Vol. 3 No. 4 (2016)
Módszertan – Hazai Pálya
A társas támogatórendszer jellemzői a Nyíregyházi Család- és Gyermekjóléti Központ által nyújtott szolgáltatások igénybe vevői körében
Views:114The study was carried out in Nyíregyháza Family and Child Welfare Centre with clients. I thought that those families who are in connection with the organization, supporting less connected, as those families who do not use the service. In the study, the characteristics of the social support system is described in terms of social work, and I discuss the confidential relationship between the child's parents is the importance of the inclusion of the questionnaire was applied to five name-generator situations. The method reveals that in some cases, who are the persons who rely on the people, or is there any person on whom they can rely on. I examined two generations, parents and children during my research. First of all I took into account the age of the children, aged 11 to 18 years covered in the study population. I think that would be the tools of social work to expand the use of the name generator method.
PDF (Hungarian)452 -
A fiatalok szabadidő eltöltési szokásaihoz alkalmazkodó ifjúsági közösségi tér – a hang out másik oldala
Views:1442According to Hungarian youth surveys, we are witnessing a social group spending their free time pointlessly in a passive, recreative, mediatized and digital environment. No matter it’s a weekday or a weekend, many youngsters spend time doing practically nothing which is also reflected in the level of their active citizenship.
Our personal experiences confirm: youths spend little time in places controlled by adults; they prefer the ones without any supervision. The question arises: can we create community places that are popular, yet safe, inspiring to learn and able to promote social participation?
In the study, I attempt to present how to reach and involve the youth by a methodology that suits best to their free time spending patterns and to the way they use community places. To this, I briefly define the concepts of youth work and youth participation and I give a functioning Irish example. Later, I will summarize the key elements of the hang out method and attempt to back the recommended techniques by using my experiences and scientific literature.
PDF (Hungarian)934
Módszertan – Portrék, interjúk
Tanulmányok – Visszapillantó
Irénke útja - Esettanulmány
Views:320This study is the story of Irénke who never was in a really harmonic relationship with her mother and in hope for a better life she ran into a bad marriage. She gave life to two baby boys but because of the lifestyle of her husband she had to run again. He bullied her constantly. She sticked to his sons like a tiger and tried to stay strong but she had to solve all problems alone. She felt lost so many times and at the end she became depressed. She tried to commit suicide but she wanted to do something against her disease. She sarted to work at an institution that 0helps people with reduced capacity to work and patricipated in a self-knwoledge training as well. Perhaps it was not accidental. She started the traingin lately because she collapsed mentally and was treated in psychiatry. When she joined into the work she was broken, silent and uninterested.
Then something magical hapend. Her mentor noticed her condition and wanted to help her. Not only her mentor stood up for her but the whole team. They understood Irénke, who never felt lonely anymore. She was not alone with her problems. Because of this „magic” Irénke became more active in the lessons, she felt better and started to love her life. She never felt this way before during her life. She started to bulid her self-confidence and she felt safe in her team.
Irénke told her story and problems to her mentor who tried to help her in any way. Specialists started to support Irénke and they set up a plan. They examined all options and chose what’s the best for Irénke. Finally they carried through their plan.This study is about this whole process. It tells us how got Irénke through the most difficult part of her life with the help of her mentor and friends. The study shows us the mentor’s whole work. It presents what did she to help Irénke. We also can see Irénke’s reactions. She stood up from the floor and became a balanced, happy and peaceful woman. We can see the process how she get from the depression to a happy and balanced life. She found her way and purpose in life. Also Irénke’s mentor became a better person. She developed together with Irénke and also became a more confident person. This study tells us their story and journey to a better life.
PDF (Hungarian)9314
A nyíregyházi középiskolás diákok iskolai közösségi szolgálattal kapcsolatos tapasztalatainak vizsgálata
Views:121In my study I examine the secondary school students’ experiences about service-learning in Nyíregyháza. I used quantitative method and I asked 185 students. This service-learning is compulsory for those secondary school children who want to gets the certificate of final examination. The first students in this system graduated from secondary school in 2016 so I asked them about their service-learning experiences. In addition I also examine what are the differences between the experiences among the type of the secondary school and academic success. In my analyses I use crosstabs and variance analyses by means of SPSS program. According to my results there is a significant correlation between the student’s experiences and secondary school type. The secondary school type have significant effect to secondary school student’s experiences of service-learning (area of choice, the motivation of area selection, where fulfil the service-learning, there are preparatory and processor lessons). The average of grade (except area of choice) is not effect to the experience.
Tudástár – Recenzió
Views:46Dr. Boga Bálint: Pillantás a dombról Válogatott fejezetek az idősödés-tudomány területéről
PDF (Hungarian)261 -
A Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében élő kisgyermekes anyukák munkaerő-piaci (re)integrációja - Könyvismertetés
Views:50R. Fedor Anita: EGYENSÚLYBAN? –
A munkaerő-piaci karriertől a familiarizmusig
Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 2015