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Search Results

  • Investigations on grassland and nature reservation effect of horse grazing in Tapolca and Káli Basins (2008)

    Examined areas can be found in the Tapolca and Káli Basins near Köveskál and Nemesgulács. Near Köveskál 2 horses were grazed on a 1 ha grassland, which was on a degraded association of Cynodonti-Poëtum angustifoliae. Control area was found close to the grazed grassland where Salvinio-Festucetum rupicolae association was found. The grassland was grazed formerly by sheep. Near Nemesgulács 4 horses were grazed on a 6 ha pasture under free range grazing system (0.7 horse/ha) on a Cynodonti- Poëtum angustifoliae grassland that is situated on a slope. Sample areas were selected the upper (UTS) and lower (LTS) third of the slope. This area formerly was as vineyard. 5-5 replicates of 2 by 2 m coenological quadrates were monitored on each sample area. Sward composition was investigated by Braun-Blanquet method (1964) in the grazing season of 2008. Ground cover (D) species composition and species number (n) were evaluated as analytical parameters. Relative nitrogen demand (NB), social behavior types (SBT) (Borhidi, 1995) and nature conservation value categories (TVK) (Simon, 2000) were also analyzed. At the LTS of the slope near Nemesgulács we could find species with bigger proportions indicating nutrient rich production sites and N indicating Artemisia vulgaris, characteristic species of manured sites appeared, too. At the UTS their proportion was smaller. The reason for this difference is the nutrient run off the slope and its accumulation at the LTS. The reason for the low nutritive value of the grassland are the lack of valuable Poaceae and pulses species and the low total cover. Valuable plant species were grazed out of the sward and negative effects of trampling could have been observed. Concerning the selective grazing preference of horses, the species composition of this area is not suitable for horse grazing. Instead of horses the area could be more suitable for sheep grazing. Pasture near Köveskál had extremely high proportion of species requiring nutrient rich conditions that can be probably due to frequent depositions of excreta and urine by grazing horses. Both control and pasture areas has the highest (approx. 35% absolute) cover of natural species with disturbance tolerance. The biggest difference in nature conservation value categories was the decrease of association composing species on the pasture. This was mainly caused by the grazing out of Poa angustifolia that was the most valuable species in the association. Overgrazing and grazing method applied caused very low plant cover on the grazed pasture.

  • Pannonian grazed sandy grasslands in the Ipoly Valley

    The results of global climate change can be observed in climate of Hungary. In the last couple of decades significant have been observed extremes in the climate of Europe due to global climate change (IPCC, 2014), which the irregular alternation of droughts and floods could be traced in the Carpathian Basin (Bartholy et al., 2009, 2014). The river floodplains and adjacent wetlands were outstanding from a nature conservation point of view due to the increasingly exposed to this change (Capon et al., 2013). Because of climatic effects, floodplain areas are even more exposed to the spread of invasive species (Szollát and Schmotzer, 2004; Schmotzer, 2008; Füri 2000; Füri and Kelemen 1997; Čížková-Končalová et al. 2013), and changes in land use also aggravate this problem (Mosner, 2015; Penksza et al., 2012). The aim of this study is to present the impact of extreme climatic situations on vegetation in grazed grasslands. The question was, which Festuca species occurs in addition to this? Can Festuca javorkae or Festuca pseudovina be found. The Festuca javorkae, which was related to Festuca rupicola, could also be problematic, although this species was clarified (Penksza, 2000, 2009a; Penksza et al., 2020, 2021; Markgraf-Dannenberg, 1980) and its species differentiation was shown using molecular studies by Bnauer et al. (2003) and Galli et al. (2006). According to the description of association Salvio nemorosae-Festucetum rupicolae, Festuca rupicola is one of the species of the association that appeared in the present study.

  • Changes in forage values of differently managed grasslands in the Trans-Danubian Mountain Range, Hungary

    In this study a comparative relevé was conducted in the Transdanubian Central Mountains (Tihany Peninsula, Bakony, Keszthely hills). We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and we evaluated the changes of these factors in the point of view of feeding value. We surveyed that how extent the main grasses and the papilionaceae appeared or disappeared, how changed the proportion of those species which can tolerate overgrazing, and what is the composition of the weeds on grazed and ungrazed areas. Accordig to results, the grasslands under survey have unfavourable species composition due to the bad management practices and insufficient technological conditions. The distribution of the nature protection value categories of the plant association’s species varies with the associations. The period under survey the closed grassland association near Lake Belső turned more valuable, where the meadow was converted into pasturing lands for Hungarian Grey Cows by changing cultivation methods. The quality of former (over)grazed grasslands near Sóly and pasturing lands near Vad parlag, where grazing was finished also turned more valuable. However the ground cover of species with best feeding value reduced, but feedig value of grasses increased due to the increasing of the cover ground of grasslands. In those grasslands, where the cultivation was finished, after initial increasing of number of species many shrubs appeared on the area, and this process will accelerate in the future. Because of this grazing is necessary with appropriate animal density.

  • The effect of overripe sheepmanure on the composition and the yield of first growth Alopecuretum pratensis grassland association

    An experiment with overripe sheep-manure was carried out to make the environmental protective technology of nutrition on a cut-utilized grassland in the Karcag Research Institute of University of Debrecen, CAS. Based on our research results gained from the experiment of the low input Alopecuretum pratensis grassland association we established 4 year old research, that the 20 t/ha dose overripe sheep-manure the most favourable economical point of niev and perspective to increase the cover rate of clovers.

  • The effect of sheep manure the yield of primary growth o fan extensive natural grassland

    An experiment with overriped sheep-manure was carried out to make the environmental protective technology of nutrition on a cut grassland in the Karcag Research Institute of University of Debrecen, CAS. Based on our research results gained from a 4 year field experiment of Alopecuretum pratensis grassland association we have concluded that the 20 t/ha overriped sheep-manure the was optimum rate most favourable from economical point of niev and for increasing the rate of clovers in the sward. 

  • Degradation degree evolution under different grassland management

    The objective of this manuscript is to clarify the changes in vegetation structure of an extensively managed grassland association under different land use practices. In the grasslands of the Hungarian Great Plain, the westernmost part of the Eurasian steppe, the largely decreasing grazing livestock numbers and the almost disappearing pastoral grazing make the topic very topical. We analysed the last 4 years of the study period 2009-2020 and found that the lowest degradation rates were measured in the meadow utilisation management, with values ranging from 0.277-0.463 in the 11th year of the experiment. And the highest degradation values were measured in the treatment with the overgrazing mode, with degradation degrees 3.43-5.0 in the 11th year of the experiment. In the treatment demonstrating the effect of overgrazing, we measured a high increase in the cover value of the weed Hordenum murinum, which is very dangerous for sheep, between 2017 and 2020, with an average of 107.6%.

  • Szemelvények a legeltetési bizottságok történetéből

    This paper is a retrospective report on the history of communal grazing in the first half of the last century. It is based on references, personal records and blueprints of original documents. Communal grazing organizations are instructed in general in the first part of the paper. The second part of the paper the operation of a local grazing association is presented in details. Data on grazing land and animal stock, some copies of original documentations underline the high technical level of grass land management as well as the importance of grazing industry in the life of the village. 

  • Földalatti ökoszisztéma-mérnök fajok szerepe a gyepek fenntartásában

    In this review we would like to analyze the effects of the subterranean rodents on vegetation using results from research of several taxons in different vegetation types and climate. Ecosystem engineers are organisms that modify, maintain, and create habitats. Subterranean rodents belong to this group. These species have an impact on the vegetation the microtopographical features of the soil and bulk density, they can change the structure, organic matter and moisture content of the soil they reduce the proportion of nitrogen. The fossorial rodents occur almost all over the world (expect Australia and Antarctica). These herbivorous species burrow tunnels under the ground and with this they have an impact on the floral diversity and dominance relations, the structure and composition of the association, the amount of biomass production as well as the distribution of plants and seeds. They can take effect directly with consumption of plants and indirectly with affect the plant-soil relations. At the basis of the results the activity of the subterranean rodents enhanced the diversity in most of the cases (of course there were also negative results and some researcher didn't find any differences between the mounds and the plots with no mounds). Their effect on the biomass was usually negative but they changed the species composition of their habitat at all times. 

  • XXth International Grassland Congress in Dublin, Ireland, June 26 – July 1. 2005

    Immár XX. alkalommal rendezték meg a gyepgazdálkodási világkongresszust, ez alkalommal Írország fővárosában, Dublinban, 2005. június 26. és július 1. között. A négy évente rendezett kongresszusok célja nem változott. Összegzést adni a tudomány elmúlt négy évének eredményeiről és támpontokat adni a kutatás számára a közeljövő elvárásairól.
    A Gyepgazdálkodási Világszövetség (International Grassland Congress) Állandó Bizottságának (Continuous Committee) jóváhagyásával a szervezők „A gyepek mint világméretű erőforrások (Grasslands – a Global Resource)” mottót választották a kongresszus témájául. A tudományos program ennek megfelelően átfogta nem csak a gyepgazdálkodás, de az érintkező tudományterületek szélesebb körét is. Az Ír Gyepgazdálkodási Szövetség (Irish Grassland Association) és az angol Gyepgazdálkodási Társaság (British Grassland Society), mint szervezők a szakmai rendezvények formájának jó megválasztásával ügyeltek arra, hogy az előadott témakörök a téma jellegének megfelelő fórumon kerüljenek terítékre. Ennek megfelelően valamennyi résztvevőt fogadó plenáris ülések foglalkoztak három átfogó témakörrel:
    1. A gyepen termelt állati termékek iránti igény
    A plenáris ülés mérlegelte a gyepről származó állati termékek iránt várható igényeket 20 éves távlatban a világon és a nagy földrajzi régiók szintjén, illetve kereste azokat a kulcstényezőket, amelyek befolyásolják a változások irányát vagy mértékét.
    2. Gyepek és szálastakarmányok a társadalmi jólét javításáért és a szegénység csökkentéséért
    A plenáris témakör kereste azokat a főbb lehetőségeket, amelyeket a gyepek és szálastakarmányok kínálnak a fejlődő országok elmaradásának/szegénységének csökkentésében. Sikeres projekteket mutatott be különböző társadalmi-gazdasági és agro-klimatikus zónákból, és rámutatott a sikerek kulcstényezőire.
    3. Az állati termék előállítás és környezetvédelem gyepeken
    A téma előadói tárgyalták és értékelték azokat az irányelveket és megközelítési módokat, melyek mentén összeegyeztethető a hatékony állati termelés a környezetvédelemmel és a környezeti állapot javításával, beleértve a szennyezés-, a talaj degradáció megelőzését, a biodiverzitás javítását. Vizsgálták annak mozgásterét, hogy hogyan lehetséges egy bizonyos területen az eltérő céloknak megfelelni, avagy a különböző célokat eltérő területegységeken lenne ésszerűbb megvalósítani.

  • Development of the plant population structure of grassland communities with different land use according to WB values

    We carried out our phenological study in the underutilized grassland of the Karcag Research Institute between 2017 and 2020, where we analyzed the effects of the following utilization methods on plant structure: zero utilization, mowing once a year, mulching once a year and meadow utilization. The Balázs quadrat method was used to record the grassland association. The recorded plants were grouped and analysed according to Borhidi's water demand (WB) ecological indicators.