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  • Big plans and little plans: delivering land use change designed by landscape ecology

    In this paper I describe some of the ways in which landscape ecology principles have been incorporated into land use planning and change. In Scotland we have tried developing landscape-scale or regional plans for land use change to resolve issues of habitat fragmentation – the ‘big plans’ of the title. We have also developed ‘little plans’ – much smaller proposals based on individual designated sites. My conclusion is that both of these approaches are weak in directing land use change at the scale necessary, and that a system which ‘scores’ land manager-generated proposals is a more useful new approach.

  • Measuring connectivity - A new approach for the geometrization of the landscape and for the enhancement of cost-effectiveness in landuse planning

    The study aims to introduce a new method and approach for measuring the diversity of connectivity with the help of the landscape geometrization, in order to create a new variable useful in landscape metrics and to decrease the costs of landscape planning if its main goal is the enhancement of connectivity. Using induction we identify the landscape elements with geometric elements, calculating the theoretical maximum line, section, intersection point (node) number and compare these values of the idealistic landscape to the values of the real landscape.

  • Estimating soil loss from a watershed in Western Deccan, India, using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation

    USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) is the original and the most widely accepted soil loss estimation technique till date which has evolved from a design tool for conservation planning to a research methodology all across the globe. The equation has been revised and modified over the years and became a foundation for several new soil loss models developed all around the world. The equation has been revised as RUSLE by Renard et al. (1991) and is computed in GIS environment. The Revised equation is landuse independent which makes it a useful technique to apply in a variety of environment. The present paper is an attempt to estimate soil loss from a semi-arid watershed in Western Deccan, India by employing RUSLE. The region is a rocky terrain and sediments are restricted to only a few localities. The result indicates that the region is at the threshold of soil tolerance limit.

  • Present tendencies in landscape planning and recognition of the opinion of local citizens on the example of the Tiszazug

    A survey based on online and face-to face interviews with 104 persons who live in the Tiszazug in the central part of the Great Hungarian Plain. According to the answers the character of the landscape here would change dramatically by disappearance of oxbow lakes, floodplain forests and vineries. The decreasing population and aging of the citizens result in decreasing intensity of landuse, increasing number of abandoned buildings and the attractiveness of the landscape is spoiled by illegal waste disposals and weedy water banks.