Research paper

Contributions to the flora of railway-side pioneer habitats on Tiszántúl region

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Kis, S. (2022). Contributions to the flora of railway-side pioneer habitats on Tiszántúl region. Kitaibelia, 27(1), 86–101.

Verges have considerable importance to preserve diversity in arable landscape. The modernized railway embankments are a great surface to the spread of native pioneer or adventive (invasive) plant species. The new data are about the flora of railway embankments mainly from Tiszántúl region. I present some species found on railway verges (e.g. Equisetum ×moorei, Equisetum ramosissimum, Lycopsis arvensis, Euphorbia maculata, Lepidium densiflorum Tragus racemosus, Vulpia myuros). An especially important new data is the refinding of Galium humifusum in Hungary. Locally non-native and adventive species can use the blanketing materials (sand or gravel) of railway embankments as dispersal corridor and colonize them. The railwayside habitats could contribute to the conservation of rare native pioneer species.