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  • Studying the accuracy of orthophotos on the example of various terrain models in study areas in Hungary

    Depending on the orientation data, the accuracy of the applied terrain models and the field content of the orthophotos data of different accuracy can be obtained in the course of analysing orthophotos. Considering the factors influencing accuracy, differences resulted by the application of different elevation models are studied in this paper in two study areas in Hungary. Primary aim of this study is to determine the magnitude of differences between the co-ordinates of reference points digitized from orthophotos and that of points measure.

  • Studying floodplain roughness in an Upper Tisza study area

    Floods slowing down due to the significant decrease of the gradient have considerable sediment accumulation capacity in the floodplain. The grade of accumulation is further increased if the width of the floodplain is not uniform as water flowing out of the narrow sections diverge and its speed is decreased. Surface roughness in a study area of 492 hectares in the Upper Tisza region was analysed based on CIR (color-infrared) orthophotos from 2007. An NDVI index layer was created first on which object-based image segmentation and threshold-based image classification were performed. The study area is dominated by land cover / land use types (grassland-shrubs, forest) with high roughness values. It was concluded that vegetation activity based analyses on their own are not enough for determining floodplain roughness.