Keresési eredmények
A Tihanyi-félsziget Belső-tó melletti szürkemarha-takarmányok fitoszociológiai vizsgálata a Tihanyi-félszigeten
29-30Megtekintések száma:56The present survey was carried out between 2018 and 2019 in the Tihany Peninsula, on grasslands located south of Belső Lake. These grasslands were being mowed for a few years after a long abandoned period, and had been grazed by grey cattle since 2002. Our main question was the following: during these years, to which extent had the grazing been successful, did the grassland became eventually semi-natural?
Természetvédelmi kezelés gyepregenerációs eredményei a budapesti Homoktövis Természetvédelmi Területen (2009-2021)
33-35Megtekintések száma:177In Budapest, despite the density of the population, precious plant communities still remain in a lot of, mostly isolated fragments of habitats which,are outstanding in the diversity of species and are rare inhabitants of endemic species. On the examined territory, since 2006 long term reconstructions of the habitats have been ongoing which strive for the decrease of the invasive woody species on the territory and the insurance of the habitat of the sandy lawn, as well as the long term conservation of the fragments of the lawn and the creation of the natural sandy lawn. This activity is conducted by the volunteers of the MME and with the help of the students of educational institutions in parallel requesting for the permits of the Municipality of the Capital. During these interventions, the shoots were mechanically beat down and they were wiped dried as well. Besides these interventions, it was fundamental to preserve the sensitive, rare or legally protected species and to increase their volume as much as possible.