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  • Relationship between the diversity and mowing in cleared grassland areas in the Börzsöny mountains

    Nowadays, mowing has an increasing role in the management of semi-natural and nature conservation areas. Semi-dry grasslands have been formed on cleared areas of forest in the Pannon mountains, which would be reclaimed by forest without use of the areas by humans. In our work we analysed cleared grasslands. The questions we aimed to answer were the following:

    (i) What kind of vegetation changes were caused by different land use types?

    (ii) Is mowing a proper method for grassland management and nature protection in the studied system?

    (iii) Do the species composition and the diversity vary within two years when conditions of precipitation are different?

    In four sampling areas situted in Börzsöny mountains (North-Hungary), we registered the plant species and their cover values in ten quadrats per sampling area. We performed a site assessment in April, June and October, 2013-2014. We analysed the data by using cluster and ordination processes and we compared the sampling areas on the basis of the humidity preference and Shannon’s index of diversity. From nature conservation’s point of view, it is favourable that the cover of Potentilla alba occurring in the area was high. It is a specialist plant species with low stress resistance. However, due to tourism, it occured less frequently in the area and Bromus erectus became dominant instead. The species whose cover was more extensive in areas not affected by tourism – for example Alopecurus pratensis, Galium verum, Carex praecox, Trisetum flavescens – occurred less frequently in areas affected by tourism. On the short run, species did not completely disappear due to the changing conditions but their abundance decreased, as has been already supported by other surveys. The ordination analysis showed that the composition of species considerably differed with the portions of land cultivated in different ways. The change of the cover values was apparent not only in the case of the dominant species but of also in case of species with smaller cover. The decrease of diversity, the change of plant cover, the decrease of number of sensitive species as a result of tourism are typical phenomena all over the world. The Shannon’s diversity records showed that due to human presence and trampling the diversity declined. It was considerably lower in the year with less rain. In the year with more rain the diversity of species was considerably higher, however, the difference in between the surveyed areas was large. All these examples draw attention to the important role of environmental factors alongside the human factors. The water reserve also influences the productivity of grasslands and water has primary importance in the structure of plant communities. According to the survey, in the two areas not affected by tourism, in the rainier year the difference between the humidity preference of the species of the dry and the less dry patches became similar. On these areas, there were more species with higher humidity preferences in the rainier year, however, this tendency could not be observed in the rainier year on areas affected by tourism. The areas affected by tourism may react in a less flexible manner to the change in precipitation conditions. Based on our analysis, we can conclude that the surveyed semi-dry grasslands are extremely rich in species and therefore proper grassland management plans are needed. To preserve grasslands of high natural value, the impacts of the environmental factors should also be considered in addition to becoming acquainted with the history and the present conditions of landscape use.

  • Deer, parasites and other small creatures on the pasture – a multifactorial, diverse biocenosis: Papers presented at the „Timely questions in grassland and game management” scientific conference (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Kaposvár University, 18-19 May 2006)

    Red, roe and fallow deer have outstanding importance in game management and hunting in Hungary. They live in very diverse ecological circumstances affected by parasites and other ecological factors (Table1). Among the many parasites, lungworms are considered to be the most significant, at least for animals in captivity. Species differentiation in large lungworms (Dictyocaulidae) on the basis of their morphological features is difficult; therefore, the sequencing of ITS2 of rDNA has become a useful tool for their genetic characterization. In our study, in addition to the typical Dictyocaulus eckerti ITS2 sequence another sequence is derived, which is significantly different from the known D. eckerti and D. viviparus sequence characteristics. This indicates the real need for a large-scale molecular, systematic study of Dictyocaulus specimens from red, fallow and roe deer from an epidemiological point of view.
    In the period of host to host (deer), lungworm larvae (L1) on the pasture face many different environmental factors, including enemies and helpers. Number of L1s can be strongly reduced by dung beetle imagos as small predators. At the same time Pilobolus fungi help L1s to be spread on the ground vegetation, and improve and equalize the chance to get into the final hosts (deer) in the case of large lungworms (direct development) or into the intermediate hosts (terrestrial snails) for the necessary larval development of the Protostrongylidae species. Dung-breeding flies (Diptera) complete the set of factors. This is the uniquely functioning „micro”-biocenosis on the deer pasture.
    Deer herds, especially those kept intensively (eg. deer farm), are usually routinely treated with anti-parasitic chemicals, such as albendazol or ivermectin. A number of studies demonstrate that the later is toxic for the dung utilizing insects (dung beetles and flies) inhibiting the normal ecological processes: the decomposition of feces and reduction of lungworm larvae. The necessity of chemotherapy against lungworm is questionable. If we know that in sound ecological circumstances (healthy deer with good immune response on one side, and sound pasture as a well functioning biocenosis on the other), these parasites are harmless due to the long-term coevolution with their deer hosts, we may discontinue using anti-parasitics. Furthermore, because of the long food-hygienic waiting period (3-6 weeks), it is even contraindicated in terms of eco production of meat products, such as venison.

  • Fajösszetétel és diverzitás változás kiskunsági száraz és nedves fekvésű legelőkön

    Investigations were carried out in wet – next to Tatárszentgyörgy, and dry grass pasture – next to Bugac, both located in Kiskunság, in the central region of Carpathian Basin. Recordings were taken every June of 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 from Tatárszentgyörgy – where cattle were grazed, and 1997, 2005 and 2010 from Bugac, where cattle and sheep were grazed. Coenological recordings were taken in three zones. The first zone ("A" zone) located 0-50 m near the stable, second zone ("B" zone) located 50-150 m from the stable, while the third zone ("C" zone) located farther then 150m from the stable. Analyses of ecological and environmental factors were based on Borhidi’s relative ecological indicators. Life form analyses were performed by Pignatti life form types. For statistical evaluation, R software was applied. Shannon diversity. Based on our results for both dry and wet grasslands, quadrates of "A" zone were well isolated from the rest of the zones. Overgrazing, which involves considerable trampling, vanishes differences among vegetations, thereby promotes weed and disturbance tolerant rich vegetation. The lowest species number and diversity could be found here. Recordings for "B" and "C" zones separated from recordings of "A" zone, furthermore, quadrates of wet and dry grasslands formed separate groups. From recordings of "B" and "C", zone perennial grass species (H caesp) and the emerging perennial (H wrap) species multiplied and these species were the indicators of grazing. The greatest lifeform richment were presented among "B" zone recordings. The amount of intensive grazing indicator species, such as creeping perennials (Hrep) was significant in "B" zone recordings of Tatárszentgyörgy. Grazing stabilised the local vegetation, but increased the ratio of disturbance tolerant species, which was confirmed by conservation evaluation. This is due to the conversion of grassland types, the transition from free grazing to switch grazing, which resulted in an intensive involvement of the more distant "C" zone as well. "A" zones fully converted; they changed into fully reliefs. Further located sample area vegetations were not homogenised by grazing and even helped the preservation of characteristic species. In the aspect of environmental protection, vigorous grazing led to a more valuable vegetation in "B" zone in an arid grassland (Bugac). According to the sample area, wet grasslands from the sandy areas of Kiskunság, preserve nature protection values and grass composition better moving away from stables, due to less grazing pressure. Drier backgrounds tolerate stronger grazing pressure (Bugac), while in case of wetter areas (Tatárszentgyörgy) – considering sustainability – grazing should be carried out with caution.

  • Effects of grazing as anthropogenic environmental factor of natural grasslands in the Hungarian Great Plain, near Bugac

    The coenological quadrats were made in 1997, 2005, 2010 and 2021 in a sandy grassland which is used as cattle pasture. The quadrats can be sort in three groups. The first group of quadrats was made close to the cattle pen (Zone A: 0-50 m). The second group was made farther (Zone B: 50-150), where the grazing is not so intensive. The third group contains the quadrats which were made farther than 150m (Zone C). The animals use this area rarely, therefor this part of the pasture is undergrazed (Penksza et al., 2010a). The coenological survey was carried out with 2×2 meter squares, recording the cover value. The species names follow the nomenclature of Király (2009) and Engloner et al. (2001).


    The rate of species which indicate degradation is the highest near to the cattle pen (0-50m). But farther than 50m the rate of species which indicates naturalness is higher. Lower  nature conservation value can be observed near to the cattle pen. In this area weeds and degradation tolerant species can be found in the highest amount. Their ratio grew in the second zone (50-150m) too in the past few years, but the species which compose the natural vegetation also survived, so the species composition is able for regeneration. With the decreasing of grazing intensity the sample area could meet the requirements of nature conservation.

    Data evaluation was made with considering naturalness state in case of habitats; and on the other hand, according to relative ecological factors of occurring species. A significant change in species composition could be detected. Particularly, deterioration of areas could be experienced. These negative processes are extremely heavy inside and near the animal husbandry farm. Even aggressive, invasive plant species occurred. Among dominant grass species, dominance relations and covering rate of disturbance tolerant Cynodon dactylon and Lolium perenne species have increased, caused partly by overgrazing and trampling as well. A new species, Poa humilis, appeared in the zone “A” in 2020, which is a degradation indicator species and tolerates overgrazing and trampling (Penksza and Böcker, 1999/200; Penksza, 2009). Farther from the farm, rate of degradation showed by vegetation has decreased compared to the areas closer to the farm, however, it has increased even on the farther area between the two time periods. During the preparation of management plans for the grasslands, these data should be considered at a higher rate in favor of preserving natural values,

  • The Special Value of Pastures in Hungary

    For centuries, Hungary used to be a beef store for European cities, from Strasburg to Venice. The cattle born and raised on Hungarian pastures were favoured for the excellent quality meat they produced.
    In the 19th century, the tradition of keeping livestock on pastures was gradually replaced by stabling and feeding farm animals with monocultures grown on ploughland. The best pastures were ploughed over and only 30% of those that survived were actually used for grazing. Today, it is mainly pastures in national parks that are used for grazing, while this practice is not typical elsewhere.
    Based on several decades’ experiments, it can be established that grazing livestock has several beneficial effects:
    – pastures provide the most valuable feed for livestock, which sustain their good health conditions,
    – livestock cease to be a source of environment pollution for towns and villages,
    – manure raises the nutritive value of pastures,
    – all the above makes farming more economical
    This study provides evidence for the above, based on experiments and production experience.

  • Kaszálás felhagyásának kezdeti hatása nyugat-magyarországi üde gyepek fajkompozíciójáradhdhdh

    In our survey we collected data about the behaviour of dominant species on three wet meadows in the West part of Hungary. We focused on species composition, the stability and economic values of the grasslands affected by abandonment and mowing. The meadows are mowed twice a year since 2006. We established abandoned plots (50×50 m) within each meadows in 2012 to investigate how can the species composition shifts by abandonment comparing with the mowed plot. In this study we investigated the abundances of species in 2×2 m quadrates (10 per plot) in three times per a year (April, June, August) in 2012 and 2013. Total species lists are similar (55 ± 6% common species in paired comparison) on the three grasslands, however the reaction of dominant species on mowing and unmowing were different, probably due to also the significant differences in the abundance of dominant species between meadows. The abundance of Festuca arundinacea decreased on every abandoned plot from 2012 to 2013, while the effects of abandonment were different on the abundance of Poa angustifolia. The abundance of Cirsium canum was higher in every mowed and also in every unmowed plot in 2013 than a year before. Comparing the three grasslands the abundance of primary grasses, stinger plants and legumes species were significant different in both investigated years. The significant differences in the abundance of dominant species among grasslands were presumably not only caused by the differences in the applied treatments but also the effects of environmental factors.