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  • Trends in social work in the 21st century

    This historical and contemporary overview of key developments in social work’s professionalisation demonstrates its intricate enmeshment with political framework conditions. The current scenario is characterised by stark polarisations as evidenced by the seemingly insurmountable dilemmas over how to overcome wars, epidemics and the economic and climate crises. These polarisations indicate a systematic erosion of the social dimension of societies largely through neoliberal politics which pose a central challenge to social work and its professional social mandate. The experience of social workers in confronting ambiguity and dealing dialectically with the polarising tendencies of modernity in their position as an “in-between profession” therefore offers transformative possibilities for dealing with current global dilemmas through the affirmation of core social work competences, which is illustrated with examples.

  • A másság ítéletének rejtett dimenziói

    The lecturer sought to answer the question of how individuals and communities drift into feelings and actions of intimacy in times of social crises and crises. What happens to social work and its values in the meantime? What happens to the social worker who experiences these situations themselves?

  • Párbeszéd a romok között – reformgondolatok a személyes gondoskodást nyújtó szociális szolgáltatásokról

    The topic of the article is status in the present of the Hungarian personal care social services, the problem map of the care system and the range of possible and necessary measures. The author identifies nine problem areas in the social field, within he identifies further phenomena. Based on these, he identifies twenty measures, that are necessary to prevent the crises of the social welfare system and to development of the area.