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  • Sport, nonprofit and civil organisations: The investigation of employment and volunteering in Hungary and in Romania

    The civil organisations started to appear more often around the local regime changes in Hungary and Romania. Most of these civil organisations aimed to perform different tasks in culture, sports or other public purposes. At the same period in the two named countries, Hungary and Romania, a significant change began in employment. Before the regime changes in the two countries, the most important actor on the employer's side was the state itself. However, after 1989, private companies started to employ more employees and play a greater role in the labour market. At the same time, several civil organisations appeared on the local labour markets that could employ people. However, some of these organisations employed a few volunteer employees who covered most of the activities related to the organisational aims of these organisations. Volunteerism became more popular in Hungary and Romania as well. Volunteering is widespread in sport-focused civil organisations in connection with organising smaller or major sporting events. The study aims to explore the employment characteristics of the sectors concerned in the context of volunteering, particularly the study of non-profit and nongovernmental organisations active in the field of sport and measurable volunteering in the field of sport. Based on the hypothesis test results, it can be concluded that due to the different political past, there was indeed some delay in developing the civil sphere in Romania. In the case of both Hungary and Romania, the role of voluntary work is significant. In sports, the role of volunteers has become unavoidable in connection with the operation of various sports associations and sports clubs and the organisation of large sports events.

  • Analysis of Work Attributes According to Kano Modell and Paired Comparison in the Case of Higher Education Students

    The aim of our study is to examine university students' expectations about job attributes, what are their basic expectations and what factors are attractive when choosing a job. We analyzed the answers of 389 students learning at the University of Debrecen and the University of Nyíregyháza. In the study, we combined the Kano model and the pairwise comparison method. The former is related to Noriaki Kano and his colleagues, and categorizes product quality attributes according to their impact on customer satisfaction. The model is primarily used to assess the quality of a product or service, but has recently been used in areas of management like job satisfaction. The other method is the pairwise comparison, when answerers compare the attributes to each other thus setting up an order of importance. The possibility of merging Kano-model and importance is an opportunity to examine job characteristics more accurately and to apply a refined Kano-model that divides the original categories into two subcategories like critical (important must-be), necessary (less important must-be), high value-added (important one-dimensional), low value-added (less important one-dimensional), highly attractive, less attractive, potential (important indifferent) and care-free (less important indifferent) quality characteristics. In our research, we examined the following attributes’ effect on job satisfaction: wage, relationship with employees, long-term employment, the matching of field of education and work, the work environment, the career opportunity, the matching of education level and work, and company size. According to our results, there are job attributes with clear category, such as wage, which high value added attribute and a low salary causes dissatisfaction while high salary causes satisfaction. Long-term employment is a less attractive, modern environment is a highly attractive factor, so the absence of these does not cause dissatisfaction, but the presence increases satisfaction. Finding a matching job is a carefree attribute. This supports the literature that recent graduates take on jobs that require less education than theirs, if the salary and career opportunities compensate for it. At the same time, it is another question to what extent compensation can be realized if the overeducated earn a lower wage than their matched counterparts. It is possible that accepting the initial lower wage is part of the strategy that the employee moving up on his career ladder will be able to earn higher, but it does not work for everyone. Among the characteristics that cannot be clearly categorized, the career option should be highlighted, which was the most mixed category. For some people, it represents a highly value added attribute and its absence causes dissatisfaction (women), for others it is very attractive and its absence is not a problem (men), but in both cases its presence increases satisfaction. However, there is a group for whom this is a critical characteristic, i.e. its existence is natural, its absence increases dissatisfaction, and this is the MSc graduates. In the case of less congruent professions, matching the field of education to the job increases satisfaction more, but its absence does not cause dissatisfaction. The relationship with colleagues has a highly value added for women, i.e. its absence causes dissatisfaction, but it is very attractive for men, in their case its absence is not a problem. Small company size is a reversal (women) or care free characteristic. Employers should therefore pay attention to career opportunities in the case of freshmen’s with higher level of education, to find and integrate an employee who fits into the company’s environment in order to ensure good relationship with colleagues, as well as to the appropriate salary, since the lack of these causes dissatisfaction among significant groups of young applicants.

  • Employment during the Coronavirus crisis, experiences from the Northern Great Plain Region

    The impact of the pandemic crisis was particularly significant on the labour market. In our study, we sought the answer to what percentage of workers were brought into precarious conditions by the epidemic. Another question was in which industries were the organizations able to use the Home Office option and their practical experience. Based on secondary data, different economic sectors have been affected to different degrees by the viral situation, with low, medium and high levels separated by the literature according to the impact on emissions. Compared to the global average (50%), Hungary has a higher proportion of employees (60%) in the “high” or “medium high” sectors. According to German regional results, education, finance and telecommunications within the service are the areas where teleworking is most applicable to maintain continuous operation and employment. As part of primary research, we interviewed the head of an organization operating in a low-, medium- and high-impact sector in the Northern Great Plain Region. There was no significant change in the “low” category, in the case of “medium” the acquisition activity was pushed into the background, in the case of “high” there was a downsizing. Based on this, it can be said that the Pandemic catalyzed the digitization processes, the Home Office, which was introduced or expanded by force, presumably had a developmental effect on organizations, which effect cannot be left without a trace after the virus situation. The organization’s experience can be utilized if it returns to the “normal” wheelbase by eliminating the disadvantages and strengthening the advantages.

  • Examining macro factors influencing human capital investment decisions in the pharmaceutical industry

    The innovation policies of the pharmaceutical industry are determined mainly by elements of the macro-environment that influence the strategic directions of the companies. In this context, the study aimed to examine whether and to what extent determined the expansion or reduction of the workforce of pharmaceutical companies in the last decade by macro-environmental indicators. These indicators represent the political, economic, social and technological innovation environment well, which are also considered their strategic decisions. The analysis was based on sectoral and macroeconomic indicators and industry employment data for 27 European countries. The results of the multivariate statistical analysis show that the economic potential of each country's uptake market, the volume of governmental support, and the human development index significantly influenced the evolution of pharmaceutical employment over the period under study.

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