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A szociális munka válsága a lakhatási válság szemszögéből
Views:622Our study’s aim is to open a debate and reflect to the crisis of social work, the empty usage of social work as a concept and method, the distance of theoretical work and practise and the struggle of no means in everyday work.
Our views and experiences are illustrated through two program’s experiences dealing with reducing housing poverty, supported by significant sums, and we focus on social work.
Mire jó egy szegénytelep a város közepén? - avagy tágabb kontextusok a segítő szemszögéből egy városi szegregátum kapcsán
Views:353The article examines the existence of the famous slum in the city centre, the functions of it in the local social policy from the viewpoint of an NGO field worker. Gans’ functionalist method and the wilder context may explain the fact that there is no plan for the liquidation of the settlement since two years, although the money is given. The article analyses how became the stigma of the slum useful by the media, art, charity actions through political aims and how this special situation reinforced by the COVID–19.
Beszámoló az International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) prágai küldöttgyűléséről és konferenciájáról
Views:225Report on the annual delegate meeting and professional conference of the European region of the IFSW (International Federation of Social Workers) held in Prague in May 2023. The Hungarian Association of Social Workers (HASW) participated in the event with 4 people in person and online. The article summarizes the professional topics and proposals around which the conference was organized.
Az ELTE szociális munka alapképzés innovatív elemei és útkeresési törekvései
Views:259In our study, we would like to present the challenges of recent years and the different innovative training methods in the social work BA training program at the University of Eötvös Loránd. The study puts the focus to the practical elements of the social work training program, analyse the skills development subjects and the practice field work. It is important to note that the first and second waves of COVID–19 pandemic have brought several challenges to organize and realize the social work training program, so the study will reflect them as well.