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  • Pillanatképek a szociális munkások képzéséről a tanfolyamoktól a diplomát adó képzésekig

    The aim of the study is to show the historical development of social workers training in Hungary. We all so present the development of the social work as a profession. The development of training faces to so me difficulties. In our study we tried to show the history of social workers training from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century which was not so easy in so me cases. We all so tried to introduce the training courses, to reorganize the master they were destroyed, redefined his profession, renovate the training. We do these to help to consolidate and confirm the identity of our profession from the conclusions and suggestions we had from our study and make that it will able to fit to the development of the modern education.

  • Szociális munka virtuális térben

    The current health crisis we are experiencing because of Covid-19 pandemic has put social worker schools in a new, unexpected position. How can a practice-based training program be organized during a ‘lockdown’ period? How practical skills can be acquired if contact with field teachers, social services and target groups is limited? Assuming that the world will not be the same after the pandemic and that higher education institutions and systems will not be the same after the crisis, we believe that it is time to rethink the forms of work in the training of social workers and to develop practical techniques that suit better the digital generation of 21st century. In order to learn about innovations and good practices arising from the situation, we organized a focus group interview with 15 field teachers. In the course of our research, we sought to answer the questions: What new forms of practical training have been developed? What are the benefits of the online education? What would the field teachers keep from the currently experimented forms of work in the post-crisis period? The first results of our research prove that, contrary to expectations, the world has not narrowed but expanded as a result of the restrictions. With the intensive use of digital tools and forms of work, remote locations and target groups have become available, special knowledge elements have become involved in training, and new opportunities for the development of personal skills have opened in the social worker training. The crisis situation had a particularly positive effect on the emergence of training innovations.

  • Az ELTE szociális munka alapképzés innovatív elemei és útkeresési törekvései

    In our study, we would like to present the challenges of recent years and the different innovative training methods in the social work BA training program at the University of Eötvös Loránd. The study puts the focus to the practical elements of the social work training program, analyse the skills development subjects and the practice field work. It is important to note that the first and second waves of COVID–19 pandemic have brought several challenges to organize and realize the social work training program, so the study will reflect them as well.

  • A szociális szakemberek digitális technológia és közösségi média használata

    The study presents the results of research on the use of digital technology and social media by social professionals. The research was carried out using a quantitative method, 337 social professionals filled out the questionnaire. I examined the attitudes and needs of social professionals, IT proficiency, digital literacy, characteristics of social media use, with reference to online contact with clients and conscious media use. According to the results, the attitudes of social professionals are positive about the use of technology. Online contact with clients is very common, however, most institutions do not have any recommendations or regulations in this regard. 7 out of 10 respondents never participated in IT, digital competence development training and most of them consider that they did not receive adequate training in the use of info communication technologies during their studies. They see a need to support the procurement of new tools and programs and they would need guidelines, recommendations on the use of technology and social media. The study concludes with a summary of the research results and the formulation of development proposals.

  • Perspectives of problem-based learning in social higher education

    The paper provides insight into the theoretical and methodological features of problem-based learning PBL), as one of challenges and contemporary to advance active learning in higher education. The method was first developed in the realms of medical education, but in recent years it has reached a rather wide range of professional training programs, including social work education. Following a condensed theoretical overview of the method, the author outlines the concept and thematic structure of a short (four-day) introductory workshop for teachers and curriculum developers working in higher education of social workers and allied professionals, who would have the chance to discuss the possibility of introducing the method in their teaching practice as a starting point towards the integration and development of a more practice-oriented training of social professionals.

  • A szakmai identitás, mint a szociálismunkás-képzés egyik kulcskérdése

    Social worker identity development is a key to helpers’ effectiveness. Institutions of higher education have their own systems to assess knowledge and skills. Measuring attitudes, and emerging autonomy and responsibility remains a challenge, though the developmental level of these latter components are fundamental to the motivations and reflectivity of the practitioner.  Identity Structure Analysis is a method to explore the main elements of professional identity, identity formation and dynamics. Our sample included 57 social work practitioners. Our results indicate that a degree in social work, research and critical thinking were considered of secondary importance as compared to continuous professional development opportunities.  Self-awareness trainings and clinical supervision were identified as key training resources. Based on our results, curriculum development should include considerations on professional identity development. Continuing professional education, trainings, mentoring, and clinical supervision are essential resources for social worker practitioners during their career.

  • Gyorsjelentés munkahelyi veszélyekről és biztonságról a szociális munkában

    Workplace safety and risk are rarely mentioned in social work, so we researched the topic. We explored how workplace risks, client aggression and workplace bullying manifest themselves and who is affected by them, from a national and international perspective. Our survey was based on a questionnaire from the Association of Union of Social Professionals, which, from the responses, has shown a strong interest among those working in the profession. The responses showed that professionals are not prepared for dangerous situations that happen in all areas of social work. National and international research data and professional materials suggest that there is a responsibility on the part of the legislator, the profession, training, institutions, and professionals themselves to ensure a safe workplace and safe working conditions. Professional minimum standards are needed to increase safety in the workplace and in social work. International standards and national experiences can be used to develop this. A protocol of this type can provide a basis for training on the subject and for the development of further detailed, discipline-specific standards.