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  • Vaccinium microcarpum (Turcz. ex Rupr.) Schmalh. in Hungary

    The plant that was reported as Vaccinium oxycoccos L. from the Nyírjes-tó (Sirok village, NE Hungary) in 1994 was subsequently (1999) identified as Vaccinium microcarpum (Turcz. ex Rupr.) Schmalh. by the first author of this article. To substantiate this identification morphometric data were collected and analysed from Vaccinium specimens occurring in the Sphagnum dominated mires of Nyírjes-tó (Sirok vilage) and Nyíres-tó as well as Báb-tava (Bereg-plain) in September 2016. Field photographs taken previously at the localities of Bereg-plain were also used for identification. The leaves of the Sirok plants are smaller, ovate-triangular, i.e. widest near base. The ovate-elliptic bracteoles are inserted on the basal third of the glabrous pedicels. The flowers are solitary, and have dark pink corollas and hairy filaments on the whole abaxial surface. The fruit is pyriform. In contrast to the Sirok plants, those of the Bereg-mires have clearly larger and ovate-elliptic leaves. The filiform bracteoles are inserted on the middle third of the minutely hairy pedicels. The whitish flowers are grouped in clusters of (2)–3–4–(5), i.e. they form an inflorescence. The filaments are hairy only on the margins of the abaxial surface. The fruit is globular. The statistical analysis confirmed that the Sirok plants belong to Vmicrocarpumwhereas the Bereg-plain plants represent V. oxycoccos.