, but also his own historiosophemes. The analysis of the two insufficiently studied M.V. Lomonosov's works – "… on Accession to the Throne and for the New Year 1762" and "… for the New Year 1764" – shows that an individualized historiosophic concept was developed in them. The range of Lomonosov‘s main historiosophic ideas is revealed, for example, summing up reign, the prosperity of Russia under the power of the House of Romanovs, "golden times", the dying and reviving god, and generally useful work for the benefit of Russia.

  • Era of Post-Pragmatical Strategies
    12 p.

    An extended definition of culture as a phenomenon that includes processes and results of human communities interaction with wildlife, e.g. viruses is propounded. An indicator of development limitations of Global civilization-cultural integrity is proposed. We put forward the concept of a post-pragmatic strategy of a cultural unit. The latter signifies social integrity that represents a separate culture – a stable set of traits, categories, patterns reproduced in series of generations. We believe a cultural unit to be a large-scale system. Our study is carried out in the context of the emerging intellectual discipline Hygiene of Culture with the help of methodology of sustainable reproduction of a cultural unit. The aim of the study is to form methodological bases for the reaction of cultural unit aimed at confronting phenomena similar to COVID-19. The result is altruistic post-pragmatic strategy, free of mistrust. We propose to supplement the known security dilemma as follows. Actors allocate their military budgets in proportion to confidence/mistrust rates to opponents while likelihood of risk events in the environment increases according to sandpile model and information noise rises.

  • The Transformation of Spiritual Culture in the Context of the Formation of the "New Ethics" (Problem Statement)

    The article is devoted to the analysis of the spiritual values that are being formed today and the reasons for the actualization of the New Ethics. Catastrophic dynamism leads to the elimination of the stable social groups as well as to the maximum diffuseness of personal boundaries. At the same time, the transformation of the communication system brings an extremely vulnerable virtual body to the forefront of cultural life. The new communication system, social atomization, the lack of understandable guidelines in the process of socialization and self-identification - all this turns the concept of “border” into a basic one for the New Ethics. However, the design of boundaries and self-defense mechanisms does not always lead to the expected positive results. We come to the conclusion, that an initially inadequate assessment of the aggressiveness of the environment forces a person to build the most aggressive defense mechanisms: the man himself is transformed into a source of toxicity, which in turn makes the environment even more toxic than it was originally.

  • Culture in Digital Format
    12 p.

    The article analyzes the changes in traditional culture triggered by technologies and development of its new formats as a result, such as clip culture, screen culture, culture of computer games, etc. It touches upon the influence on culture of the personal computer and other numerous digital devices, in particular the Internet, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and virtual reality. Traditional means of communication (books, photographs, audio and video recordings, digital TV, etc.) that are most influenced by digital technologies are also discussed. As traditional culture is losing its original features that emphasize the difference between different peoples, societies and their individual characteristics, all these processes are extensive, generating not only progressive, but negative trends. On the one hand modern culture has become accessible to everybody, on the other hand, it has lost the «romance» of personal communication. The article points out that nowadays the investigation of culture in digital format does not primarily mean analyzing its phenomena and artifacts in themselves. It is rather a matter of monitoring further transformations and contributing the unique features of traditional culture preservation, without diminishing the importance of digital technologies as a whole in society.

  • The Search for a Social Ideal as a Cultural Tradition of Russian Thought

    This study investigates some important lines of Russian social thought of the 19th and early 20th centuries in the context of the interpretation of the social ideal. Four perspectives of the problem are outlined: the first one is cultural geographic, divided into three branches (Westernism, Slavophilism and, Eurasianism), the second one is sociological positivism, the third one is philosophical liberalism, and the fourth one is religious thought. The cultural-geographic orientation created  a wide field of the work of social thought in studying the paths of social development. Sociologists positivists P. Lavrov and N. Mikhailovsky, who were founders of ‘narodnichestvo’ movement, formulated the notion of social ideal as an object of sociological research. The positivist perspective that was intended for the ideals of social solidarity, transformed into the left the traditionalism that was narodnichestvo ideology. Narodnichestvo created the ideal prerequisites for the dissemination of  Marxism in Russia. Liberal philosophic thought offered the original concept of the development of personality as a social ideal (P. Novgorodtsev). The fourth perspective was closest to the modern comprehension of the processes of unification of humankind and the development of the world economic system. The issue of social ideal thus became the main tradition of thought in the pre-revolutionary Russia.

  • Global Culture: Discursive and Social Practices
    10 p.

    The dynamics of modern society development is directly proportional to changes in its culture. In the discourse of global culture, there are many supporters of its real presence, and many opponents who claim that such a phenomenon does not exist in principle. The article considers various polar points of view. Arguments are presented that confirm the existence of a global culture formed as a result of multiple cultural contacts, including cultural tourism. Digitalization has become a new impetus for the development of global culture, which has large-scale ways to spread the achievements of world culture in General, and art in particular, to the population of the planet, regardless of location. Digital formats have proven their worth in specific social practices.

  • The System of Comparative Tropes in «Aviator», a Novel by E. Vodolazkin
    11 p.

    The article discusses the functioning of metaphors and similes in the text of E. Vodolazkin’s novel «Aviator». The tropes are divided into two groups: conceptualizing tropes and non-plot-forming ones. The main semantic types of comparative tropes are noted as proceeding from «tenors» and «vehicles» of metaphors and similes. It is shown that the tropes interact with each other and form a system in the text.
    Emphasis is put on the dynamism of metaphors and similes in the novel: they regularly reflect the hero’s changing perceptions. Comparative tropes play an important role in the unfolding of the key motifs of the novel and are associated with its various temporal and narrative plans.

  • New Trends in the Use of Metaphors and Similes Including Names of Food in Modern Russian Prose

    The article discusses metaphors and similes including culinary vocabulary, functioning in modern Russian prose. The purpose of the article is to identify new trends in the use of such figurative constructions in modern prose compared with the previous period in the development of Russian literature. The work outlines the main thematic groups of names of food and drinks used in prosaic texts, and notes changes in their composition and character. New elements in the semantic classes of «vehicles» of metaphors and similes are also revealed. A tendency towards the differentiation and concretization of images of comparison, which is characteristic of modern prose, is noted, and the means of its implementation (specific names and qualifying definitives) are described. The article considers new subjects of comparison and figurative parallels used in modern prose texts.

  • Ivan Goncharov’s Novel “A Common Story” and the Problem of “Petersburg Text”

    The article raises the question about the nature of the “Petersburg text” in the novel “A Common Story”, about its correlation with the general body of the “Petersburg text” of Russian literature and about its individual meanings in Goncharov’s prose. Various levels of the “Petersburg text” are considered: the expression of the category of the “inner state” of the hero, as well as culture and nature. It is concluded that Goncharov’s novel does not fully fit into the mainstream of the “Petersburg text” of Russian literature, but adopts the basic principles of its construction, and also has great potential for the semantic increments of the individual local Petersburg dictionary, which is determined by Goncharov’s irony and symbolization.

  • Images of the East in the Short Fiction of Ivan Bunin
    16 p.

    The article examines the images of the East in the short fiction of Ivan Bunin. With the help of the narrative model of Jan van der Eng, consisting of three basic thematic levels (action, characterization, geographical and social setting) we read and arrange the works of Bunin through the prism of postcolonial criticism. On the one hand, we will consider the arguments of traditional postcolonial studies; on the other hand, we will also take into account the postcolonial theory regarding the “second world” (Russia, Eastern and Central Europe).We start our analysis with the texts in which images of the East are only featured on one thematic level, gradually directing our attention towards the short stories in which these images determine the whole semantic structure.

  • Women's Prose: Past, Present and Future

    The very expression "women's prose" in Russian literary discourse is debatable, since even many female writers refuse to identify themselves as such. A woman writer has all the rights of a writer, but she also has the additional right to self-identify as a representative of "women's prose". Women's prose requires a double research point of view: looking at it as an integral part of fiction and identifying the specific features of works created by women writers.    During the period of perestroika (the second half of the 1980s), women's activity in Russian prose became more active, and L. Petrushevskaya and T. Tolstaya came to the forefront of literary life. An important milestone in the awareness of the specifics of women's prose was the series "Women's Handwriting" by the publishing house "Vagrius". A characteristic trend in the development of modern Russian women's prose is the democratization of the artistic thinking and language, the attraction of high prose tothe mainstream, to mass nature and the feeling of accessibility. In this regard, the article examines the prose of V. Tokareva, O. Slavnikova, D. Rubina, M. Stepnova, N. Abgaryan, G. Yakhina and others.

  • Chekhov in New York: the Functions of Frame in Louis Malle's "Vanya on 42nd Street" (1994)
    10 p.

    This paper focuses on Luis Malle’s creative adaptation of Chekhov’s “Uncle Vanya”. The frame location of "Vanya on 42nd street" is not only documentary evidence and a sign of admiration for the actors' ensemble, creating the spirit of live improvisation in the unfinished theatrical production by Andre Gregory. It is argued that the film is far from being another spectacular 're-citing' of Chekhov's ‘transcultural capital’. A set of framing elements foregrounds Chekhov's art in general and the way he represents Vanya’s stoic endurance in particular as resonating with the living experience of a person of any culture in whatever language (Russian, English, Bengali, theatrical, cinematic, etc.) holds general validity. Among leitmotifs which interconnect the frame and the drama performance within the film there are also those of kinship, unselfish  friendship and true involvement in life as an ongoing rehearsal and improvisation on an inescapable life project that is never successful.

  • The chronotope of O. E. Mandelshtam’s Poems about the Unknown Soldier

    The chronotope of O.E. Mandelstam’s Poems about the Unknown Soldier has at least three levels: (1)  the level  of internal time-space as immanent to the subject, the author-hero; this is the level of subjective refraction of events in individual consciousness/thinking; (2) the  level of external time-space: the historical and natural beginning of world life (historical and physical cosmos) in their correlation; here worldly life is presented as if outside any of its perception from the outside, “by itself”; and (3) the mythical-symbolic dimension shining through the other two; the events here are interpreted in their parabolical content, including in the aspect of the philosophy of culture and intertextuality as a kind of “new mythology”.

  • Harms – Gogol – Dostoevsky (“Old Women” – “Vij” – “Crime and Punishment”)
    14 p.

    In terms of historical poetics and intertextuality, parallels are drawn between "Old Woman"
    by D. Harms, "Vij" by N. Gogol and "Crime and Punishment" by F. Dostoevsky. As far as the
    three authors are concerned, their common features are revealed, together with the transformation
    of the motives of the ugly infernal old woman, which are depicted in the context of
    mythopoetics, historiosophy and social history by the three authors. Concerning the texts produced
    by their followers the term “post-text” is introduced, which is meant to include the dialogical
    connotations of literary evolution. The role of “vertex composition” (a term coined by
    V.M. Zhirmunsky) in works of Modernism/ Avant-garde is also touched upon.

  • Folklore and Literature: Once Again about the Research Methodology

    When using the methods of analysis applied in folkloristics in literary works, narrative models and character types formed in myths, fairy tales and rituals are distinguished. Different literary characters enter into one archetypal paradigm and display the same invariant functions, properties and attributes. In this regard, the research of common traditional elements of the structure and poetics of literary works and that of the interpretation of individual literary texts in terms of the interaction of "ready-made" and individual values and rules of construction is made possible.