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Search Results

  • Future-proof skills - What do you expect to need in the jobs of the future?

    Advances in Artificial Intelligence and robotics have made it possible to automate many high-level cognitive skills, but different jobs and occupations may be affected differently by technological developments. High-skilled occupations are less at risk of automation, as they also require skills and competences that remain important bottlenecks to automation. However, according to OECD 2022 results, the jobs most at risk from automation will not disappear completely, as only 18-27% of the skills and competences required in these occupations are highly automatable. Rather, it is likely that the organisation of work will need to be radically changed and that workers in these jobs will need to retrain as technology replaces workers in many tasks.

    In my study, I aim to summarise, based on the literature of recent years, the key skills that will potentially equip workers for the diverse workplace demands of the near future, arising from technological developments.

    I conducted a keyword search of the Scopus database for future jobs, workplaces, occupations, skills, abilities and competences. I narrowed down the search results to the period 2021-2023, English language journal articles, economic and business fields and relevant keywords associated with the articles by the authors. In addition to these articles, I also reviewed the reporting materials of other relevant professional organisations (OECD, World Economic Forum) for the period. The geographical, regional and territorial differentiation of the studies was taken into account.

    In my findings, I have also discussed the role of universities and other educational institutions in meeting the employability expectations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in order to ensure that they can provide skills that are as relevant as possible to market expectations.  I will highlight the top 69 skills identified in the hospitality industry and their groupings, and the elements of the 4 important skill groups identified for accountancy professionals. I also cover the future-proof skills that entrepreneurs are expected to have. In general, I will describe the appreciation of soft skills based on the academic findings of recent years.

    The results collected can also serve as useful information for individual human capital investment decisions, organisational training and even the design of training frameworks for educational institutions.

  • Testing the employee performance prediction capability of selection tests

    We can find several studies about employees performance in the management literature, but it remains an interesting topic in researches in the future, due to the increasing worldwide labour shortage. Finding the suitable employees is becoming more prominent among companies due to the increasing competition. The main aim of this study is to test the capability of selection tests (ability, readiness, competence tests) to predict employee performance. In order to answer this question employees (N=50) from a Debrecen based company in service sector have been analysed. General intelligence and conflict handling style have been estimated, as well as the evaluation of the employees by their supervisors. Some biographical data were used as control variables. The statistical analysis was based on descriptive statistics and multivariate, linear regression models. Based on the results we can concluded that being a female, having a university degree or the 1-3 years of employment at the company were in positive relationship with the employees communication skills significantly; the conflict handling style ’problemsolver’ tended to increase the expected value of the problem-solving skills; general intelligence was positively connected to the expected level of the Régiókutatás Szemle 2019/1 sz. DOI: 10.30716/RSZ/2019/1/1 7 measured job-specific skills; while no significant linear relationship was detected between in MS Office skills and other variables.

  • The impact of the fourth industrial revolution on education and the labor market

    A significant part of literatures on the present and future of industry and labor market states that in our days the fourth industrial revolution is taking place. In our study, we undertake to explore the impact of digital transformation on education and the labor market, and to examine the changes that have taken place in recent decades in the highest school qualifications of Hungarian people. Our goal is to highlight the connection between the acquired skills and industry 4.0. We have come to the conclusion that, as a result of digital development at extreme speed, the social and economic environment has undergone significant changes. The education of the Hungarian population has been steadily increasing in recent decades, with a drastic reduction in the proportion of uneducated people, while at the same time increasing the proportion of graduates of secondary and tertiary education. This is a very positive trend, because in an accelerated world, future workers need to learn new skills in order to succeed in the labor market. As a result of rapid technological progress, a number of problems that have not been solved in the education system will have to be solved. And in order to benefit the greatest advantage from the fourth industrial revolution that is taking place, industry, education and the labor market need a more coordinated functioning than ever before.

  • The tendency to overestimate one’s own skills among young football players

    In today’s sport the mental preparation’s role is emerging in addition to physical training Sports psychology is being implemented and applied widely both in invidiual and team sports. From the athletes perspective one of the most important factor is that they have the right and valid self-knowledge as their performance is highly affected by this input. The main objective of my research was to reveal the self assessment attributes among the young football players. The children performed three tasks during the research; juggling, passing on gymnastics bench and then reaching the finish line after dribbling of slalom were shown. My hypotesis is that the children tend to overestimate their performance and skills before performing tasks. I’ve been used primary data collection during my research. The used applied analytical method was the one sample t-test; based on this method, we can say that the underestimation have had a higher rate when measuring juggling (which contradict to the hypotesis) while the children overestimated their performance in the slalom and the passing tasks (in these two tasks we can confirm the hypotesis).

  • Is the glass ceiling a self-fulfilling prophecy?! – Research of career opportunities among female workers

    „Is the glass ceiling a self-fulfilling prophecy?! – Connection between career opportunities and competencies among female workers” research has focused on the presence of women in the labor market. The objective of the questionnaire research is to assess whether women are stuck at certain career levels due to the lack of competence and motivation. During the research, I was able to gain insight into women’s attitudes towards careers, which showed a positive picture. I assessed that they were motivated, and I also got answer to the main question, that significant percentage of the 161- person sample would like to work as a leader, and they would have the appropriate skills. However, I was also told that they are building their own barriers to the workplace, many of them are happy with their current job, but not wanting more. The presence of a glass ceiling in the workplace is important to get proper attention as women make up a significant part of the labor market.

  • Regional differences in the distribution of Industry 4.0 applications in the SME sector

    Since 2014, the European Commission has been measuring the development of the digital economy and society with the DESI indicator. The DESI 2020 report shows that the Covid-19 epidemic has made digital tools even more important for countries’ economies. Hungary is ranked 21st out of 28 EU Member States on the DESI indicator which is measuring the digital economy and society. Improving the competitiveness of Hungarian companies in the international market depends on the extent of their digitalisation. The aim of this research is to provide an overview of the financial instruments and resources available to support the implementation of an advanced digitalisation systems at Hungarian companies in the past EU budget period. Two calls for proposals were available in the 2014-2020 funding period in Hungary in the context of advanced digitisation: GINOP 1.2.8-17 and GINOP 3.2.6-8.2.4-17. A regional comparative analysis between the two calls was not feasible because the funding intensities for eligible costs are different for the two calls, therefore the calls were evaluated separately. The analysis found that the reasons for the low willingness to apply are assumed to include the lack of economic and social potential in rural areas, with the main reasons being the lack of own resources to invest and the lack of a workforce with the right digital skills.

  • The significance of foreign language Geography teaching in the dual language secondary school programmes of the Northern Great Plain region

    Dual language education has been present in numerous institutions across the Northern Great Plain region of Hungary. Educational centres across the region have been running dual language programmes in secondary grammar schools and vocational schools for decades. As regional centre and traditional educational hub, Debrecen is also represented by a number of schools offering international programmes. Although recent socioeconomic and education policy changes have forced schools for constant renewal, bilingualism in educational programmes managed to remain popular, partly due to the achievements of foreign language subject teaching. Through the alignment of subject-specific content and the development of language competence, this form of education effectively contributes to the improvement of students’ language skills, shapes their mindset and expands their further education and increases their market value as potential workforce. This study will explore the role and impact of foreign language Geography teaching across the secondary schools of the Northern Great Plain region through the lens of teaching and educational research, by discussing some of the relevant regional findings of a broader PhD dissertation (including school visits, final exam results and a recent nationwide teacher survey). Research findings prove that Geography has been a popular subject choice to be taught in foreign languages: it has been present in the majority of the 15 dual language secondary schools of the region, it has been playing an important role in vocational school programmes and it has been chosen as final exam subject by nearly 1,000 candidates.

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