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  • Rare vascular plants and fungi of Zalaegerszeg-Botfa (W Hungary)

    The present study reports the occurrence data of 3 macrofungi and 47 vascular plant taxa, collected in Zalaegerszeg-Botfa between 2006 and 2017. These new data provide valuable additional information to the distribution map of the studied species. The spatial and abundance information of both protected and non-protected species can contribute to the future biodiversity monitoring activities in order to asses and mitigate the human impact upon natural plant communities and semi-natural habitats.

  • Escaping of Euphorbia myrsinites from cultivation in Eger (E Hungary)

    Euphorbia myrsinites L. (Euphorbiaceae) is a well-known ornamental plant with native dis­tribu­tion around the Mediterranean Basin, the Black Sea, the Caucasus region and Minor Asia. Its es­cape from cultivation and its naturalization in Western and Central Europe as well as in North America was reported in many cases. In Hungary, the casual escape of E. myrsinites has been documented more than fifty years ago and new observations were recently reported from different regions of the country. Here, I discuss a new record of the species from the town of Eger (E Hungary). The obtained data allow considering E. myrsinites as a locally naturalized species in the flora of Hungary. According to standard­ized criteria, the species may be able for local invasions too, but further observations are needed to accurately determine its present status in Hungary.