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  • Klebelsberg Kunó kulturális politikája és a felsőoktatás
    102 - 126

    The Cultural Policy of Kuno Klebelsberg and the Higher Education. The study presents the higher education policy of one of the best known and succesful Hungarian Minister of Religion and Education (1922–1931) Kuno Klebelsberg (1875–1932). As a politician of a state dismembered to one third of her original size-a consequence of the war loss and the Trianon peace treaty-he became a minister in miserable economic circumstances. With the contribution of him the stabilization of so-called refugee universities (from Kolozsvár and Pozsony to Budapest and then to Szeged [1921] and to Pécs [1923], the Academy of Minery and Forestry from Selmecbánya to Sopron [1918–1919]) could succesfuly be managed. Because of his conservative-liberal political attitude he tried to ease the effects of the so-called Numerus clausus Acts of 1920 which made the university entrance for Jewish Hungarians extremely serious. In 1928 he achieved the modification of that regulation. Instead of Budapest he supported the development of universities of Debrecen, Szeged and Pécs as a consequence of his well-grounded education policy based on decentralization. With his higher education policy he made great contribution to preserve the pre Great War Hungarian higher educational capacity in a dismembered Hungary lost 60% of her original population.

  • Az egyetemi ifjúság útkeresése az 1930-as években és 1940 körül
    97 - 116

    The Soulsearching of Hungarian Higher Education Students in the 1930s and 1940s. The study primarily focuses on the influential role of army brotherhood societies between the two world wars. The author outlines the ideological background and intellectual pursuit behind the movement. These brotherhood societies were so powerful, that in the 1930s and 1940s part of their activities manifested outside of the higher education environment. The societies actively engaged in politics, as much so, that their aim was to be part of the development of laws and the constitution. The author discusses the ambitions of both the radical right and the somewhat left wing youth establishments.


    Although economics education has a history going back to the reign of Maria Theresia and despite the fact that its  position has significantly strengthtened by the 20st centruty, the future of the subject has been a bone of contention ever since the 19th century. The majority supported the establishment of an independent University of Economics, however this was only partially materialized in 1920 with foundation of the partiallly independent Faculty of Economics. The faculty struggled with financial and placement-related issues, and the establishment became part of the József Nádor Technical and Economics University in 1934. This redesign involving a number of academic institutions (Technical University; Faculty of Economics; College of Veterinary; and College of Mining and Forestry) seemed to be succesful. Although the global economic recession resulted in the decrease of the number of students studying economics in the 1930s, from the 1940s on student enrollment figures  started to sharply increase owing to the economic recovery following the world wars. The Hungarian University of Economics was only opened in 1948, but the nature of the institution changed following the communist takeover, not in line with its original purpose.

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