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A Sárospataki Református Kollégium története: Sárospatak, Hernád Kiadó, 2013, 204 lap
177-179Views:112Dienes Dénes-Ugrai János: A Sárospataki Református Kollégium története - recenzió
362-365Views:131The book was written by László Szögi
Magyar diákok hollandiai tanulmányai a kora újkorban
23-35Views:143The Study of Hungarian Students at Dutch Universities in the Early Modern Age. The aim of this paper is to give an insight into the study of Hungarian sholars at Dutch universities in the Early Modern Age. The method based primarily on numerical data concerning the number of students at a university in different periods divided by majors; previous educational background, SES status and occupation. The analysis also concerns the financial support of universities, provinces and cities students received at that time.
Szögi László–Varga Júlia: Magyarországi diákok francia, belga, román, szerb és orosz egyetemeken 1526–1919 I.
155 - 157Views:236Szögi László–Varga Júlia: Magyarországi diákok francia, belga, román, szerb és orosz egyetemeken 1526–1919 I. című könyv recenziója
Holland egyetemek hatása a 17-18. századi magyar orvoslás kultúrtörténetében
25-38Views:113INFLUENCE OF DUTCH UNIVERSITIES ON THE CULTURAL HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES. 97 students are known who were registered as a student of medicine at Dutch universities in the Early Modern Age. he basic subjects of medical training, botany and anatomy, were met by the universities and clinical education was also introduced. Hungarian students disputed and defended doctoral theses in the Netherlands under inluence of the newest philosophical and medical theories. After having inished their medical training abroad, they became doctors of towns and provinces in their home country. Some of them continued writing scientiic works or translated works of famous European doctors. he work of the most inluential Dutch medical doctor, Hermann Boerhaave was continued by his students in Vienna and Hungary, too. His name also appeared in literary works of the 18th century.
57-70Views:119In Debrecen, the cholera epidemic of 1831 caused great devastation, killing almost 7.5% of the population. The cure for the epidemic was not yet known, so preventive measures (closures, quarantine) were taken to stop the spread of it. Already the news of the disease caused anxiety among professors, who sought to get the latest news from the city. For a long time, they resisted closing the school, but when the epidemic began to take its toll in the city at the end of July, they were forced to act. Many of the students had left the school early, but those who remained were looked after by the professors. As the epidemic situation worsened, the city even considered converting the college into a hospital, but this was eventually abandoned following protests from the professors and the college's curator. School order was finally restored only in the late autumn. The start of the school year was only briefly postponed during the local epidemic of 1866.
Magyarországi diákok hollandiai teológiai tanulmányai levéltári források tükrében
166-176Views:98Theological studies of Hungarian students in the Netherlands based on archival sources. Hungarian peregrination found their new routes after having banned Calvinists students from Wittenberg and after the fall of Heidelberg. Hungarian students visited Dutch universities from the end of the 16 th century till 1795 when French troops occupied the Netherlands. Most of the Hungarian protestants were Calvinists and the main goal of the peregrination academica was the education of Hungarian Calvinist clergymen. This papers aims at presenting the most important theological movements based on archival sources which originated from the Netherlands or reached the Hungarians Calvinist church through the Dutch universities: arminianism, puritanism and coccejanism. Hungarian representatives of these theological movements, their theological debates in the Netherlands and in their home church and furthermore their influence on the Hungarian/Transylvanian Calvinist church will be mentioned. In the last part I will examine the theological exams, testimonials and dissertations of becoming Calvinist theologists.
Lexikon der Studenten aus Estland, Livland und Kurland an europäischen Universitäten 1561–1800 - recenzió
185 - 187Views:189A Lexikon der Studenten aus Estland, Livland und Kurland an europäischen Universitäten 1561–1800 című könyv recenziója
Magyar peregrinusok kölcsönügylete Erlangenben
163-169Views:93The Loan Transaction of Peregrine Students in Erlangen. The sources—four brief documents—made public here offer an insight into student life at the end of the 18th century: the high fees of tuition, especially the cost of their studies abroad, significantly impacted not only on the cost of education but on the subsequent lives of the students as well. The ”peregrine students” were obliged to take loans, the burdens of which they had to carry for long years. Two of the documents here presented pertain to two peregrinators who completed their studies at the College of Debrecen but had earlier concluded a loan agreement in Erlangen, Germany. In the Archives of the Debrecen Protestant College we can read the texts of the original contracts, as well as the written documents submitted to the home church authorities in the matter of the reclamation of the loaned sum.
150-161Views:148. A former alumnus of the Reformed College of Debrecen spent years in the Netherlands, preparing for his hoped job in Hungary as a professor of Philosophy in one of the Reformed colleges. Although he completed his study in Utrecht and in Groningen in Philosophy and Medicine with excellent results, he was never invited to a cathedra in Hungary. He was offered a job in Deventer which he accepted and became a professor of Philosophy. He married a Dutch woman – Elisabeth Slichtenbree – and started a new, fulfilling life in the Netherlands. After 12 years living in Deventer, he received an invitation to a post of professor of History, Ancient Greek, and Eloquence in Sárospatak, which he refused due to his engagements (job and family) in the Netherlands. A couple of years later he was invited to Groningen for a professorship, which he refused, too. His scientific work Cribrum Arithmeticum was published in 1811, and Csernák sent examples of it to Hungary and Transylvania. After his death he legated a huger amount of money to his Hungarian Alma Mater, which was used for public needs of the college.
Haraszti Szabó Péter–Kelényi Borbála–Szögi László: Magyarországi diákok a prágai és krakkói egyetemeken 1348–1525, 1–2. kötet
149-153Views:211Haraszti Szabó Péter–Kelényi Borbála–Szögi László: Magyarországi diákok a prágai és krakkói egyetemeken 1348–1525, 1–2. kötet – recenzió
Financial background of the education in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age
194-200Views:149The Research Group of the Eötvös Lóránd University published a new study book about the financial aspects of education. Most of the studies cover the period of the Middle Ages and the Early Middle Ages.
Holland Tanszék alapításának kísérlete a két világháború között
61-71Views:108An Attempt to Establish a Department of Dutch Between the Two World Wars. On 20th June, 1921, Ms. Catharina Kuyper, daughter of the former prime minister of the Netherlands, visited Debrecen. This occasion brought the rector of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen to write her a letter and ask her to convince the Dutch government of the importance of a Department of Dutch Literature and Culture at this university. Kuyper agreed with this wish and promised the board of the university her mediation to raise money for the new department. The managers of the university found a qualified person, dr. Zsigmond Nagy, for the leadership of the Dutch Studies. They received only goodwill support from the Hungarian government but no money. Nagy died in the spring of 1922 and the Dutch government refused to help establish a new Dutch department because of the hard financial situation of the Netherlands.
Mikonya György: Az európai egyetemek története (1230–1700) – recenzió
143-148Views:145Mikonya György: Az európai egyetemek története (1230–1700)
Übersetzungsereignisse: Kultur, Wissenschaft, Geschichte 100Jahre Hungarologie in Berlin
147-152Views:198The Humbold University celebrated the 100 years of teaching Hungarian language and culture at the university and published a book of essays.
140-143Views:39Book review
Juhász Réka Ibolya: A győri felsőoktatás intézményeinek hallgatói 1719–1852
174 - 176Views:124Jelen írás Juhász Réka Ibolya: A győri felsőoktatás intézményeinek hallgatói 1719–1852 című munka recenziója.
Laudation of Carl Irlet, the Organizer of the Child relief Action in Switzerland, at the University of Debrecen
125-130Views:182The Laudation of Carl Irlet, the Organizer of the Child Relief Action in Switzerland, at the University of Debrecen. The University of Debrecen awarded in 1925 two protestants organizers of the
child relief project with the title of doctor honoris causa: the Swiss clergyman Carl Irlet and the Dutch baron Willem Carel Adrien van Vredenburch. Zsigmond Varga, professor of theology in Debrecen, wrote in his
laudation, how important was the role of Irlet in organisation and coordination of the child relief action, and how important was the role of the children to create a positive image of Hungary because of political
and economic reasons. The document of award was signed by Miklós Horthy, Regent of Hungary and Kunó Klebelsberg, Minister of Education and Religion. -
Intézménytörténeti források a Debreceni Református: Szerkesztette Szabadi István, (Kiadványok a Debreceni Református Kollégium fennállásának 475. évfordulója tiszteletére I.) Tiszántúli Református Egyházkerület, Debrecen, 2013, 1608 oldal
241-244Views:112Intézménytörténeti források a Debreceni Református - recenzió
67-91Views:86The Stipendium Bernardinum in Utrecht, founded in 1761, played an important role in the history of Hungarian students’ university studies in the Netherlands in the 20th century. Many Hungarian theologians have been awarded scholarships. Imre Forró was admitted to Utrecht after completing his theological studies in Debrecen. He spent first three years in Utrecht, and then applied for and won another year of scholarship from the scholarship committee to continue his research. The present paper examines several aspects of Forró’s student years: his studies, his student life at the time, and the research work he began in the 1930s, and the history of the Hungarian peregrination to Franeker. Each life story is unique, yet the studies and daily lives of the students abroad share many similarities.
Szögi László: A pécsi felsőoktatás intézményeinek hallgatói (1714) 1782–1852: (Felsőoktatástörténeti kiadványok, új sorozat 12.) (A pécsi egyetemi könyvtár kiadványai 15.) Pécs-Budapest, 2016, 360 lap
143-145Views:136Szögi László: A pécsi felsőoktatás intézményeinek hallgatói (1714) 1782–1852 - recenzió
Holland díszdoktorok a debreceni egyetemen a két világháború között
Views:185A debreceni egyetem a két világháború között három alkalommal adományozott díszdoktori címet holland
tudósoknak vagy közéleti személyeknek. Az adományozás mindig valamilyen fontos eseményhez kapcsolódott
(gyermekmentő akció, speyeri birodalmi gyűlés, Református Kollégium 400 éves jubileuma). A jelöltek
kiválasztásában két fontos tényező játszott szerepet: protestáns kötődésük és/vagy Magyarország iránt tanúsított
jóindulatuk. A díszdoktori címnek hét, a tiszteletbeli professzori díjnak nyolc holland kitüntetettje
volt a két világháború között.