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  • A nagyszebeni jogakadémia hallgatóinak kérelme az oktatás megreformálása tárgyában 1848 májusából
    117 - 126

    The Request for Educational Reform of the Students of the School of Law in Nagyszeben of May 1848. In spring 1848 amidst the zeal of the revolution started in almost all of the higher educational institutions in Hungary and Transylvania student movements to reform education in the institutions. In May 1848 the students of the Law School of the Saxons in Transylvania at Nagyszeben also submitted an application through the institution’s Senate to the sustaining Lutheran Church including – among others – the following issues: guaranteeing the freedom to education and teaching, reforming the study and exam system, significantly developing the substance of the library, getting the right to meet and vote for the students’ representatives during procedures against students; reviewing the academy’s disciplinary regulation. The following source-presentation – besides the Hungarian translation of the request – explains the circumstances of origin and the afterlife of the application.

  • Presov- Moving of the Lutheran Law School to Miskolc in the Academic Year 1918/19

    Prešov – Moving of the Lutheran Law School to Miskolc in the academic year 1918/19. The Law School in Prešov was (re)established in 1862 and became a very important educational centre for Upper
    Hungarian families. During the WW I the education was frequently disturbed by garrisoned military troops, and the substitution of fighting professors was a huge challenge for the school. Before the treaty of
    Trianon there were plans to move the school to Miskolc, but after the Czechoslovakian occupation of Prešov (December 1918) and the forbidding of the education in the Law School, the school moved in March 2019
    to Miskolc and started the education in the fall of 1919.

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