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  • Kaszálás felhagyás hatása helyreállított szikes és löszgyepek vegetációjára

    Grasslands recovered by sowing of low diversity seed mixtures are frequently managed by mowing. However only a few studies focused on the direct effects of post-restoration mowing on recovered grassland vegetation. In this study we followed vegetation changes in 13 recovered grasslands, in 5×5-m-sized exclosures with continuous and ceased mowing in Hortobágy, East-Hungary. We asked the following study questions:

    (i) What are the effects of cessation of mowing on the vegetation structure of recovered grasslands?

    (ii) What are the effects of cessation of mowing on the abundance of sown grasses, target and weed species?

    (iii) Is yearly mowing an appropriate management for the maintenance of recovered grasslands?

    Our results showed that the cessation of mowing caused litter accumulation, decrease in total cover and decrease in the cover of sown grasses compared to the continuously mown exclosures. The cover of perennial weeds was significantly higher in unmown exclosures compared to the mown ones. The species composition in mown exclosures remained more similar to reference grasslands than to the unmown ones. Our results suggest that without a regular post-restoration mowing the favourable stage of recovered grasslands can be rapidly vanished caused by litter accumulation and/or by the expansion of undesirable weedy species. We also stress that yearly mowing is solely enough to maintain grasslands recovered by low-diversity seed sowing, but cannot be considered to be enough to recover target vegetation composition. 

  • Homoki gyepek spontán regenerációja kiskunsági parlagokon

    Bár a spontán szekunder szukcessziós folyamatok vizsgálata kiemelt téma az ökológiában, mégis kevés publikáció vizsgálja a módszer alkalmazhatóságát a gyeprekonstrukcióban. Jelen vizsgálatban, kiskunsági homoki parlagokon gyepek spontán vegetációfejlődését tér-idő-helyettesítéses módszerrel vizsgálva az alábbi kérdésekre kerestük a választ:

            Hogyan változik a különböző funkcionális csoportok aránya a szukcesszió során?

            Milyen célfajok települnek be sikeresen a parlagokra?

            Megadható-e a spontán gyepregeneráció sebessége és értékelhető-e a sikeressége?

    A Kiskunságban összesen 12 homoki parlagot  vizsgáltunk. A parlagokat három korcsoportba soroltuk:

    10 év alatti (fiatal)

    10-20 éves (középkorú)

    20-40 éves (idős) parlagok.

    Korcsoportonként négy parlag növényzetét mértük fel. Referenciának három nyílt és három zárt homokpuszta gyepet választottunk. A növényfajok százalékos borításbecslését öt darab 2×2 m nagyságú kvadrátban végeztük egy kora májusi és késő júniusi időpontban, 2012-ben. Kimutattuk, hogy a szukcesszió folyamán az évelő lágyszárúak borítása növekedett, míg a rövidéletű fajok borítása csökkent. Az invazív fajok borítása szignifikánsan nagyobb volt a fiatal parlagokon, mint az idősebb korcsoportokban. A célfajok többsége már a fiatal és középkorú parlagokon is megtelepedett kisebb borításértékekkel, de szignifikánsan nagyobb borításuk az idősebb parlagokon volt. Megállapíthatjuk, hogy a kiskunsági homoki parlagok esetében viszonylag gyors és sikeres spontán gyepesedésre számíthatunk, a homoki gyepek fajkészlete már a szukcesszió első 10-20 évében regenerálódhat. Számos célfaj spontán betelepülése azonban még a rendelkezésre álló magforrások mellett is csak korlátozott. Ilyen esetben a célfajok megtelepedéséhez célzott propagulumbevitelre is szükség lehet. A spontán szukcesszió akkor lehet a legsikeresebb, amikor a célfajok már a szukcesszió első néhány évében megtelepednek a felhagyott szántókon. 

  • Felhagyott jószágállások növényzetének vizsgálata a Hortobágyi Nemzeti Parkban

    Extensive grazing, especially sheep grazing is the most important land use type in alkali grasslands of the Hortobágy National Park. Extensive grazing systems rely on some basic infrastructure, such as sheep corrals, wells and stables. Sheep corrals are characterised by intensive land use: grazing, trampling and manuring is concentrated in these places, thus the vegetation of actively used corrals is markedly different from the vegetation of extensively grazed grasslands. I studied the vegetation composition of eight-year-old and sixty-year-old abandoned sheep corrals and extensively grazed pastures in Hortobágy National Park. I recorded the percentage cover of vascular plants in twenty 2×2-m plots. The cluster analysis showed that the vegetation of abandoned sheep corrals was different from pastures. I found that the cover of annual and biennial species was higher, while the cover of perennials was lower in abandoned sheep corrals compared to the pastures. Due to the intensive land use in the past, the proportion of nitrophilous species was higher in sheep corrals, than in the pastures. The cover of competitors was lower, while the cover of disturbance tolerants, weeds and ruderal competitors was higher in sheep corrals than in the pastures. The results suggest that even grassland regeneration started in the sheep corrals and several target species established in the vegetation, the recovery of grasslands similar to extensively grazed pastures takes longer time. 

  • Botanical investigation of goats pastures on natural and replanted grasslands

    There are new challenges for global agriculture due to the changing circumstances in natural and economical world. Many professionals mentioned that our current agricultural methods not suitable to produce proper amount and quality foods. We have to change from the conventional farming to a sustainable agriculture to reach a well performing global agriculture what consist local viable agro systems. The organic farming as one type of sustainable agriculture, is a developing sector where the market and economical competition is growing. There is an opportunity to produce high quality food without additives in Hungary based on the climate, good quality soil as well traditional plant and animal species. The hungarian government set better balance between animal husbandry and arable farming as target and focusing on family farming and organic farming.

  • Results of grazing preference investigations incounty and abroad

    Many kinds of animals were already studied on which composition of pasture they reside most of their time, respectively which constituents of pasture they eat more pleasantly. In Hungary there have not been done any researches on the red deer grazing habitude in farming conditions yet. The target of this study was to examine which species of the plants are the most preferred by the red deer under the conditions of Bőszénfa’s area. The pasture planting was in 2005. At the choice of the species’ planted the climate conditions and relief of this area were taken into consideration. Seven kinds of pastures or pasture mixtures were planted in two repetitions. Because of the unfavourable weather conditions the development of planted pasture was slower than expected, in this manner the preferences examination was put off to 2007. The preference study of plots planted with different pasture constituents was carried out by grazing of 48 hinds. During the grazing season the time of residence of the grazing hinds on every single plot was measured 14 times by five hours’ observations. The observations could be carried out from April to the end of June because of the pasture plots were totally burnt out due to the lack of the moisture. Our measurements were completed with field reviews. During the reviews the most consumed species of plants were noted. The statistical analysis of the observed period was carried out in monthly dividing too. In April the gramineaes and the white clover (Trifolium repens L) were grazed in the same proportion (P<0.001) by the hinds, but they did not prefere the giant agrostis (Agrostis gigantea Roth) and the bunias orientalis (Bunias orientalis). In May the dears grazed the white clover the most intensively, and the gramineas on the right hand side, the giant agrostis and the bunias orientalis were eaten the least. In June the hinds spent the most time by grazing on the white clover, the graminneaes were mediumly grazed, the giant agrostis and the bunias orientalis were grazed almost not at all. Summarized the red deers spent the most of their grazing time on the white clover, while they grazed on the giant agrostis and on the bunias orientalis for the least time.

  • Habitat management on agrar-landscape, with special regard to grassland management: Papers presented at the „Timely questions in grassland and game management” scientific conference (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Kaposvár University, 18-19 May 2006)

    The invariably unfavorable agrarian environment can be neutralized only through a change paradigm change. This would mean the adoption of the practice of "wise use”, which implies the introduction of small game management supported with habitat management. Habitat management concerns 5-10% of the areas and predator management/control according to need result also in the increase of the target species; in this case, small game populations, by increasing the diversity of the habitat structure. The preservation of grasslands, their small game-friendly management, and the development and maintenance of a durable, undisturbed grassland structure primarily in the habitat margins play an essential role in this work.