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  • Short communications

    1. Occurrence of Ophioglossum vulgatum in a dry loess grassland in the Tiszafüred–Kunhegyes plain (Great Hungarian Plain)

    2. Dolomite rocky grassland species introduced by raw materials of a road construction (Kecskemét, Great Hungarian Plain)

    3. Geranium divaricatum on the Hevesi-sík, next to Füzesabony (Great Hungarian Plain)

    4. Ophrys sphegodes in the Castriferreicum (W Hungary)

    5. First occurrence of Cephalanthera longifolia var. rosea in Hungary

    6. Spiraea crenata in the Eastern Bakony Mts (Transdanubian Range, Hungary)

  • New data to the flora of Pannonhalma Hills

    The present study reports occurrence data of 26 vascular plant taxa, collected in Pannonhalma Hills, including sush species as  Epipactis palustrisOphioglossum vulgatumOrnithogalum × degenianum and Ornithogalum sphaerocarpumPhlomis tuberosa was re-discovered 150 years after the first found. Some new localities of Ophrys sphegodes and Ophrys apifera are reviewed. After the enumeration of localities, chorological and geobotanical remarks and population dinamical comments are also presented.In the article we commemorate the benedictine votaries Flóris Rómer and Valér Ballay, who were the starters of botanical reveal of the flora of Pannonhalma Hills.