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  • Bruckner Győző (1877–1962)

    Győző Bruckner (1877–1962). Between the two world wars, the director and prominent teacher of the Augustan Evangelical Academy of Law—which was moved to Miskolc after Preşov was annexed to Czechoslovakia— was Győző Bruckner, who came from a German-Saxon Zipser family. His primary fields of professional interest were the cultural history of the Uplands region, the history and legal relations of the Spiş mining towns. hese interests of his remained enduring and he published a number of fundamental
    studies and monographs pertaining to these subjects. Bruckner is, however, known not only for his work in legal and cultural history, but he also played a signiicant role in the life of the evangelical church, and he had a crucial role in the development of the legal academy of Miskolc. In addition, he published a series of books and a periodical in support of the work of the college he headed. He lived to see the closing-down of his beloved legal academy, of which, after he retired in pension, he himself wrote a history

  • Városjáró jogászképzés a debreceni jogi oktatás helyszíneinek alakulása, különös tekintettel a mai Kassai úti Campus történetére

    Moving Legal Education – The Evolution of Locality of the Legal Education in Debrecen with special regard to the History of Campus Kassai. The legal education in Debrecen has a long history. It started in the Reformed Collage of Debrecen in the middle of the 18th century. As a state university, it was established by the Act XXXVI of 1912. Until the main building of the University of Debrecen was completed (1932) the Faculty of Law had been operating in many places in the city. First, in the building of Reformed Collage, but some legal departments were in an apartment house on the main street. After 1932, the faculty of law had suitable offices in the main building of the University. Between 1949 and 1996 the legal education was suspended, and its offices were occupied by other departments. In the year of 1996 a solution had to be found, the restarted legal education needed new buildings. The new place was found on the field of ex-soviet barrack on the Kassai Street. This site was a cavalry barrack before the WWII. Some of the original buildings can still be found today, and many new buildings were built in the last couple of years e. g. library, student hostel, educational buildings.

    The faculty of law has also found its place on this campus. Its last moving was in the year of 2015, and it has a nice old-style group of buildings now.


    It is a cornerstone of Hungarian historiography that the foundation of the University of Nagyszombat in 1635 was merely approved by the Emperor. Pope Urban VIII refused to confirm it because of the lack of a medical and legal faculty. The present study establishes that, from the side of the Apostolic See and thus also from the side of canon law, recognition was granted by prior authorization to the foundation of the University of Nagyszombat (Trnava) by Archbishop Peter Pázmány in 1635. It turns out that the failure to obtain immediate papal confirmation of the foundation of the university on 12 May 1635 was due to the objections of the leadership of the Jesuit order.  It proves that the Roman Curia's failure to solemnly confirm the founding of the Pázmány was not in fact due to the two-faculty nature of the institution, but rather to its Jesuit character. The reasons for this can be found in the more effective lobbying of the medieval universities and the mendicant orders, and the gradual decline of the Society of Jesus. Despite the subsequent confirmation by the Holy See, and the failure to grant university privileges in the form of a bull, the foundation of the university in 1635 may have been carried out with papal approval because Pázmány received a - preliminary - authorisation to found a university from Orban VIII in May 1632, during his imperial embassy to Rome.

  • „Non procul ex proprio stipite poma cadunt”, avagy a „két Kolosváry” élete az egyetemtörténet tükrében
    23 - 41

    Non procul ex proprio stipite poma cadunt, or the Life of the „two Kolosvárys” in the Mirror of the Univerity History. In my study, I intend to introduce the history of the Faculty. The study outlines the life’s work of father and son, who are closely related to the legal history embedded in the history of the University. They both were closely connected with the city, and in addition to their teaching activities they also played an active role in the social life of Cluj-Napoca: they were chief editors of the papers and presidents of scientific and civil associations. Alexander Kolosváry has played a prominent role in the life of the University and within the Faculty of Law. He was four times the dean of the Faculty and once held the post of rector. In addition, he coproduced the Hungarian translation of Tripartitum and Corpus Juris Hungarici with Professor Clement Óvári. Valentine Kolosváry was considered one of the biggest private lawyers of the century at the time. Valentine Kolosváry was a worthy successor to his father, not only as a head of department at the University but also in the patronage of the Reformed Church of John Calvin and Church Districts and its rights.


    The aim of this study is to present the educational activities of Elek Dósa. The Dósa family played a very important role in the history of legal education in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș). From the establishment of the legal education until the closed of the Law Academy, their three generations provided a significant part of the teaching staff. Gergely Dósa was the first who taught law in Târgu Mures. Elek Dósa was partly succeeded by his son Miklós and his nephew Gábor Vályi, who were always the leading figures in the teaching staff of the short-lived Târgu Mures Law Academy, which closed in 1872. Law played a central role in Elek Dósa's life. From a young age, he was preparing to follow in his father's footsteps and hoped that one day his son would take his place at the professorship. Although the family was extensive, it extinct in the second half of the 19th century.


    MAB is an organization established for the external evaluation of the quality of Hungarian higher education institutions and their study programmes. It was established temporarily in November 1992, with legal definition in 1994. This paper is a concise chronicle of MAB's 30-year history. It attempts to provide only a few, but perhaps not insignificant, pieces of the mosaic for these 30 years, from the antecedents of the foundation, certain characteristics of the organization and operation, to the international and domestic embeddedness, to the question of MAB's place in Hungarian higher education. After presenting the beginnings, the primary organizing principle of the text is thematic, the historical thread appears within the topics.

  • A debreceni kitüntetéses doktoravatások története (1912–2012)

    A HISTORY OF THE HONOUR DOCTORAL AWARDING CEREMONY IN DEBRECEN (1912–2012). his factually substantiated overview ofers, for the irst time in the past century, a compilation of the names of distinguished university students who throughout their studies attained top grades and hereby proved worthy of the acknowledgement of the head of state in the form of an Honour Doctoral Awarding Ceremony. A brief outline of the prehistory of honour doctoral awards is followed by an overview of the varied history of distinguished promotio in Hungary and in Debrecen (promotio sub auspiciis Regis, promotio sub auspi ciis Gubernatoris, promotio sub laurea Almae matris, promotio sub auspiciis Rei Publicae Popularis, promotio sub auspiccis Praesidentis Rei Publicae), which is supplemented with a survey of legal and regulatory dispositions. Finally we are given an opportunity to get acquainted with the names of distinguished honour doctors. An equally valuable part of the disquisition is a compilation of pictorial material representing
    lashes of rare moments.


    The study presents the historical sources, history, students, educational level and attendance of the Buda Jesuit Academy (1713-1777), the Pest Piarist High School of Arts (1752-1784) and the short-lived Pest Law School (1756-1771). These are so far hardly known institutions of higher education in Buda and Pest before 1777, which laid the foundation for the subsequent flourishing of higher education in the capital.

  • Az eperjesi kollégium líceumi hallgatói (1804-1850)

    THE STUDENTS OF THE COLLEGE LYCEUM AT EPERJES, 1804–1850. his study explores the history of the evangelical college of Eperjes, which was established in the second half of the 17th century and which was one of the most important institutions of higher education in Upper Hungary in the irst half of the 19th century. In the educational order of the school, which was revived in 1785. Besides classes of basic training a signiicant role was granted to the philosophical, theological, and legal training ofered in the most advanced classes. Utilizing the evidence of the data base pertaining to students who enrolled in the first half of the 19th century, the study conirms that the Eperjes school – as an institution with a higher-education quality – played a crucial role in the history of education in Upper Hungary. hroughout the irst half of the 19th century the school was capable of retaining its unique character, which permeated onto the neighbouring regions, while its educational program supplied the young generation of the evangelical nobility and of the middle class with the knowledge necessary for subsequent careers.

  • From a Protestant Law Student a Catholic Professor of Law in Linz (Johann Ferdinand Behamb)

    From a Protestant Law Student a Catholic Professor of Law in Linz (Johann Ferdinand Behamb).  From among the law writers of Hungarian origin in the 17th century, Johann Ferdinand Behamb from Bratislava emerges regarding both his efficiency and his awareness. After his recatholisation he became a law educator in Linz serving the Upper Austrian Orders. The paper tries to reconstruct Behamb’s education and teaching activity, also paying attention to a special type of school of higher education (Landschaftschule).


  • Bernolák Nándor (1880–1951), a Debreceni M. Kir. Tudományegyetem második rektora

    Nándor Bernolák (1880–1951), the Second Rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences in Debrecen. As second rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences, Debrecen, which was launched in 1914, Nándor Bernolák played an important role in shaping the events of the first years. He was a nationally recognized theoretical criminal jurist when he was invited to chair the department of penal law in Debrecen. In addition to an outline of his brief, seven-year, university career, a discussion of his previous professional activities is offered, and the events of his life pertaining both to the early history of the university and to his subsequent political and legal career are highlighted. Professor Bernolák’s reformist initiatives pertaining to criminal law as well as his attempts aimed at the renewal of law training are likewise reviewed. In summary it is stated that Nándor Bernolák excelled both as a criminal jurist and as a university manager. As regards his political career, it turned out to be rather brief and controversial. In view of the fact that he turned his back to his university commitments, we are obliged to consider him as one of those university professors who was lost for Hungarian higher education when they assumed political commitments.

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