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    The aim of this study is to present the educational activities of Elek Dósa. The Dósa family played a very important role in the history of legal education in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș). From the establishment of the legal education until the closed of the Law Academy, their three generations provided a significant part of the teaching staff. Gergely Dósa was the first who taught law in Târgu Mures. Elek Dósa was partly succeeded by his son Miklós and his nephew Gábor Vályi, who were always the leading figures in the teaching staff of the short-lived Târgu Mures Law Academy, which closed in 1872. Law played a central role in Elek Dósa's life. From a young age, he was preparing to follow in his father's footsteps and hoped that one day his son would take his place at the professorship. Although the family was extensive, it extinct in the second half of the 19th century.


    After the Romanian occupation of Transylvania and Cluj-Napoca, the Romanian authorities forcibly occupied the buildings of the University of Ferenc József and deprived the professors of their jobs. The deported teachers continued their teaching work in Budapest, and then under the leadership of the Mayor of Szeged, Szilveszter Somogyi, a wide-ranging campaign was launched to temporarily move the exiled university to Szeged. New Year’s Eve in Somogy removed all obstacles to the university’s location in Szeged, and in 1921 the city became the university's headquarters. For this reason, at the ceremonial meeting of the university on June 29, 1922, he was inaugurated as an honorary doctor of political science.

  • The Last School Year of the Hungarian University of Transylvania (1918/19)

    The last School Year of the Hungarian University of Transylvania (1918/19). At the beginning of the 1918–1919 academic year, the use of university buildings for military hospitals, the military service of many young instructors, and the large number of students returning from war caused serious difficulties. On October 1, 2226 enrolled students entered the school year. At the end of October, as a result of the revolutionary news in Budapest, new youth associations were organized by the students, and they became involved in the task of the town guard. As a result of the truce negotiations, the revolutionary government of Budapest resigned completely from the Transylvanian territories and left the University of Cluj (Kolozsvár). On December 24, the Romanian army invaded Cluj. After that, the occupying Romanian army introduced strict press and post censorship, regularly harassed house searches, punishment, internships, and imposed a severe military attack on the Hungarians. It was difficult for students to travel and stay in touch with their parents. Mail and bank transfers have been canceled. The professors and the students were trying to get rid of
    it. Only the large-scale donations of the population of Cluj-Napoca saved students from starvation and frost. From January 1919, the Romanian authorities demanded loyalty from the officials. All university professors refused to accept loyalty, since Transylvania was still an occupied area, and the peace-closing war only fixed the attachment of Transylvania to Romania on 4 June 1920. The Romanian army occupied the university buildings, and the professors were deported to Hungary. Professors and students who had been forcibly removed were continuing their work in Budapest first and then in Szeged in 1921. Therefore, the University of Szeged and the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca are the heirs of the same University of Cluj.

  • Ramism in the KIngdom of Hungary and in Transylvania

    Ramism in the Kingdom of Hungary and in Transylvania. The study reviews the impacts of Ramism on the scholarly, pedagogical, and cultural life of the Kingdom of Hungary and of Transylvania, including the local publications in grammar, rhetoric, homiletics, and logic, and the presence of Ramist considerations and components in domestic education. Judging by the evidence of its reception in Hungary and Transylvania, we can conclude that Ramist influence was present in the main Calvinist institutions, that is, in the colleges at Gyulafehérvár, Kolozsvár, Sárospatak, Várad, and Debrecen during the mid- and late seventeenth century. Such influence affected the whole system of classification of the academic sciences, and elements of Ramism remained detectable until the mid-eighteenth century. More sporadic, but not insignificant, was Ramist influence usually taking a more syncretic form at Lutheran institutions that adhered to essentially Melanchthonian pedagogy.

    Literary works by Hungarian authors with Ramist and, often, Puritan convictions are clearly understandable texts characterized by their conceptual plainness and clarity, which include only a few elements of belletrism, affective attraction, and literary originality in their predominantly rational argumentation. That such texts strive primarily for intellectual rationality is clearly connected with the authors’ Ramist mindsets, because, under a strictly Ramist theoretical framework, only a small number of the taxonomic processes which distinguish literary works from the natural order of precise, objective, rational discourse could be accepted.

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