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  • Szepsi Csombor Márton Nürnbergjének forrásai

    Contribution to the sources of the desciption Nürnberg by Márton Szepsi Csombor. The first travel book in Hungarian – Europica Varietas – was printed in 1620 in the town Kassa, which at that time „Cassovia Superioris Hungariae civitas primaria” was. It is well-known, that Márton Szepsi Csombor read before his travel numbersone geographical and historical books, but he hasn’t mentioned his reading list. It is most probably, that Szepsi Csombor (1595–1622) knew well the descriptions from Conrad Celtis and
    Johannes Cochlaeus (Brevis Germaniae descriptio, 1512), too. From the sights of Nürnberg he has admired the fine but fortifide castle on the hill, the beautiful stone buildings, the magnificent hospitals, the famous churchyard St. Johannis, the old churches, the market-place, the fine fountain „Schöner Brunnen, and many – but not very expensive – inns. Szepsi Csombor belived, that „Norimberga* is a famous town of repute among all nations.” Finally the Author has mentioned the Altorfiana university and the name of
    Dr. Remus, who „has* rendred great service to the Hungarian youth and still does.” The critical edition of the complete works of Márton Szepsi Csombor was edited by Sándor Iván Kovács and Péter Kulcsár in Budapest, 1968. The Europica Varietas translated from the Hungarian and with an Introduction by Bernard Adams [Corvina, Budapest 2014] *The quotations were taken over from the Translation of Bernard Adams.

  • A magyar felsőoktatás egy fontos intézménycsoportja a királyi jogakadémiák forrásai és feldolgozásának lehetőségei (1777-1850)

    AN IMPORTANT INSTITUTIONAL CLUSTER OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN HUNGARY: THE SOURCES SUPPLIED BY THE ROYAL ACADEMIES OF LAW AND THE PROCESSES OF THEIR CATALOGUING, (1777–1850). he main objective of this study is to ofer an overview of the currently available sources which are extant regarding the peculiar institutions and student population of higher education of the 18th and 19th centuries in Hungary. On surveying the types of sources, it takes stock of the material which is currently accessible to assess the one-time student population of the royal academies of law in Pozsony, Győr, Kassa, Nagyvárad, as well as of the similar royal institutions of Zágráb and the royal lyceum in Kolozsvár. Surveys of this type have demonstrated that in the irst half of the 19th century almost 50,000 students enrolled in these types of institutions. his number by itself tends to indicate that these institutions may have fulilled a much larger role in educating a Hungarian intelligentsia in the Reform Age than one would assume on the basis of a lower-thanuniversity academic level of these institutions.

  • Finding Experiments of New twechnical Universities in the First Deacade of the 20th Century- The Almost -Opened Technical University of Timisoara

    The Founding Experiments of New Technical Universities in the first Decade of the 20th Century. The almost-opened Technical University in Timisoara. Due to the need for industrial development in
    the era of dualism and the overcrowding of the Royal Joseph Technical University, the founding of the second Hungarian technical university became one of the most pressing problems of higher education at the turn of
    the 20th century. The professional public, the Royal Joseph Technical University and the government both imagined the establishment of the institution in Timisoara which was the industrial-commercial center of
    Southern Land. They took into consideration economic, educational and national aspects as well. The concrete plans were completed by 1917, but due to historical events, the institution was founded only
    in the autumn of 1920 as a Romanian Politechnic. In addition to Timisoara, Košice was the planned seat of the third Hungarian technical university, but the preparations were not as far away as in Timisoara.

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