Author Guidelines

Manuscripts intended for publication should be sent to the Editor ( The manuscript must be headed by a concise and informative title and the full name(s) of the author(s) and their address(es); if there is more than one author, identify the author for correspondence. An abstract of up to 200 words and 4–6 additional key words, supplementing (but not repeating) words in the title, precede the main text. The main text should be followed by acknowledgements, references and captions for the figures and tables. Manuscripts are submitted electronically as a single MS-Word doc file. Scientific names of plants should be written in italics, authors of cited literature sources should be written in small capitals. Tables and figures should be numbered according to their sequence in the text and placed at the end of the manuscript. Make the titles for tables and captions for figures as self-explanatory as possible.

Bibliographical references in the text are cited in the following form: Soó (1920) or (Soó 1920), if the page number is stated, Soó (1920: 12.); in case of two authors: (Hargitai & Soó 1940), or Hargitai & Soó (1940); or, if there are more than two authors, Soó et al. (1940). All bibliographical references quoted in the text, and only those quoted, are listed at the end of the manuscript, under the heading References, in a format strictly analogous to that of the examples below:

Király G. (szerk.) (2009): Új magyar füvészkönyv. Magyarország hajtásos növényei. Határozókulcsok. – Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Jósvafő.

Balogh L., Dancza I. & Király G. (2004): A magyarországi neofitonok időszerű jegyzéke, és besorolásuk inváziós szempontból. – In: Mihály B. & Botta-Dukát Z. (szerk.), Biológiai inváziók Magyarországon: Özönnövények. A KvVM Természetvédelmi Hivatalának tanulmánykötetei 9, TermészetBÚVÁR Alapítvány Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 61–92.

Journal article:
Niklfeld H. (1971): Bericht über die Kartierung der Flora Mitteleuropas. – Taxon 20: 545–571. DOI

Pillich F., ifj. (1930): Simontornya és környéke flórája. – Kézirat, Simontornya, 74 pp.

For further details on format, authors should consult a recent issue of Kitaibelia.