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  • Négy ablak – a Debreceni Egyetem és a reformáció: (Ünnepi megemlékezés – 2017. szeptember 27.)
    Four Windows – University of Debrecen and the Reformation (Celebratory Commemoration – 27 September 2017) The University – founded in Debrecen in 1912 – has always emphasised its roots attached to the Reformed College. The aim of the festive council held on 27 September 2017 was to recall the several centuries-old close connection between the Reformation and the traditions of the University and the city through the college’s foreign relationships. The crystal windows installed in the University Aula in 1938 picture the Reformed College and its historical relations, the important stations of the Debrecen students’ travels to foreign universities, namely Zurich, Utrecht, Wittenberg and Geneva. They also perpetuate the latin names of the four traditional university faculties: Jurisprudentia, Philosophia, Medicina, Theologia. In the commemoration high-ranking representatives of the three partner countries – that became important to the city of Debrecen, the University of Debrecen and the Reformed College based on the Reformation – commemorated about the more centuries-old protestant relationships between Debrecen and Germany, The Netherlands and Switzerland. In the following, we publish two welcome speeches and two lectures heard in the celebratory commemoration.

  • Feltáratlan emlékek Kenézy Gyula életéből és munkásságából
    54 - 78

    Unexplored memories from the life and work of Gyula Kenézy. Gyula Kenézy is an outstanding historical figure of the University of Debrecen as well as of the City of Debrecen. Beyond many sculptures, street, prize, a hospital, and a civil society which carry his memories, the cities of Debrecen and Hajdúszoboszló regularly remember the renowned professor. Many monographs gave the account of his life and accomplishments, and a collection of his relics gained a permanent place for commemoration in the Museum of Hajdúszoboszló. Nevertheless, one-hundred years after the beginning of medical education in Debrecen, new pieces of historical records continue to enrich our memories about Gyula Kenézy. For the first time in its history, the Kenézy Memorial Day was organized by the Kenézy Civil Society and the University of Debrecen together in 2017. The program provided us with exciting recollections, and so far unraveled details of the life of Gyula Kenézy.

  • Ethnography - 70 - Debrecen

    Ethnography – 70 – Debrecen. The Department of Ethnography of the University of Debrecen held a commemoration for the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the department. Besides the introduction of the event in the following, we can read the two speeches describing the past, the present and the future of the department held to the audience at present, the past and present students, lecturers of the department, and those who are interested in ethnography.



    In February, we commemorated the 100th anniversary of the birth of János Váradi-Sternberg (Nagyvárad, January 10, 1924 – Budapest, February 12, 1992), a Transcarpathian historian, professor and specialist writer. The renowned researcher was the excellence of Hungarian historiography beyond the border, who, as a university teacher, trained generations in conscientious, objective research work. Unfortunately, he did not receive the recognition he deserved during his lifetime, so it is the task of posterity to cherish his memory in a dignified manner.

  • Források és módszerek a Debreceni Református Kollégium diáknévsorainak feldolgozásához

    SOURCES AND METHODS FOR PROCESSING STUDENT LISTS OF THE DEBRECEN REFORMIST COLLEGE. In commemoration of the 475th anniversary of the existence of the Debrecen Reformist College a long expected, two volume resource guide was published in 2013 under the title „History sources of the institution int he archive of the Debrecen Reformist College.” It contains student lists between 1588 and 1850 cataloguing 20 000 registrations. his essay summarizes the history of this research and lists the sources used in the process.

  • Megemlékezés Hüttl Tivadarról

    MY GRANDFATHER, PROFESSZOR TIVADAR HÜTTL. he commemoration speech was told by the grandson of Tivadar Hüttl, Tivada Hüttl Junior in 2013 at the unveiling of the professor’s sculpture in the sculpture park in the Medical Central at the Debrecen University. His son and grandson, bearing the same name, have become doctors and the love for this profession gave them strength. Hardly any heirloom or family stories remained for the descendants.

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