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  • A kritikai pedagógia és a szociális munka kapcsolata: pedagógia a szociális munkában szakemberek nézőpontjain keresztül

    This paper is trying to enlighten the interrelations between pedagogy and social work practice through lenses of professionals and by analysing similar courses of development and professionalization of these two disciplines. My question in this small research basically was how social workers do and educators think about similarities and differences of the two disciplines in practice and in theory as well. Do social workers identify pedagogical situations, which include a process of learning in their social work praxis? If they identify situations when they are participants in a learning process with the service users do they apply educating methods and techniques? Do social workers apply pedagogical methods and skills in their praxis consciously?
    From my point of view the process of empowerment is also a learning process of ourselves and our environment therefore I think social workers would need to facilitate these learning situations to make empowerment happen thus I also think they might need to know of different theories of learning, importance of feedbacks, terms of educational psychology, different learning styles. Based on these thoughts it occurred to me to examine what professionals think about the connection between pedagogy and social work? I was also curious of if social workers can apply a perspective on their professional practise that includes learning situations and educational work as well? Or do they perceive educational work’s and social work’s theories and practises really differently?
    In my research I have done a focal group interview with social workers and educators where we used different approaches on cases from social work practise and try to identify learning situations. In this paper I am using the person-centered approaches of pedagogy and the theory of critical education because I think that is where an overlapping can be found between the objectives of reform education theories and social work.

  • Tapasztalati tanulási módszerek helye és szerepe a szociális képzésekben

    The present study seeks the place and role of experiential learning methods in social trainings – primarily BA in social work and BA in social pedagogy. The provoking sentence is in the writings of Dominelli (1997), who states that those who only participate in trainings become less innovative thinkers, rather they become professionals who can only solve practical problems.
    The author of the present study is committed to the use of training and experiential learning methods. The experience of a teacher / trainer in social work and social pedagogy in BA courses confirms that this method is what can form a bridge between theory and practice and is able to integrate the two approaches. With my writing I support that the method – by its framework, its methods based on experiential learning and the personality of the trainer – leads to the modern and innovative social expertise that characterizes the reflective social professional.

  • „Itt ezek a kis házikók az intézetet szimbolizálják” Történetek egy gyermekotthon lakóiról – a tetoválások tükrében

    In our days tattoos have spread widely, so we cannot consider them as manifestations of deviant behaviour. Nowadays this form of body modification is known to be a tool of self-expression by the literature. But from the tattoos seen in orphanages, the question arises in me whether these body modifications are on the first place to express themselves. Besides answering this question my main aim is to discover the motivation of having a tattoo and its motifs and introduce how these pictures on the skin can be a map to gain knowledge about the world of orphanages.

    My qualitative research based on interviews and participant observation has taken place in an orphanage. I would like to reveal and note the detailed features of this culture. In my essay I would like to pay particular attention to tattoos. For this I asked questions from 19 youngsters and 6 other informants with the help of structured interviews.

  • Stigmatization of Children and Youth of the Socially Non-homogeneous Neighborhoods: Analysis of the Mechanisms of the Neighborhood Effects and the Concept of Empowering Social Work

    The manuscript presents a concept of the mechanisms of the neighborhood effects which has been empirically grounded in a long-term qualitative study conducted by me in one of Łódź disadvantaged residential environments. The theory generated during the study fits into a model that explains the neighborhood impact in terms of social processes endogenous to the neighborhood. In particular, it offers an explanation of the neighborhood impact in terms of social heterogeneity and consequential stigmatization of the selected groups of residents.  The reconstruction of the stigmatization process and its outcomes for the selected groups of residents − children and youth − inspired my reflection on empowering social work in socially non-homogeneous neighborhoods, which I also put forward in this contribution.