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  • Felzárkózási célú Európai Uniós projektek problématérképe

    The topic was the problem map of the projects for catch-up in the 2014-2020 period, based on the literature related to segregation phenomena, the analysis of related documents and interviews with social workers working in the field.

    The main problem areas that emerged during the research were: the use of concepts related to segregation, the delimitation and selection of segregation, and the various difficulties of project format implementation. Further, detailed research on the phenomena would be important, the phenomena related to segregation can be considered an important social problem for decades and understanding the difficulties can be a key element of successful interventions.

  • Eszközfejlesztési kísérlet az iskolai bántalmazás megelőzésére

    Everyone has probably encountered school abuse in their life, if nothing else as a spectator. These abuses may cause huge damages in a small child and having an effect on their socialization and psychological health, not only in their childhood, yet later, moreover in many cases they lead to suicide. Despite all of this, unfortunately, there are few well-elaborated methods and devices to prevent bullying, and they are not generally known in education either.

    These thoughts had an inspiring effect when, within the framework of interprofessional project work, the sensitizing box as a tool, aimed at preventing school violence, and the related methodological proposal was created. The purpose of the tool is to integrate pedagogical and social work knowledge and offer teachers and social workers an effective opportunity to raise the topic and deal with the problem. The methodology uses the principles of experiential learning and prevention, adapting to the frameworks that are given to teachers and kindergarten and school social workers who appear in a school and encounter violence.

    The study presents the process of the development work, there commendation for the use of the tool and the results of testing with groups of children.

  • A legfontosabb változás – The Most Significant Change

    It is becoming increasingly apparent to NGOs that the measurement of their social impact is not merely a requirement for project reporting but a well-chosen measurement method for the organization’s profile and programs can be an important pillar of communication and even professional work.

    The article discusses an experiment that focuses on the experience to approaching impact assessment and evaluation methods. The „Most Significant Change” participatory methodology is based directly on the person’s subjective experience, not guided by a predetermined „external” logic and path of the researcher. The indicators are not closed-ended categories, rather the storytelling they are based on.

  • Felkészülés és képzéshasznosulás a segítő szakmákban: Összehasonlító tanulmány

    The objective of the study is to investigate the integration of social work students in the labour market in order to develop social work BA-level education. The research is based on a quantitative questionnaire completed by a number of 196 University-graduate respondents. The data collection was carried out in three institutions: Partium Christian University, University of Pécs, and University of Debrecen. According to the results, most experts consider themselves well prepared, but they have some shortcomings in their skills such as knowledge of foreign languages, financial literacy, project management, application writing, research methodology and understanding social processes. University education should focus more on these areas. Most of the professionals are satisfied with their education, but the proportion of the average evaluators is also high. It was found that the relationship between the knowledge acquired in the university is not significantly related to job satisfaction, and certain skills can be retrofitted during work practice.