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  • Zsidó közösségek túlélési stratégiái: Középkori gettók és közösségek

    Judaism lived in a traditional society, which we call the Kehila, from the time of the Talmud (2nd to 6th centuries) until the European Enlightenment. Even after this time, some Jewish communities continued to live in this traditional community of values and rules, essentially defined by the Hebrew Bible (Tanach) and the Talmud. I would like to briefly describe this traditional Jewish society, the Kehila, highlighting only a few segments of it, which was a typical form of Jewish life between the 16th and 18th centuries. I will then turn to the social role of the family in the context of the Kehila, the traditional Jewish societas. My focus is on the so-called Ashkenazi, European Jewry. My approach is social-historical, and I use the methods of Jewish studies.
    Jewish communities that have existed for thousands of years have survived to the present day despite often brutally hostile environments. In this paper, I want to examine some of the sociological characteristics of medieval Jewish communities. Are there any particular principles or patterns that we can observe and draw general conclusions from? How did Jewish communities survive for thousands of years?
    In addition to presenting the medieval Kehila, the Jewish community, I would like to draw some conclusions. Jewish communities, as I will try to present descriptively, subordinated the individual and even the family to the interests of the community. The survival of the community was more important than the will, happiness, and interests of the individual and/or the family. Everything was subordinated to the interests of the majority. The operating mechanisms of the community implemented the total supremacy of the collective over the institution of the individual and even the family. This may have been one of the secrets of its success.
    The Jews could adapt, their traditional-spiritual way of life predestined them to do so, and their survival was successful.

  • A rizikómagatartás mintázatai a Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyei gyermekvédelmi szakellátásban élő fiatalok körében

    The research to reveal the drug use habits of children and young people living in the social periphery was conducted in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County in 2017. The target group of the research included 14–25-year-old young people living in slums and in child-protection service.
    The aim of the study was to reveal the drug use habits and the risk behaviours of children and adolescents living in the periphery of the society. The study tries to find explanations to the risk factors of drug consumption of young people living in child-protection.
    The characteristics of anomie in the target population is used to study the effects of drug consumption. The paper looks for answers to resilience from the available data and additionally it highlights the protective and risk factors that influence the development of substance use in the target group.
    The results and conclusions from this research coupled with related international and Hungarian research are presented in this study.

  • Az LMBTQ közösség nemzetközi és hazai elfogadottságának vizsgálata

    In our study, we examined the acceptance of the LGBTQ community in Hungary and internationally along different dimensions using a hybrid approach. Using the quantitative data analysis method, we investigated Hungarian LGBTQ acceptance in an international context using longitudinal data from the European Social Survey. In the focus group qualitative study, we investigated the attitudes, acceptance and opinions of university students in Debrecen. The results of the 2020 Hungarian survey show that the acceptance of LGBTQ people is lower among older, primary-educated, right-wing, religious people. Compared to 2016 and 2018, Hungarian society has become more tolerant despite the anti-LGBTQ public mood, which is in line with international trends. The results of the 2022 focus group survey also confirmed the trends identified by the ESS. Acceptance is influenced by the political and legal environment in Hungary and the media representation created by these influences. In addition to these macro- factors, family, educational institution, and religion play an important role as micro- factors. All of these have an impact on acceptance and can perpetuate prejudices and stereotypes towards the LGBTQ community.

  • Kutassunk együtt – A kutatási gyakorlat és a kutatótáborok szerepe a szociális munka oktatásában

    Rethinking the relation of theory and practice is in the focus nowadays regarding social studies. Define the ideal rate of practice in study programs is not easy, just as to determine those competencies and knowledge that able to reply to the differing needs of the labor market. The need-to-know basis which defines directly the tools of a practicing social worker is changing steadily by the societal- and economic transformation. Accordingly to this phenomenon, raise awareness relating to the learning process, innovative tools for both informal and formal (extra-)curricular trainings have become important features of education. In this learning environment, students are able to focus on better knowledge, understanding, and traceability of their individual growth.  Moreover, innovative methods create an opportunity to develop values, attitudes, and professionalism. Organizing and implementing research-camps, where students can deepen their knowledge of social research methods, is perfectly fits this approach. We have to see that learning is not an activity we can define precisely, rather something complex, strongly determined by the situation, as different people learn differently, indeed, the same person has different ways to get the knowledge in different situations. This is particularly true for research-camps where the specific learning environment has catalyzing role in transforming procedural knowledge. One advantage of procedural knowledge is that it can involve more senses, such as hands-on experience, practice at solving problems, understanding of the limitations of a specific solution, etc. Camping is an outstanding and effective stage in social learning as well. Experience as usable knowledge in subsequent situations may remain by reflecting on solving problems and experiences. (Gruber & Garabás, 2018) In the practice of the Department of Community and Social Studies (University of Pécs) students participate in research planning and implementing from the setting of targets through data collection and processing till publishing results. Studied phenomenons, processes, and correlations are often the proofs of the complexity of society for those with significantly different socio-economic backgrounds. The community-shaping effect is another crucial aspect in the integration of research-camps into our curriculum. The decreasing number of full-time students and the fact that most of them are employees (self-supporters) affect the quantity and the quality of community activities. Research-camps, besides deepening and exploiting knowledge, create opportunities for collaboration and savoring mutual experiences.

  • A kora gyermekkori intervenció elmélete és gyakorlata II.

    Preventive and intervention services in the early years of life are crucial for the development of the child, the strengthening of the family, and the future of society. A theoretical grounding of early childhood intervention and an overview of international trends and practices help to identify the points of policy intervention in Hungary and to define the directions for the development of the care system. Building on international experience, previous research and development results, the integration of the adaptable elements of coordinated, integrated service systems based on interdisciplinary teamwork into the Hungarian model will contribute to the development of a more efficient system. In this way, the problems of children with developmental differences, delayed development and at-risk will be detected and identified at an earlier age, and then they and their families could have access to appropriate, needs-based care and services in a timely manner.

  • A tranzitív változások integratív megközelítése a gerontológia kulcskoncepciói mentén

    This study connecting to the research for inquiry of the hazard about the demographical changes in the society, put the question, that the arriving the big demographical wave of the generation who was born between 1946 and 1964 particularly during the „Ratkó period” of the fifties to the old age, which kind of difficulties comes up in the care system for the older people because of the demographical hazards. According to the starting point of our hypothesis the adverse health conditions and psychosocial problems underlines the importance of the prevention, while the programmes of the primer prevention in the Hungarian care system proves insufficient, and the secondary prevention is unsettled. In the focus of our research programme are the theoretical, methodological questions, and questions about the possibilities of the development of the social service system for the secondary prevention on the field of the elder care. Considering the complexity of this subject, in this study we try to take out of the topic of theoretical background of the transitive changes of aging in scope of „desk-based research” for develop a new conceptual framework of the transitive changes in integrative approach based on key-concepts on modern gerontology.

  • Mentális zavarral, hajléktalanságban élő személyek segítése - a BMSZKI gyakorlatának rövid bemutatása

    Persons living with mental disorders and homelessness belong to a particularly vulnerable client group. The stigma associated with mental illness reinforces the stigmatization of homelessness. If someone receives a psychiatric diagnosis, society treats it as a label and categorizes the person. Fear of being labeled undermines the motivation of people with mental disorders to seek help. A good example of this is the case of people living in homelessness and with mental disorders, who do not want to take on another stigma in addition to the stigma of homelessness and therefore do not use help or services in connection with their mental problems. Another difficulty is the problem of accessibility to services. The F3 report on the 2020 homeless data collection "After the criminal law - before the pandemic" Péter Győri's summary work Becoming homeless - services - perspectives shows that 29% of the respondents were receiving psychiatric treatment. The misconception that "homeless people are mentally ill, psychiatric patients" can be found in the work of Péter Győri (Győri, 2020). At the same time, we know that not all people with mental disorders appear in the care system, so there may be more than 29% of people who are affected by the problem. The Budapest Methodological Social Center and Institutions (BMSZKI) has developed a complex rehabilitation service for people living in homelessness and with mental disorders in cooperation with the Awakenings Foundation. The purpose of this paper is to present this practice.

  • „Mást tudnék csinálni, de hogy nem szeretném, az biztos!” Szociális munkások 2006-tól 2017-ig

    How do social workers see their work, their calling? What changes did they go through, and how did they value these? To have an answer, I interviewed 13 social workers of a city in 2006 and in 2016 and 2017.

    The interviewees have already changed their workplace and gone through other changes in their life, which they experienced differently. Most of them showed alternations in their attitude toward their work, one-third presented prolonged changes in their internal thinking and personality. They sense and follow changes in their profession, and in the society. Almost all of them think that they have the opportunity to find a new job either up to their circumstances or their personal qualities.

    The outcome of this research can contribute to the general opinion about social workers’ career path, about which information is usually gathered during their studies.

  • Az Észak-alföldi régió szociális szövetkezeteinek működési sajátosságai

    In my study I attempted to give a thorough picture of the terminology of social economy, of the evolution of cooperatives in Hungary and of the current situation of social cooperatives both on a national and international level. I focused on the underlying causes of the success or failures of cooperatives. The topic continues to gain importance in the ever more intense economic competition of the present, which in turn results in rapid changes in social inequalities. Intense competition on the market causes increasingly rapid appearances of ever growing numbers of the disadvantaged who no longer possess the resources to break into the primary labour markets. Social cooperatives can be a powerful means to combat these inequalities and to support the integration of their members into the labour market and into wider society. My study aims to analyse the situation of social cooperatives registered in the Northern Great Plain Region of Hungary. I used national databases to focus on and analyse the social cooperatives of the region. My goal was to present the advantages and disadvantages of social cooperatives. To date, I have interviewed the heads of 33 social cooperatives. I processed the findings of my interviews through thematic analysis. I found that considering the low membership of the few available cooperatives within the region the above method would prove the most viable. As part of my work I also aimed to investigate the state of the infrastructure, as well as the leadership, social networks, marketing techniques, financial management, future plans, and the conditions surrounding the formation of each cooperative. My empirical research uncovered a growing dependency on projects and found that working under the local government can lead to violations of principles. On the other hand, cooperation with the local government proved to be beneficial considering the small size of owned capital. Sustainability of social cooperatives is further made more difficult by the negative connotation and biases that came to be attached to the term in the country.

  • A kora gyermekkori intervenció elmélete és gyakorlata I. - Néhány elméleti és módszertani összefüggés

    Preventive and intervention services in the early years of life are crucial for the development of the child, the strengthening of the family, and the future of society. A theoretical grounding of early childhood intervention and an overview of international trends and practices help to identify the points of policy intervention in Hungary and to define the directions for the development of the care system. Building on international experience, previous research and development results, the integration of the adaptable elements of coordinated, integrated service systems based on interdisciplinary teamwork into the Hungarian model will contribute to the development of a more efficient system. In this way, the problems of children with developmental differences, delayed development and at-risk will be detected and identified at an earlier age, and then they and their families could have access to appropriate, needs-based care and services in a timely manner.

  • A szociális munkás és a hatalom – válasz Krémer Balázs cikkére

    The article responds to Balázs Krémer's article "From the Social Worker of Power to the Power of Social Work - Discussion Paper on the Crisis of Social Work" and the related online professional debate. In my article, I summarize my views on the historical and social embeddedness of social work in Hungary, including the apparent contrast between social policy and person-oriented social work, the contrast between improvisational and standardized social work, the phenomenon of client management, and the empowerment to interpret the social profession.