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  • Cost sensitivity of international students in the largest hungarian university cities

    Statistics on international students distinguish between diploma mobility (full-time students abroad) and credit mobility (part-time courses, student exchanges such as Erasmus+, etc.). In terms of economic benefits, their common feature is mostly realised in the spendings by the foreign students in the host country. The comparison of the host cities reveals that Budapest should be considered as a separate category being different from the other cities in many respects. Although, the assessment of the other three university centres (Pécs, Debrecen and Szeged) received similar evaluations (close average values) but some kind of order developed between them in which Szeged and Pécs are perhaps regarded in a little bit more favourable position than Debrecen. There is a lot to be improved to broaden the studentification process in these cities particularly in four fields. The evaluations can certainly be considered useful in the sense that they help to identify those services which are problematic in any terms (price or quality).