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  • Contributions to the lichen flora of the Mecsek Mts (South Hungary)

    A checklist of 115 lichen taxa was compiled from the Mecsek Mts, based on floristical records of 221 old or recently collected herbarium specimens (incl. 37 duplicates) deposited in the JPU herbarium (Pécs, Hungary). The occurrence of 22 taxa are new for the Mecsek Mts: Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosaBaeomyces rufusCandelariella reflexaCatapyrenium rufescensCladonia macilentaDimerella pinetiHypogymnia tubulosaOchrolechia arboreaPleurosticta acetabulumPseudevernia furfuraceaPsilolechia lucidaPycnothelia papillariaRinodina sophodesTomasellia arthonioidesToninia candidaTrapelia involutaVaricellaria hemisphaericaVerrucaria marmoreaV. nigrescensV. parmigeraXanthoparmelia conspersa, X. verruculifera. One legally protected lichen species (Peltigera leucophlebia) is also represented by two specimens.