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  • Examination of entrepreneurial willingness among the master students of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen

    There is a lot of interest in entrepreneurship today, and there are also many initiatives to introduce young people to the mysteries of entrepreneurship. Starting and running a business requires different competences and a lot of courage. There are many barriers to start-ups, which in many cases discourage people from even starting up. In the present research, I set out to assess the entrepreneurial propensity and competences of Master's students of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen. My research question was focused on what future plans the students have, whether they would like to start a business, what barriers they think are related to entrepreneurship, and how they evaluate themselves in terms of their existing competences in starting and managing a business. To investigate my research questions, I created a questionnaire that, in addition to demographic questions, explores existing entrepreneurial experiences, plans, barriers, and core competencies. The questionnaire was administered in March 2022 through a face-to-face survey. 84 Master's students completed the questionnaire. The conclusions of the survey show that the sample is divided in terms of whether young people would like to be entrepreneurs and that a range of barriers are present in young people's lives, but that they rate highly the listed competences for entrepreneurship as self-reported.

  • Issues of self-management and improving organizational effectiveness among managers

    It is very difficult to measure the leadership excellence. Partly because the indicators of the organizational excellence are measuring mainly the effectiveness and there are not focusing on the “managerial value”. Scientist made a lot of effort in the last decades to measure the “managerial value”, trying to approach from many sides the managerial success. In our research we wanted to review the international practice, and, in the other hand we tried to conduct a situation survey among Hungarian leaders with the aim of exploring the value-creation processes and the managerial thinking and practice which are behind them. This article focuses on self-management solutions and operational management processes to improve the effectiveness of organizational processes. One of the goals of the survey was to discover and present the Hungarian management mindset, the self-management working methods and time-management behavior in the SME sector, all in the context of effectiveness and to enrich with this new information the scientific and market knowledge in the field. 148 managers were included in the study, partly due to the difficult availability, the low willingness to answer, and partly due to the confidential nature of the questions and the large size of the questionnaire. According to the answers we can see, that among the interviewed leaders are common the use of timemanagement applications, task-lists (with task prioritization) and accordingly, the next day’s activities are planned in the evenings. Correlated with the supervision of corporate processes, quality management systems, decision making systems and connection with employees (eg: site visits and daily meetings) receive a special attention. In the basic research we developed 3 clusters: “uncertain empathic”, “experienced strategist” and “ambitious purposeful”. Among them the members of the last cluster performed excellently based on their daily work practices and daily leadership habits. 86.36% of the organizations they lead are profitable and growing at a balanced rate (5% growth rate per year). If we look for the human factors behind the outstanding organizational effectiveness, the components of excellence, presumably this cluster offers solutions.

  • “Stay Home” - Moving to Home Office in the Northern Great Plain Region

    The changes resulting from the covid epidemic have led to an unprecedented spread of the Home Office. In our study, to examine the advantages and disadvantages of working away from work, we chose an organization’s Northern Great Plain Region where face-to-face negotiations are essential, so they were rarely used before the emergency, but were switched en masse due to changed circumstances. We sought to answer which of the literature factors significantly impacted employee satisfaction related to teleworking and the need to maintain it after an epidemic. Based on the regression analysis results, we found that employee satisfaction with a greater desire to switch to telecommuting, proficiency in solutions replacing personal communication channels, and perceived improvement in work-life balance has a positive, uncertainty and stress associated with implementation. Workers would be happy to work in this form in the future if they desire to switch to teleworking became more pronounced at the time of introduction. However, the fear of switching, higher age and lack of managerial feedback would lead them back to the workplace. As a suggestion, we stated that managerial support is vital throughout the process, which should be reflected in employees’ involvement in the decision-making process, the appropriate replacement of the personal communication channel, and more frequent feedback. In improving work-life balance, a leader can be on the side of time management to help his followers by prioritizing tasks. In the Home Office experience process, these measures can help employees experience the benefits of telecommuting more.

  • Is the glass ceiling a self-fulfilling prophecy?! – Research of career opportunities among female workers

    „Is the glass ceiling a self-fulfilling prophecy?! – Connection between career opportunities and competencies among female workers” research has focused on the presence of women in the labor market. The objective of the questionnaire research is to assess whether women are stuck at certain career levels due to the lack of competence and motivation. During the research, I was able to gain insight into women’s attitudes towards careers, which showed a positive picture. I assessed that they were motivated, and I also got answer to the main question, that significant percentage of the 161- person sample would like to work as a leader, and they would have the appropriate skills. However, I was also told that they are building their own barriers to the workplace, many of them are happy with their current job, but not wanting more. The presence of a glass ceiling in the workplace is important to get proper attention as women make up a significant part of the labor market.

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