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  • Kivonuló, zsugorodó vagy gondoskodó állam? A szociális törvény parlamenti vitájának elemzése a gondozási etika normatív szűrőjén keresztül

    The 2022 amendment of the Social Act codified the principle of self-care in a stricter form than before, stating that "Everyone is responsible for themselves." The original wording of the bill submitted to Parliament declared even more clearly and sharply that "The individual is primarily responsible for their own social security." Professional organizations dealing with social policy and social work, as well as the independent press and opposition parties, unequivocally interpreted the amendment as a withdrawal of the state, while the ruling party that submitted the bill primarily referred to the principle of subsidiarity. Meanwhile, in recent years, social policy and social professions have increasingly been pushed out of the official state terminology, being replaced by the term "care policy." This study attempts to identify and evaluate the normative framework of legislation (problem definition, declared values and ideologies, conceptions regarding state involvement and human nature) by analysing the parliamentary debate on the amendment. Additionally, the analysis pays special attention to uncovering the meanings of "care policy" used by legislators and "traditional" social policy as presented in opposition speeches. Therefore, as the method of analysis, I chose a normative document analysis method based on the ethical values of care and political-philosophical assumptions. The study consists of three parts. First, I summarize the values that define the ethics of care and introduce the document analysis method called Trace, then follows the analysis of the parliamentary debate on the law, and finally, the evaluation of the normative framework.

  • Tapolcai szervezetek és szakembereik fejlődési lehetőségei az interprofesszionális kooperációban

    In the period between 2018 and 2020, two organizations in the city of Tapolca also launched programs aimed at the prevention of mental health and prevention of addictions. In the present study, the focus is on the collaborations that have taken place on the programs and on the motivation of the professionals in terms of getting involved in the programs. The basic question is what effect the established collaborations will have on social professionals and the services they provide in the future. The evaluation of the results has shown that responding to the social problems present is important for all sectors and can be described as a common issue. In the new techniques learned by the applications, professionals see an opportunity for treatment, which can also be the basis for working together. Thus, it can be said that interprofessional cooperation is present in the city, which is a strong basis for building interdisciplinary professionalism. However, the social and educational fields were basically involved in the programs, so we cannot yet talk about fully promoting interdisciplinary cooperation at the city level.

  • A legfontosabb változás – The Most Significant Change

    It is becoming increasingly apparent to NGOs that the measurement of their social impact is not merely a requirement for project reporting but a well-chosen measurement method for the organization’s profile and programs can be an important pillar of communication and even professional work.

    The article discusses an experiment that focuses on the experience to approaching impact assessment and evaluation methods. The „Most Significant Change” participatory methodology is based directly on the person’s subjective experience, not guided by a predetermined „external” logic and path of the researcher. The indicators are not closed-ended categories, rather the storytelling they are based on.

  • 7 év – A legfontosabb változás A BAGázs Közhasznú Egyesület közösségi munkájának hatása a bagi szegregátumban

    BAGazs Public Benefit Association has been working for 7 years in a roma settlement in Bag village, Hungary. The study evaluates the impact and milestones of the community development work done so far. In the evaluation process, by using The Most Significant Change method, the interpretation and presentation are primarily based on the participants’ narratives and self-stories. Besides the above, the purpose of the present paper is to provide professional and methodological aid to Hungarian settlement-type and community-focus organisations, as the study seeks to explain the special features (difficulties or/and possibilities) of the community work in segregated Roma settlements.

  • A szociális szolgáltatások hatásosságát és hatékonyságát érintő néhány kérdés

    The paper investigates the effectiveness and efficiency of social services, as well as terms and questions related to them, regarding their role in service organization. At first it makes an attempt to clear up some words with similar meaning, including ones based on quality and outcome. Then it reviews the historical roots concerning efficiency and effectiveness, followed by researches took place in social work particularly, covering the related terms, the trend called managerialism, then the quality management, witch originates from it, and the evidence based practice. Next, the topic related fundamental indicators are presented, according to the measurability of social work, naming some indicators it could measured with while evaluating. Toward the end the relation between service planning/organizing and efficiency/effectiveness, and the relevant terms considering this relation are discussed.