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  • The appearance of renewable energy sources in the settlement development documents of local authorities in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County

    In recent decades, several new trends can be observed in the field of energy management, one of which is the increase of the role of renewable energy sources. As a result of this fact, local authorities in Hungary have also devoted increasing attention to this question in recent years. The first step of their interventions is the drawing up of the appropriate development documents, relying on which specific steps/investments can also take place later. In the spirit of the above, the objective of the present paper is to analyse the development documents of local authorities in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County. The most important findings of the study could be summarised as follows. Firstly the Integrated Settlement Development Strategies prepared for the period 2014 to 2020 dealt with the topic of renewable energy sources in much more detail than earlier documents. Secondly from the various renewable energy sources, the development document devoted most attention to solar and geothermal energy and thirdly the appearance of renewable energy sources in the development documents shows a close link with the size of the settlements.


  • Investigation of the wind power potential of the Hernád valley

    The University of Debrecen, Department of Meteorology has carried out research into the climatic and social-economic conditions of the Hernád valley in the scope of a scientific project (OTKA K 75794) between 2009 and 2012. The aim is to find out the optimal area for wind and solar energy, as well as biomass utilization. Our purpose is to work out a model wherein the complex evaluation of natural and social-economic conditions and effects can eventually result in a sustainable and conflictfree land use. The results of the research will be useful in working out a regional improvement based on the use of renewable energy sources to help the local decision-making process.

  • The utilization strucutre of thermal water wells and its unexploited capacities in Hungary

    In order to mitigate Hungary’s vulnerability in energy supply and accomplish the renewable energy production targets, it is essential to discover exploitable alternative opportunities for energy production and step up the utilization of the available capacities. The purpose of this publication is to map up the utilization structure of the existing Hungarian thermal water wells, describe its changes over the past 16 years, reveal the associated reasons and define the unutilized well capacities that may contribute to increasing the exploitation of geothermal heat by municipalities. The studies have been conducted in view of the Cadaster of Thermal Water Wells of Hungary compiled in 1994, the well cadasters kept by the regional water management directorates, as well as the data of the digital thermal water cadaster of 2010. The calculations performed for the evaluation of data have been based on the ratios and respective utilization areas of the existing wells. In the past 150 years, nearly 1500 thermal water wells have been drilled for use by a broad range of economic operations. The principal goals of constructing thermal water wells encompass the use of water in balneology, water and heat supply to the agriculture, hydrocarbon research and the satisfaction of municipal water demands. In 1994, 26% of the facilities was operated as baths, 21% was used by agriculture, while 13% and 12% served communal and waterworks supply, respectively. Then in 2010, 31% of thermal water wells was continued to be used for the water supply of bathing establishments, followed by 20% for agricultural use, 19% for utilization by waterworks, 11% for observation purposes and 10% for communal use. During the 16 years between 1994 and 2010, the priorities of utilization often changed, new demands emerged in addition to the former utilization goals of thermal water wells. The economic landscape and changes in consumer habits have transformed the group of consumers, which is the reason why most of the resources have remained untapped. In 2010, 13% of all the thermal water wells were closed in, but could potentially be utilized; these capacities could be deployed for the satisfaction of the heat demands of municipal public institutions.

  • Climate change: Hungary’s perception and how we adopt renewables against it

    The aim of the research is to present the effects of climate change in Hungary, the public opinion on climate change and the related social acceptance of renewable energy sources and the reasons for their adaptation. Previous surveys have shown that the Hungarian population is aware of the dangers of climate change, yet they are less willing to act against either climate change or pollution. Global climate change threatens peripheral regions more than central regions, as several studies have shown. Hungary has so far successfully met its climate targets but is still far from reaching the 2050 climate neutrality target. The financial and economic situation of the Hungarian population does not currently allow them to widely adopt the opportunities offered by renewable energy sources, but those who can afford to invest in the technologies do so primarily for the financial savings, not to fight climate change.

  • Comparison of CO2-emissions of households heated by natural gas and firewood

    In terms of climate protection, one of the most important questions is the reduction of the GHG emission. In this study, I compared CO2 -emission of households heated by natural gas and firewood, which had similar heated area and volume of air, considering the carbon-dioxide absorbing of forests of the households heated by firewood. Natural gas is a fossil fuel; however, the firewood (solid biomass) is a renewable energy resource. One of the main features of renewable energy sources is to get into the atmosphere less CO2 than fossil fuels. The renewable energy resources emit into the air just as much CO2 as they absorb during their life cycle.