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  • On either side of the electric fence: A botanical study of the autumnal aspect of the drained lake bed of a domestic water buffalo pasture in the Zamoly Basin

    Our studies were carried out in a water buffalo pasture of the Zámolyi basin, in the area of the Csíkvarsai meadow, in the bed of a former lake, which was drained in 2022, then dried up by autumn and it was grazed by domestic water buffalo. The grazed area was surrounded by an electric fence. The vegetation of this part of the area and part of the outside was surveyed on 19 of November. We took 3-3 coenological surveys in both separated areas. Based on the results, there were significant floristic and physiognomic differences in the vegetation. Among the clover species, species with ground-running stems (Trifolium repens and T. fragiferum) were dominant in the grazed area, but in the ungrazed area, there was a coherent plant population of 30-40 cm high, densely located alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum) in the lake bed. In addition, the occurrence of swamp pricklegrass (Crypsis schoenoides) was a floristic new discovery.
    Due to the loss of water coverage, several Trifolium species have become abundant in the area, which is a result of the germination properties of the species. The thick seed coats were cracked by the loss of the effect of the water coverage on temperature equalisation, and germination could have begun, resulting in a dominant species in the area. During the present study, we have seen a very impressive result of the analysis of the vegetation of the lake bed in autumn aspect in the Zámolyi Basin, which is the result of the impact of water buffalo grazing. The number of species was more significant in the grazed area. Moreover, floristic rarities have been found and as an indicator of grazing, species of different life form types were dominant within the same genus.

  • Botanical and natural conservation comparison of seminatural and man-made grasslands in Paskom near Csakvar

    During the survey, the vegetation, botanical composition and grassland management values of a grassland were studied. The study site was originally a pasture, then was transformed into an arable land and finally back to pasture. The 160-ha-sized area is called „Szűzföld” and is located in the Zámoly Basin, West Hungary. In 1998, grazing of Hungarian grey cattle has begun on the grassland. The changes in the vegetation were followed from 1998, making records in every 6th year (1998, 2015, 2021). 6 coenological records were made in each type of grasslands, by recording the list of the occurring taxa and their cover values. During the survey the main questions were the following: considering nature conservation, coenology and grassland management, in which direction does the vegetation evolve with the grazing? Was the grazing with Hungarian grey cattle successful?
    Based on the results, the grasslands became much more mosaic-like; drier and wetter vegetation patches could be separated (2015, 2021). As the grazing continued, species richness and diversity increased, especially in the wet areas.
    The number and the cover of economically important grass taxa and legumes have increased. The following taxa became dominant: Festuca pseudovina in the drier parts, Agrostis tenuis and A. stolonifera in the wet ones. Based on the life form system of Pignatti, the area is not overgrazed, as rosette and reptant taxa did not became dominant. Based on nature conservation values, cover of the taxa of natural grasslands increased.
    During the grazing, the meadow was universally covered mainly by weeds in 1998, and became much more valuable by 23 years later by means of nature conversation and grassland management. Moreover, this state has been stabilized according to the diversity values.
    Based on the results, the grazing with Hungarian grey cattle was successful by both nature conservational and economical means.

  • Domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) grazing as a habitat management and application option against invasive species

    In nature conservation, the aggressive expansion of invasive plant species and the preservation of valuable grasslands are a global problem. Based on this, the following question can be formulated: which animal species and breeds are suitable for habitat management? Is the water buffalo suitable for lawn care and to what extent? With the overview work, we review the results so far, highlighting domestic areas where we already have preliminary results and where previous data have already been produced. Based on this, the invasive Solidago was completely suppressed in the marshes of the Zámolyi basin, the pasture was completely transformed, and the dominant species became Sesleria uliginosa. Also in the area of the Zámolyi basin, there were significant floristic and physiognomic differences in the vegetation. You may find that buffalo grazing is a suitable habitat management method in both dry grassland and wet grassland. Therefore, in addition to being effective in the control of Solidago gigantea, grazing with buffaloes is successful both in terms of nature conservation and grassland vegetation from an economic point of view. The first stage of the long-term planned work is an overview of the work on the water buffalo. The research is supported by the creation of Innovation operational groups and the investment necessary for the implementation of the innovative project. call for tenders (VP3-16.1.1-4.1.5-4.2.1-4.2.2-8.1.1-8.2.1-8.3.1-8.5.1-8.5.2-8.6.1-17) and the Innovation and the New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Technology code number ÚNKP-22-3-I-MATE/2 was supported by the grant funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund and grant AKGF-119-1-202.

  • Összehasonlító botanikai és természetvédelmi vizsgálatok telepített és felújított gyepekben a Csákvár melletti Páskom területén

    We studied the vegetation of a 260 ha gray cattle pasture near Páskom, which can be found in Zámoly basin. We carried out our surveyes in May 2012. The pasture can be divided into five parts. One part, approximately the half of the area (150.83 ha), is an oldfield grassland, which was overseeded 20 years ago. The other half of the pasture was restored (109.17 ha) in 4 different ways in 2009 and then was mowed until 2011. 7 relevés were made in each part of the pasture (the occurence of species and their cover scores were recorded). The aim of our study was to compare the effects of the different restoration methods and mowing on the botanical composition of the pasture. The results showed, that the grassland restored with hay transfer method was the most similar to the natural conditions. The greatest number of species was recorded in that part and the species of natural grasslands become dominant. The directly sowed and the spontaneous grassland parts separated chiefly from the semi-natural 30-year-old grassland.